Getting that "Perfect" body.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
I want to lose fat, and gain muscle mass.

Now, I understand that it takes a lot of dedication. I'm willing to dedicate a few hours at the gym, daily if necessary.

What routine must I follow to lose fat, and gain lean-muscle mass?

I stand at 5' 9'' and weigh 155 lb. My body fat is definately under 18%. I can see my abs on certain days, and some days, it's just fat - for some reason; but regardless of the day, I have to suck up my stomach to look decent.

I want to have ripped abs; visibly strong pecs, biceps, triceps, legs, back, shoulders, etc, with a body fat level below 9%.

Please give me a hand. I'm on path of physical and mental improvement. I'm just asking for assistance in the physical aspect of it.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
Generally speaking, it's widely accepted that you must either bulk or cut. But, I feel that recently my abs have become more visible, and my weight is increasing, so that this is a relatively inaccurate assumption. However, there are plenty of threads about diets and such on this forum. There are plenty of websites about nutrition and nutrient timing. There are TONS of websites discussing workouts and routines and there are TONS of people who will tell you this.

There is no single diet, no single routine, nothing that works for EVERYBODY. It's all a matter of developing a routine based on YOUR goals, YOUR expectations, YOUR limits, YOUR strength etc. We can only assist you in creating your own.
This is my contribution.

**Edit. Didn't you post this exact same thread earlier?***