Girl Friends Help You Get Laid


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
Reaction score
I'm a dude and I have a ton of girl friends. In fact, most of my friends are girls. Sure, it's nice to hang out with the guys and drink some beer/watch the game. But at the end of the day, your buddies are out looking for the same thing you are. My girlfriends on the other hand, they have a ton of connections to hot chicks. I can't tell you how many times my girl friends have opened doors for me (or should I say legs? :yes: ). Plus, I don't have to worry about competing with any of my buddies when it comes to bangin' some new hotty.

Now I'm not going to lie, sometimes having girl friends has its disadvantages.. but you just have to learn to turn it around and use it to your advantage. Whenever we go out to eat, they gossip the entire time. However, I've learned to use this to my advantage. For example, they'll talk about how so and so is unhappy in her relationship, or how so and so is looking for some action off the side, or how so and so wants to take a break from her relationship to "explore." You know who the first dude is that gets that information? ME. I've got a huge upper hand when it comes to that crap and let me tell you, it's worked like a charm. Don't be afraid to have platonic relationships with females. It took me a long time to figure out that they're often the "gatekeepers." They'll put in a good word for you or introduce you and then from there on out, it's up to you. After you've been introduced so many times, you'll start making more female friends and they'll introduce you to their hot friends. It's never ending.

Whenever we go out to the bar, I look like a damn pimp with all of my girl friends but believe it or not, it actually helps. The reason being, most women want what they can't have.. this means I get approached more often or that I'll get the "stare down" a lot more. Once I break the ice and let them know that I'm single and not actually dating any of my girl friends , it almost always results in me getting her number.


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
Two types of friends. I think DeAngelo said it, but you can confirm it from the field.

Those that said LJBF and those that are friends. How they talk about you to others will be way different. Having female friends around helps a lot your game. Even having a girl with you attracts a ton of attention from women.

Point in case. 11pm. Car with two guys and two girls pulls to a lone girl on the street. The girl gets in and we drive her across the river. She'd never do it if there was two guys or 1 guy or four guys, but presence of two girls in the car helped.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
i hang out with a lot of girls too but they do nothing to help the cause and generally try to make it worse. I got a phone number in one of my chick "friends" and I got a dirty look. This girl was nice, and pretty good looking too!

some chicks might help, but I find they are awful at setting up so I never count on them. Its good practice not to count on others for ones success anyway..


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
I believe it's important to have platonic female friends.

I have a few myself, two of them are hot 9's. Whenever we hang out it's a big confidence booster,
I'll notice other beautiful women checking me out with the hamster in their head going "damn he's with
that gorgeous chick...he must be awesome...perhaps I should introduce myself."