Girl frets about hair, now she won't even communicate with me

Poison Dart

New Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Hello All!

I am needing help in something, I know I most likely went AFC and blew it, but let me detail everything first.

I met this girl online, though I'd see her before, she works at a local retail establishment. We started texting via cell phone for the past week. She even told me to come by her place of work and see her, which I did a couple of times. She's on vacation with her folks this weekend, though she did text me Friday evening (our texting usually happens anywhere the area of 10pm-1am).

Yesterday she texted me around lunch time and told me she had gotten a haircut and it was bad, she said she had bangs. I told her it couldn't be that bad, joking that I had bangs too. After a couple of back and forth texts I told her that I'll check it out when she got back. She responded with an "ok".

I then texted her asking if she was having a good time, no response.
I said I'd catch her later in the day, no response.
I texted her a few times last night, no response.

I am pretty frustrated at the situation. I told her that it couldn't be that bad, thinking the hair deal may have done it. I'm not sure, I am pretty hacked that I make one little misstep and it's all blown.

I am 29 (she's 23, by the way), and my success with women has been dismal. People keep telling me that "it will happen", but I know that if I don't change my ways, it'll be tougher. I read the forum often, and appreciate everyone's input.

Any help with this would be appreciated.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
Its only been like 1 day! Quit overanalyzing. Either her phones dead, shes out of range, hasn't had time, or is banging some random guy. Has nothing to do with her hair. Dont be so clingy.

Poison Dart

New Member
Apr 3, 2007
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woods said:
Its only been like 1 day! Quit overanalyzing. Either her phones dead, shes out of range, hasn't had time, or is banging some random guy. Has nothing to do with her hair. Dont be so clingy.
Thanks. That's why I mentioned the AFC part. I'm trying to get over crap like that.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
She's on a weekend vacation...she's probably out having fun. Your comment about her insecurity over her haircut was NOT anything she would have been bothered by. You weren't being mean and you weren't being a suck up. If any girl would overreact to that you wouldn't want her anyhow. Just give it time and let her enjoy her vacation without getting all whack.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Probably the most devastating and unnerving enemy AFCs have is the overanalyzation of everything that say or do.
In order for you to succeed, you must stop the dmaging behavior once and for all.
Don't get into the mantra of beating yourself up and over analyzing EVERY LITTLE THING. It will hurt you bad. It will come back and bite you in the ass, She will see right through it, guys.
Doubting yourself creates more self doubt. More self doubt will turn you into a stuttering, insecure, awkward AFC.
UNDERSTAND, that if THERE IS a HIGHER INTEREST LEVEL in HER (above 55%) SHE WANTS YOU TO WIN HER OVER. She is hoping you have the goods.
Learn just what the "goods" are, and HAVE THEM READY!
Couple of rules:

Reward good behavior, punish bad behavior.
Don't do any more than she needs.
Don't be her butler, or slave.
Listen to her, but be watchful of "friend zone" signals.
Maintain her knowledge of you that you are trying to be her suitor, her lover, not a "friend". Resist all temptation to give in and be a "friend". Walk away if you have to.

Overanalyzing erodes confidence.
Low self esteem and low confidence will make them RUN AWAY FROM YOU.

Another rule:
Make some "girl Friends" in your social network.
Work on girls that you know are involved in relationships or you are not into.
Learn how to talk to women by using (no, not "Using" them, you know what I mean) them as support.
(don't ask advice though, just learn how to be comfortable around women)

WOmen can tell when you're starving for them.
They know that you haven't been around women a lot.
They can tell.
Sad, isn't it?

Then you shouldl use this to motivate you and get off your ass and start talking to women.

Do it.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
That is what you get for being a text pest - ignored!!!!!!!!

Quit texting and start communicating!!!!!

Poison Dart

New Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Wyldfire: Thanks. I now realize that I was being paranoid, closed minded, and selfish. Not cool and something I will resolve (I don't want to say that I'll try to resolve it, this is something that must be resolved, hence I will do it).

Interceptor: I was at a club when I read your message, and it was a big motivator. I really had fun! I got to talking to and flirting with a 38-year old and her friend. She tried to make me buy her a drink, I wouldn't. My friend bought both of them one, and they pretty much snubbed him. I wasn't perfect, but it was a good start IMHO.

I have some "girl friends", I met a few of them in the past year. I never had any "girl friends" in high school or earlier in college, and I have learned from them, plus it's pretty cool to get a female's input on things.

I realize that my inexperience is a disadvantage, and it shows. I am still working on the "goods" part, that's always been something I've been trying to "get".

Last Man Standing: When she gave me her number, she told me she preferred to text instead of talk over the phone. I see her and talk to her face-to-face at her work place.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
Poison Dart said:
...Yesterday she texted me around lunch time and told me she had gotten a haircut and it was bad, she said she had bangs. I told her it couldn't be that bad, joking that I had bangs too. After a couple of back and forth texts I told her that I'll check it out when she got back. She responded with an "ok".

I then texted her asking if she was having a good time, no response.
I said I'd catch her later in the day, no response.
I texted her a few times last night, no response.
Never make a career out of asking a girl for a date, breakfast, bed, or whatever. It takes 2 seconds, not 2 weeks. Girls like a guy that is confident, and a confident guy asks a girl out if he likes her. He doesn't text message her for 20 years. So in her mind you are either a) not confident (if you are not confident in yourself, why should she have any confidence in you? )
or b) not attracted to her or perhaps gay


Don Juan
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Poison Dart said:
Hello All!

I am needing help in something, I know I most likely went AFC and blew it, but let me detail everything first.

I met this girl online, though I'd see her before, she works at a local retail establishment. We started texting via cell phone for the past week. She even told me to come by her place of work and see her, which I did a couple of times. She's on vacation with her folks this weekend, though she did text me Friday evening (our texting usually happens anywhere the area of 10pm-1am).

Yesterday she texted me around lunch time and told me she had gotten a haircut and it was bad, she said she had bangs. I told her it couldn't be that bad, joking that I had bangs too. After a couple of back and forth texts I told her that I'll check it out when she got back. She responded with an "ok".

I then texted her asking if she was having a good time, no response.
I said I'd catch her later in the day, no response.
I texted her a few times last night, no response.

I am pretty frustrated at the situation. I told her that it couldn't be that bad, thinking the hair deal may have done it. I'm not sure, I am pretty hacked that I make one little misstep and it's all blown.

I am 29 (she's 23, by the way), and my success with women has been dismal. People keep telling me that "it will happen", but I know that if I don't change my ways, it'll be tougher. I read the forum often, and appreciate everyone's input.

Any help with this would be appreciated.

next time u text or woteva, go straight 2 da point, u dont hav 2 ask how she going, hell u hav'nt even met, put a place, time ect.

2 da point!!!

get it

u can sart talk'n personal wen u with her in person...makes sence!!!

& if all else fails, she a'nt worth u'r time, who's in control? u or her?

tink u need 2 read mor of diss site


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
java01 said:
tink u need 2 read mor of diss site
i tink u need 2 take sum englishes lesson b4 u post stoopid shiat lik diss.
