Gf wants to wait a year


New Member
Sep 3, 2009
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Okay so i've been in a relationship with this girl for 8 months now and its been great. She tells me she misses and loves me all the time and also wants to hang out everyday.

The only problem is that we haven't had intercourse yet. Now I believe that I escalated pretty well because even though we haven't had sex we have gone to 3rd base. She lets me finger/oral her and she'll give me handjobs/*******s pretty much every time we hang out. So what I need advice on is how to transition from foreplay to sex

Some other info about her is that she's a virgin, and she says the reason she wants to wait is because of religion, she doesn't want to feel like a slut, she always had a set date in mind, etc. Also she has read The Game and knows that I read it as well.

Now I've been searching around but the only information I've found is about how to get the f-close starting from the beginning. I haven't been able to find information this deep into a relationship so any info would help.

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Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
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LOL a relationship of 8 months and no sex? WHAT!?

She misses and loves you but will not let you penetrate her? lol ok...

There are two things you can do in your position that would most likely work.

Firstly, try push through her BS religious anti-slvt defense by getting her worked up sexually with foreplay and keep trying to put your **** inside her lol. If she says 'no', agree with her 'yeah I understand' but keep up the foreplay and try again a few minutes later.

If she doesn't give it up after an hour or whatever, put your clothes back on and tell her you are feeling tired. Get up and walk out of the room without saying anything else or listening to her protests, unless she outright tells you to fvck her right then. Your phone should be blowing up at this point. She might say 'ok ok I will have sex with you' - in that case go back to her house and fvck her. If she makes up some bullsh1t excuse again you get up and walk out again without saying a word or getting angry.

Then you cut off contact with her for a few days or so after she shut down your advances for sex and then tell her you can't see the relationship working and it's best that you move on to a more reasonable girlfriend. This should bring her back around and willing to prove herself without the bullsh1t tests.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
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dumbsheet said:
Wouldn't that put a lot of pressure on her?
Yeah, that's kinda the point.

You're giving her a choice:

a) She can give up her 'gold plated' pvssy and stupid tests and you get on with your relationship, this time with what YOU want from her (ie. p00n).

b) Or she can give up your relationship and you know you made the right choice anyway by giving up this cold fish that won't let you go all the way with her. And she 'luuurrrvsss' you remember? :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
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mustfirstregister said:
If you are young and don't care about waiting. Fine, do it.
He's waited/wasted 8 MONTHS with this prude - that is long enough. It's time to step up and take what he wants.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
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British Columbia, Canada
8 months is a long time to wait. Even if she is a virgin.

Try eating her out, it may help. Also let her know that she doesn't need to feel like a slut for having sex with you. And if she still doesn't give it, then why are you with her?

Any woman who thinks that if she has sex then she's a slut has issues. Set date and religion? Give me a break.

I bet you if Brad Pitt wanted to have sex with her, all that set date and religion bullsh1t would go out the window.

Why would you tell her you've read The Game?


Aug 30, 2007
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let her wait for a wait but don't wait,just continue dating and *****ng with other girls.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
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dumbsheet said:
So what I need advice on is how to transition from foreplay to sex
There are two different ways:

You can "force" the sex like katatonia said. It may work, but may have side effects as well, she may have remorse afterwards, etc.

Or you can follow the only effective way to influence others, and make her want to have real sex with you. Her negative thoughts are the problem, therefore you have to turn her brain off and turn her body on.

If I were you I would do something like this:

- Get out of reach for a week or so. You don´t have to freeze her out but prepare yourself for your exams, go on holiday without her, be sick, etc. After that arrange a "date".
- Don´t mention what you plan to do.
- Make sure that you won´t get disturbed for a couple of hours.
- Make her feel confortable with music, lights, drinks, etc.
- Give a full body massage (slip is still on?).
- Play the "you don´t know where I´m gonna touch you next" game. It goes like this:

If you are a bit stronger than her than hold her wrist above her head. If not, you can bind them together, or bind to the bed, but not too strong. She must be able to free her hands if she wants. She has to close her eyes, or you can bind them as well. And follow the steps under in the following order (or similar):


1. slowly caress - she knows where your hands are next, keep your hands away from her pvssy
2. "jumping" caress - she doesn´t know where your hands are next, keep your hands away from her pvssy
3. you may short touch her pvssy
4. make her feel your breath on her pvssy, but don´t kiss it
+1 bind her wrists and get rid of the slip
5. kiss her pvssy
6. oral sex without orgasm
7. oral sex with orgasm

Talk to her! Tell her what you are doing and what you are going to do next! Do sometimes something totally different.

You may skip some steps or repeat as often as you want, but you have to make sure she never knows what comes next.

You can use massage oil, ice-cube in your mouth, etc. to do it up..

After that fvck her (tenderly), without asking her for permission. If she doesn´t want it, A) you did´something wrong or B) she is a conservative **** -> next her!

But to tell the truth I hardly belive that you come to the step 7. She will ripp her bondage off and fvck your brain out befor getting that far.

Good luck man!

I almost forgot: and report how it worked!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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Hey man, I had a girlfriend for 2 years who wanted to wait. We ended up going out for 2 years and then she dumped me before her "waiting period for sex" was up. So I waited 2 years and didn't get to fuk her.

I should have dumped her the first day she said she wanted to wait. During those 2 years I had turned down two twins who wanted to have a 3 some. I turned down atleast 15 girls. I turned down my teachers who wanted to ****. I had so much opportunity that I've turned down over some stupid girl.

The girl ended up loosing her virginity to some dushebag who she met one time.

So my advice is.

Dump that little delusional bytch who thinks her ***** is worth more than you. The truth is you have the testicles that hold millions of sperm. Your the one who's worth more not her.

So dump her and don't waste anymore of your life.

Don't even try to take it. Don't even force it. Just dump her and move on. She will ask why you dumped her and you better tell her the truth. Tell her " I dumped you because you won't have sex. and I'm a man I need sex. "