Girl from work:


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Well there is this girl at work. I know I have asked this before. However I decided not to pursue females at work. However the situation has changed. This one girl got fired. So I was thinking of calling her up. However I haven't got her permission. Any ideas? She touches me a lot when at work. So I know she likes me. I never asked for her phone. So any way I could call her up without sending the wrong message. Normally you would ask for the phone number, but she is gone.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Pursuing girls at work is fine. Especially if it's just a temporary job for ****s and giggles. The only thing to keep in the back of your mind, is that keeping things fresh with this girl is going to be tough. Most of my run ins with girls at work have been one night stands, or booty calls at most.

My question is, why try to pursue a girl that is so out of your way? A girl touches you the right way and you run right for her, even after she quit her job? Come on bro, you're aspiring to be a DJ right? Theres plenty of fish in the water and running after one just because she rubbed you the right way is a hassle, and desperate. She will sense when you call her that you suddenly just gathered the balls to call her for some reason. I mean do what you want, but if I were you it'd just be easier to pursue the other girls you work with (if they're cute of course:))


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Why I pursued her

Because I don't want my relationship with girls outside, to affect my relationship at work. If it screws up outside of work, then there will be problems at work.