Girl at work


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Shes a beautiful blonde with a very nice body and i would really like to go out with her.Everytime i work with her i just try and work my game but im not sure if its working.Theres a lot of kino going on between us and shes always trying to jump on my back for a piggyback ride.Anyway i asked her to go do something sometime first by asking her wht she will be doing later in the night.What i have in mind is bowling or maybe a movie since we have a pretty good relationship.When i ask her to go out she says you always wait until the last minute and that im ****ing around with her(laughing at the same time).After letting her know that im very serious and to "let me know when you have free time to do something" all she says is alright.What would you do in my situation? i want to build a better relationship with this girl and hopefully bang her.This sucks and i hope i change before March 8th which is my birthday(19).Never been on a date and still a virgin and never been kissed damn im a dumbass
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Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Dont be a retard and stop thinking of sarging women at work.

Dont **** where you eat!

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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Just remember. If she rejects you then your gonna be forced to see her everyday. I learned this lesson the hard way. I got rejected by a chick at work and her desk was right next to me! So I had to work next to her everyday for 2 months until I got a different job.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Who cares if she works with you - you have more problems than that right now - you need to get a kiss and fast....Ask her out with plans already made and have an alternative back up plan ahead of time....if she keeps refusing to go then forget about her and move on. Don't waste time, your birthday is coming up in a few weeks!

I personally would have tried to kiss her if she was jumping on my back and being in a playful mood - when girls are in a playful mood they are ready and most often willing to kiss! Go for it, but don't be overly eager and try to swallow her whole on your first kiss, a gentle lasting kiss will suffice.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
dude if shes jumping on your back for piggy back rides....
take that as a clue....i think she's interested

just ask her out for a normal date----- And shes right, dont wait until the last minute. Like maybe u see her Mon or Tues ask her to go hang out on Sat

Forget the movie or bowling idea --- come up with sumthin more creative... somethin that involves u 2 conversing for at least a few hours



Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
She doesnt refuse to go with me she just says you wait until the last minute and that she is already doing something with her girls in that night.Sometimes she even says ive been awake for like three days and im just going to kick it at home and go to sleep(she says the exstacy is doing this to her).Even if she does reject me i dont mind ill still be her friend.My problem is some days i have the balls to ask her to do something and other days i dont.Im trying to eliminate this so i can be a closer friend and maybe even a **** friend.I dont have any idea where to go for a date.Do you guys have any clever things to say to her


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by intraining
She doesnt refuse to go with me she just says you wait until the last minute and that she is already doing something with her girls in that night.Sometimes she even says ive been awake for like three days and im just going to kick it at home and go to sleep(she says the exstacy is doing this to her).Even if she does reject me i dont mind ill still be her friend.My problem is some days i have the balls to ask her to do something and other days i dont.Im trying to eliminate this so i can be a closer friend and maybe even a **** friend.I dont have any idea where to go for a date.Do you guys have any clever things to say to her
Its is as clear as a BLUE SKY that your game is AFC, even if you DO kiss this girl or even LAY her, chances are that you WILL it up within a short time and she will be left bitter with, and cos you dumbass work with her then your life will get even MORE miserable!

IMO taking piggy back rides on you is like "hi ****head wonna carry me around?
She hasnt shown you any IOIs and she always seems to not want to hang out with you... kiss her and she will slap you in the face... then your boss might take her side and good bye work "intraining" with a bad reference to follow!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by intraining
Its hopeless
It is if she keeps telling you and you don't get it. If this girl's at ALL sociable, she already MAKES plans in advance because she's not going to sit around waiting for you. If you're going to set a date, make plans 3 or 4 days in advance. If you do this and she still turns you down once or twice, then move on.

Next you have to get around this "never been kissed" stigma. What are you worried about, what other people will think? "Hahahahaha he's 19 and never had a kiss!" I was a virgin till 24. Big deal. I'm not saying it's wrong for you to want a kiss, but stop behaving like your life somehow hinges on hooking up with this girl...she's just a girl. :)

Oh, and there ARE a host of complications that occur as a consequence of dating the girl you work with. At any rate, try to keep public displays of affection out of the professional environment.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
My life is not all about getting her to kiss me im just saying i would like to kiss a girl before something really bad happens to me or somethin.I would like to experience these things before its to late.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by intraining
My life is not all about getting her to kiss me im just saying i would like to kiss a girl before something really bad happens to me or somethin.I would like to experience these things before its to late.
Stop being a pussi. get out there and hit the clubs/bars/malls and approach HBs there. Forget your one itis and let her be.

You sound like your a deathrow dude, if you are not then quit being a pussi!


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Im just saying i dont want to get older and older and not have these things happen to me because i am a *****.Its just to hard for me especially after being rejected so many damn times.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Im just saying i dont want to get older and older and not have these things happen to me because i am a *****.Its just to hard for me especially after being rejected so many damn times.

Awww, poor baby. Do you want a hug? :(

NO ONE goes through life without getting rejected. It is a FACT. You think it is hard sarging a chick at work, try cold approaches. You are guaranteed to be rejected.

Now even if you want to have a fulfilling relationship, or be a player, or even be successful in life, you WILL be rejected MILLIONS of times.

With this knowledge, you can either put a shotgun to your head and end it all, or STAND UP AND BE A MAN. To paraphase the words of TD:

Men throughout history had to face far more terrifying things than to be rejected by a girl. You can either GRAB YOUR BALLS AND RISK GETTING REJECTED or let evolution weed out your weak ass genes.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Ehh nevermind ill just move on to someone else.Might be better to not try and get a girl from work but she looks so damn good.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
It seems like her il raised when i told her that i wasnt born here.She asked me all these questions about where i grew up and stuff.Theres a whloe lot of kino going on between us and she already pointed out that she likes to work with me.So what do you guys think about her il level?.She always asks me when i step in for my shift if i missed her.Does anyone know any clever things to say to her.Im having such a hard time its been a long time since ive pursed a girl.Shes quiting so i wont have to worry about having to see her everyday if she rejects me.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not even going to read this post. It needs to be said in the DJ bible not to date women from work.

With all the free and available women out there why would anyone sign up for this kind of trouble?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
In-training, you are going to have to get yourself out of training and make one final move to get this girl - her leaving her job is an excellent opportunity for you to make your move.

Ask her out to have a 'going away' celebration with just the two of you present and go for the kiss before the night is over and then on your date tell her that you would be interested in seeing her since you would no longer be seeing her at work and imply that you would like to do so romantically only and not as friends.

See how she responds...she already knows that you like her and she did not take you up on your offer, so don't expect too much - but make sure that you don't show any emotional pain if she rejects your offer - be lighthearted and gregarious and have a nonchalant and an "I'm fine with whatever happens attitude".

Go for it - what do you have to lose!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
WHO CARES if she works with him?? Ive seen many romances blossom where I work at, it doesnt always mean it will end bitter and nasty , and he has to face her the next Day BIG DEAL! Cry me a river

The girl also has to see Him, How does she handle the awakward moments? by runnign away and cowering?

and dont worry about getting fired, office romances arent looked on favorably, but they arent grounds to get fired


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
i agree with pretty much everyone on this thread.. plus it sounds more like she's a "Buddy" then anything... the goofing around and the piggy back rides and all CAN be playful romantically..but it sounds more like she's just wanting to be pals with ya...u've given her every hint now..she would've taken u up on the offer already...the fact that she just ignores the situation and plays it off as a joke is just her way of avoiding it without hurting ur feelings...soudns harsh..but true... a chicks got her mind made up right away..tyring to press her and convince her is only gonna piss her off and really lead to a horrible situation....but good luck anyway with it dude...