girl confusing me please lend a fellow some advice


New Member
Jul 16, 2003
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Ok heres the deal I met this gal a while back. We went on the first date we kissed and she kissed me back. Shes all the time calling me wanting to come and see her and hang out. Saturday she told me after we had watched a movie that she did not want to lead me on and that she was kind of dating somone and that was serious but it was not serious. She also told me that she did not want me thinking it was something when it was not. I told her I just want to date and that I don't want anything too serious. Basically shes telling me one thing she wants and doing the opposite we have not hung out any more since then. I kind of belive she may keeping me on reserve if it dont work out with the other guy. any advice from the fellow duan juans out there? :confused: about the way shes acting has anyone had a gal to act like this?


GTS Jeff

Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
St. Pete, FL
Originally posted by electricbluescat
Ok heres the deal I met this gal a while back. We went on the first date we kissed and she kissed me back. Shes all the time calling me wanting to come and see her and hang out. Saturday she told me after we had watched a movie that she did not want to lead me on and that she was kind of dating somone and that was serious but it was not serious. She also told me that she did not want me thinking it was something when it was not. I told her I just want to date and that I don't want anything too serious. Basically shes telling me one thing she wants and doing the opposite we have not hung out any more since then. I kind of belive she may keeping me on reserve if it dont work out with the other guy. any advice from the fellow duan juans out there? :confused: about the way shes acting has anyone had a gal to act like this?

i think u played all the cards right up til the point where u said "i want to date you." that is when u gave her control. think about it, she couldnt have given u that whole "i dont wana lead u on" speech if u hadnt said "i want to date you."

trust your instincts with this one. ditch her, cuz she isnt giving u the respect u deserve.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by electricbluescat
Basically shes telling me one thing she wants and doing the opposite
WHAT!!!!, get the phuck out, why would she do that?

but seriously, have you read the dj bible?
anyway, for starters enough with the "talking" to this b!tch about "relationships" and where you 2 stand with each other blah blah blah.
what she says means ABSOLUTELY nothing as long as you keep her panties moist, understand?
so all this talk about you, her , sorta seeing someone, its bollocks
that stops straight away, ALWAYS keep the convos light and fun, once she starts that sh!t cut her off with something smartarse.

on a side note of course you feel like shes keeping you in "reserve" just in case, we ALL are in reserve until we prove our worth to her.

and again read the DJ bible


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I've got the same thing pretty much with one girl right now. She cornered me last week with the "Where do u think we are right now" ****. Right then I was ready to drop her. And yea she said she's seeing other people too. Well, you know what, I may be on her reserve list, but she's also on mine. Just this weekend I met another girl with a much higher IL. Plus this new girl isn't as confusing as the other. I may decide to put the first girl into the friend pile and see how she deals with it. Honestly though, I wouldn't really mind that.

Don't forget the power balance here. Reality must always be saying that you are the one in control . Another thing is to remember that girls' words aren't to be taken literally. Your ******** translator must always be on. Lastly, don't forget to keep meeting more prospects.

The truth of the matter is that when one girl gives us any sort of a hard time we are better equipped to handle it knowing we have other girls to date. G'luck, I'm out.


New Member
Jul 16, 2003
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re girl is confusing me

she started saying all of that stuff before i said i wanted to date.
i told her i wanted to date and by date i meant nothing serious
and i told her that i wanted nothying serious. i dont belive she knows what she wants and shes just playing mind games with me.
on a brigther note i got another girls number sunday.
