i think it`s definitely number 2. It's not number 1, bc when people cull you fromt their facebook they just cut you as a friend, they won't actually block you. The only time they block you is when (1) they REALLY don't like you or (2) they like you so much that they have to delete all memory of you. Since you guys only went on one date, it's definitely not the latter reason here.
I would normally have concluded that you guys hit it off really well over
text but then when she met you she didn't like how you looked or your personality. No offense OP and I have no idea what you look like, but knowing women like I do it was most probably due to your looks. However, bc she msged you after the date this leads me to believe that maybe she was on the fence after the date and your text msging sealed the deal for her and led her to cut you off. Maybe she kinda liked you but sensed your lukewarm responses to her after the date and she decided to get you back? On the other hand, the fact that you're still thinking about her 5 months later leads me to believe that something about your actions or words must have told her that you may be a clingy guy who will be very persistent and she blocked you on fb to send a clear message to you that she was not interested in even being friends with you much less dating you.
More facts here would be required to get a better sense of what happened. But bottom line is that women are cold and ruthless, and your best option is to try not to make sense out of why they act crazy like they do. Just forget about her and let her wreak havoc in some other guy's life