Median salaries are very misleading.
You need some level of experience combined with luck and talent to make good money. I know a lot of people who have Comp Sci 4-year bachelors degrees and are having a hard time finding work above $30k - $35k a year right out of college. This is especially true of those who never had a job in their lives or a related job to computers.
Now if you worked at a computer tech job somewhere for the next few years part time while getting your degree (even something low like an in-store technician at IQ Crew, Geek Squad, or Comp USA's service center or IT guy for some small company), then you'd probably do much better for yourself out of college cause you'd have a degree + experience, though a 2 year degree is still not as good as a 4 year bachelor degree, and small schools that no one heard of aren't exactly the highest looked upon by prospective employers for the simple reason they never heard of them and don't know if they're tough or just diploma mills.
I'm not saying its a bad field or it won't work out, just don't be disappointed if your first day out of class with no experience someone doesn't offer you a job that pays as much as my dad's engineering job for which he has a masters degree in the field and 15 years of experience. Not saying its not possible just don't expect to finish a 2 year degree and all of a sudden like magic people dropping awesome job opportunities into your lap, especially in an economy in which outsourcing is getting rid of a lot of IT staff not to mention it seems as if everyone and their dog is a "computer guy". And if you do land a job that pays that much fresh out of college you better know its going to be a lot of work.
The Geek Squad Double Agents, for example, get $20-$25 an hour sometimes but they are working like dogs 65+ hours a week. I imagine that IT staff in big companies are also worked to the bone if there is only a few of them and they are paid so much. Be especially weary of any jobs that have no over time pay and are salary based, because a salaried position usually means you will have to work longer than a 40 hour work week and you will have no way of getting any extra compensation for it.