Getting rejected... get over it


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys i don't post alot on here but I thought this could help some people... I post only occassionally but I read alot about this stuff on this website and others just to get a feel for what to do when I am in certain situations. i've dated a few girls in my short lifetime, and the longest relationship was my 1st at about 3 years. I am only 21 years old and have had a few random one night stands here and there. So i'm definatly not what you call a don juan. I'm sure there's plenty of guys out there that are the same way. Recently I've hit a little bit of a dry spell. Things just were not working, everything I did was getting no where. I came apon this quote that made me realize a few things (by the way the quote is very cheesy)....

It won't matter that 10,000 doors might be slammed in your face, Brent, because when door number 10,001 flies open, revealing pathways of jade and gardens of love, with flowers dancing, fountains sparkling, friends blushing, moonbeams beaming, and abundance abounding, you'll completely forget about all the other doors.

This quote although very cheesy says it all about rejection. I realized my problem was not that I was doing things wrong, I was getting rejected by the 1st girl I talked to and called it a night on picking up and would then just get wasted wondering why things sucked so much. Play the numbers fellas and if things don't go your way at 1st... don't worry because the next one might be the best you've ever had.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
I've had problems with rejection for a long time, I've come to grow accustomed to the fact that you can't succeed if you don't risk failure.

I played the stock market a bit last year, I risked some money (money I could live without) and bought Apple (AAPL) shares at $89 a share. What's their stock at now? Hovering around $170. It's no different with women. You risk rejection (a feeling I could live without) and approach those women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
The best way to think of rejection is that it is not any worse than not approaching a chick to begin with.

If you never approach women, the WORST possible outcome is that you don't get laid... and that is also the BEST possible outcome - because you never approach women!

If you do approach women, the WORST possible outcome is STILL not getting laid... but now you've given yourself a decent shot at having an outcome of getting laid.

Never fear rejection.