"How can you tell if your Girlfriend is cheating? You usually dont know it until its too late and shes just about to push the eject button on you but it depends what her motives are. For example if the girl your with loves being with you but just wants her cake and eat it too, she wont let you know about it in any way and will cover her tracks or keep her lies in tact making sure you dont find out and end up losing you. If shes looking to branch swing, you wont know at first but then the signs start to show,.. No interest in sex as much with you, Doesnt feel so touchy, gets irritated with you easily, etc. This is not always the case but just some examples depending on the girl. One of the manipulative moves of the female is to break you down in terms of switching situations on your shoulders, for example if you get that gut feeling telling you shes doing some foul play and you start to question certain things, she will immediately turn the tables to avoid her getting caught. Saying things like "OMG you dont trust me!??" or they may even start full blown argument to make you feel like a jerk for even bringing up such a thing. Its never her fault AND if she does get caught? Guess what its still your fault according to her, How? Well you didnt do this and you didnt do that... and you werent this enough or wasnt that enough. ANYTHING to move the blame towards you.
Thats why a man needs to be iron strong at all times because once you go soft, Women like an evil spirit will prowl on the weak and devour your azz. Im telling you, Women can turn on you so badly, you will feel like taking a baseball bat to her chin. If your girl crosses a line, Put her in her place and make her show you some respect."
this is a very good post, i hope i saw this earlier before i got dumped few months back, i would like to hear more posts about when to know about disinterest, or cheating, just so i can recognise the signs, ive learnt alot from this site, thank god i found it.