GF Lied to my face


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
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Havent been here in a while. I need help again. Here goes...

My GF of almost a year got a text message and opened it up in front of me. She didnt realize I saw who it was from, an ex boyfriend of hers. I asked who it was and she lied to my face saying another friend. I let it go and planned to bring it up later on

About an hour later she comes clean and tells me who it really was and that she lied because she didnt want me to think shes seeing or talking to him.

I told I'm not mad because I trust her and went home. I then call her - She then sounds upset and I can tell she cried when I left.

Man, I dont know what to do? Im not mad just feel uneasy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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GolfGuru said:
I told I'm not mad because I trust her and went home. I then call her - She then sounds upset and I can tell she cried when I left.

Man, I dont know what to do? Im not mad just feel uneasy.

A) Find out why she was crying. The real reason, let her say it without sugarcoating it.

B) If A was a legitimate reason, make sure you let her know subtly that even though her intentions were good that a lie is still a lie and you don't stand for it.

C) Have her make it up to you for lying about the text (hopefully she isn't screwing behind your back and that lie isn't a big one). By taking you out for dinner and then give you one hell of a good time in bed.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
Did you ask her "who" it was because you already happen to see?

or do you routinely ask her these type of questions..?

i wouldnt get in the habit of asking these type of questions, reason being, even if you are just "casually" asking, it comes off as insecure.

THIS may be the reason why she felt the need to lie to you about it. if she thinks you are uncapable of handling her ex bf texting her "OUT OF THE BLUE', then she is going to make it as least an issue as possible.

im not justifying her actions, simply clarifying them..

i agree with Damage,

imake it clear to her that you dont "appreciate" her honesty, but EXPECT IT.

nothing less.

above all else, state your postion, make a decision to forgive or not to forgive, and let it go or move on..

nothing can be worse than second guessing her every move, drilling her about the ex, etc.

make a decision , believe it, stick with it

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
I'm sorry to hear that buddy.

You need to bring this up with her in a constructive way, I've always been a firm believer that if you're going to make a relationship work, trust and communication are extremely important.

It's a good thing that you trust her to some degree but right now I think the communication is lacking since you're struggling so much with this.

The only real solution is that you need to sit down with her and hammer out this entire thing.

Be understanding, don't blame her, don't yell at her, just work WITH her and really see how the two of you can move past this.

Good luck buddy!



Don Juan
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
I'd say break it off with her - not permanent mind you. Do a mock break off, knowing she will probably come groveling back to you.

Mess with her head - tell her she is a rotten liar and will probably go to heck for it even if she "apologizes for it" - trust me, she deserves some psychological bashing from you for that - that was a major lie and it disrespected a dj.

Tell her she has to make it up to you with some sexual thing, and if it isn't good, it is over.

She needs to be put in line because what she did is b.s., and she shouldn't get away with it with a lame apology so easily.

P.S. if she is crying - duh she probably got porked by her ex??? you know this already buddy!


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
You shouldn't be trusting her now, since she lied to you. Even if it was a small lie, or she thought it was in your best interests, she is still able to lie to your face. She can't be trusted.

She could always have cried because she thought you were mad at her, or maybe she was acting a little bit to get sympathy. Maybe there's something up with the ex boyfriend. Maybe the ex did something else to her face...

She didn't want you to think she was seeing or talking to him. Well, she obviously is talking to him.

You need to let her know (verbally or indirectly) that's it's not OK to lie to you. She disrespected you. Get out and date other women.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
She's your girlfriend. I firmly believe if you are in a relationship you have to be 100 percent honest about everything. If none of you can do that then the relationship is not worth it unless you guys sit down and talk about it if you two really like each other all that much.

Cowboy 556

New Member
Aug 5, 2008
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the 18inches of ground I'm standing on
just because you ask a question dosent make you insecure and if she lied its because theres a reason . if your in a commited relationship with her why is she talking to her ex ?if it was inosent whyed she cry ? look I dont know the spicifics of your relationship but if you havent kicked her ass why would she be afraid to tell you and if she's not playing games why'd she cry follow your instincts not what you wanna beilive look at the whole picture


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"I need help again."


"My GF of almost a year got a text message and opened it up in front of me. She didnt realize I saw who it was from, an ex boyfriend of hers. I asked who it was and she lied to my face saying another friend. I let it go and planned to bring it up later on

About an hour later she comes clean and tells me who it really was and that she lied because she didnt want me to think shes seeing or talking to him."

She wanted you to see who it was from, she disrespects you that deeply and felt like throwing it in your face.

"I told I'm not mad because I trust her and went home. I then call her - She then sounds upset and I can tell she cried when I left."

She was crying because she is guilty.

She deepthroated her ex to the hilt of his balls until she couldn't press her face into his body any longer, she then choked and gagged gasping for oxygen and she loved every minute of it and the thrill of the thought that she might get found out or better yet you might possibly walk in on them both and see her doing this, the thought of this probably caused her to go over the edge into a violent whole body shaking uncontrollable orgasm.

Then he fvcked her in the ass over and over again before blasting huge sticky wads of cvm all over her face.

After maybe they kissed without cleaning the cvm off first (people are kinky these days) and held eachother for a long time talking about how much they love eachother and want to be together soon but how your girl wants to be sure and wants to get things ready (this means find a comfortable way to ditch you) and then she will be with him for good when the time is right.

"Man, I dont know what to do?"

Dump that b!tch.

"Im not mad just feel uneasy."

Your primitive flight or fight instinct is warning you of danger.

This instinct is also referred to as the "gut instinct" on this forum.

Listen to it and get yourself out of danger.

Dump that b!tch. :yes:
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
he's not going to listen to anyone's advice

AFC's like him are a special breed

they INFECT forums like this pretending to ask for advice, and when they hear the TRUTH (which is what they do not want to hear), they run away like little p*ssies (Like Dash Riprock and lordson, remember how they had issues with their guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurlfriends?) and keep up with their chump act

then, their heart gets broken (see frivolous's new thread a month ago about his gf lying to him the whole time they were together), and THEN they realize that they learned a lesson

these p*ssified little chumps are not interested in valuable advice, they are only interested in learning the hard way

f*ck em, there is no point to help any of them anymore, ever again

I am going to start helping guys with how to get laid - me, nor anyone else, can help these LOSERS stay out of these useless pointless "relationships"

go post on loveshack with your relationship issues you chumps, WE DONT NEED YOU HERE IF YOU DONT LISTEN TO THE GOLDEN ADVICE THAT YOU ARE GIVEN


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
these p*ssified little chumps are not interested in valuable advice, they are only interested in learning the hard way

f*ck em, there is no point to help any of them anymore, ever again
You might be right, but just think of the valuable comedy gold you'd be missing out on!!:woo:

KontrollerX said:
She was crying because she is guilty.

She deepthroated her ex to the hilt of his balls until she couldn't press her face into his body any longer, she then choked and gagged gasping for oxygen and she loved every minute of it and the thrill of the thought that she might get found out or better yet you might possibly walk in on them both and see her doing this, the thought of this probably caused her to go over the edge into a violent whole body shaking uncontrollable orgasm.

Then he fvcked her in the ass over and over again before blasting huge sticky wads of cvm all over her face.

After maybe they kissed without cleaning the cvm off first (people are kinky these days) and held eachother for a long time talking about how much they love eachother and want to be together soon but how your girl wants to be sure and wants to get things ready (this means find a comfortable way to ditch you) and then she will be with him for good when the time is right.
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score

I've been guilty of that before, Im a habitual long term relationship guy. Sometimes it's just hard not to see how they(ex's) are doing, and really in my expierence both ways. The fact that she TOLD you should mean all the difference. Because I've done the same thing to avoid an arguement. She felt guilty and told you.

I mean really. It's like: Your girl went out boozing with her friends all night and didn't tell you and you found out a week later from a bartender, or if she told you the next day when she woke up hung over. One sounds suspicious. The other sounds like someone who has nothing to hide.

Past relationships are touchy and us guys are usually the more guilty party of exploiting them.

Just see what happens man, it doesn't mean she is cheating on you at all as a matter of fact, I would say that should show you she isn't cheating. If she was she would deny all of it till the very end. THAT IS A FACT.

I still have an ex LTR than I talk too every few months because I really just want to know how she is doing, and sometimes I can text her regularly for 4-5days during that time. But I know nothing sexual is there, but I also know that telling my current gf is not a good idea for obvious reasons.

So just see what happens, dont act jealous, or that will just make the chances of her cheating about 100x more real.

And an AFC? Jesus, he sounds like he is just being resonable to me. Dump her for what? Being honest? I dont think he is in a place to tell her who she can and cant talk to, nor is she to him, while there is a certain level of respect that was breached. She at least owned up to it, and was upset about it. Which was more than me and most people would be able to do.

Either way, good luck man, I'm sure it's not as big of a deal as some people are saying it is.