so I handled the situation, can't say how I did it will go down as my finest hour, and thinking back on it, there were plenty of other routes that I could of chosen...but I didn't and what's done is done.
First I tried to tell here that I thought she wasn't exactly following the guidelines for being a FB and we should probably call the whole thing off. Well thad didn't really sit well as she called several times and sent me multiple text messages explaining how she'll do better to stay within the bounds of a FB. I then told here that I wasn't really interested in having a FB at all, but then she pointed out that if we weren't FB's then we probably wouldn't hang out at all and she didn't want that.
So then I decided to take the low road. I didn't want to have a FB anymore and I really wanted to date that waitress working adjacent to her place of employment, which would be equally difficult concidering the situation. To rectify I decided that I could no longer associate with this girl so I need for her to dislike me. What I did was reveal one of her less flattering moments to my room mate inconfidence of course. Needless to the information was too much for ole b-rad and he told one of our grimier friends who then told just about everyone. The next time I saw her she was swinging mad at me and had some choice words to say to brandon as well.
In any event she calmed down and said despite my betrayal she still loves me to death (very ucharactoristic for a FB wouldn't you say) and she's probably going to call me next week for drinks but is going to think about our "friendship" very carefully for the next few days. She ended up quitting her job because she was too embarrased to show up there anymore, so I actually got to spend some time with the waitress without having to look over my shoulder.
I can't argue with the results but my methodology for handling this one was boarderlinedeplorable. But even an ugly win is a win right?
Again not saying what I did was right but nobody can change the past.