Getting more friends and a better reputation.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
At school, most girls see me as the quiet guy, who doesn't talk much, which isn't far from the truth. I want to be the guy that people enjoy having conversations with, who's also confident with himself, has a good reputation, who's also has a good self-image and is good at getting girls.
Right now, I'm very opposite of that, people(especially girls) don't like having conversations with me and think that I'm boring, I don't have a good self-image, I'm very shy and insecure. Part of the reason that I'm shy is that I'm afraid, that if I talk, either no one well really listen/hear me, people will misunderstand me because of my voice or I won't be able to to carry on a conversation that is interesting, this is one of the reasons I'm afraid of approaching girls, as well as making friends.
So, I want to know from you guys, how can I become a more social person, how can I become the "confident, good reputation, good self-image" guy that I described earlier in the post?
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Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
At school, most girls see me as the quite guy, who doesn't talk much, which isn't far from the truth. I want to be the guy that people enjoy having conversations with, who's also confident with himself, has a good reputation, who's also has a good self-image and is good at getting girls. Right now, I can tell that people don't really see as anything more than 'Just another random guy', they don't talk to me unless they want to ask me something, they don't say hi to me even though they know who I am(People RARELY say hi to me) , they know I'm shy and most of this stuff, is my own fault and I plan to change that. So, I want to know from you guys, how can I become a more social person, how can I become the "confident, good reputation, good self-image" guy that I described earlier in the post?
It´s easy: Fvck the hottest chicks around. You will will feel confident and most likely you will have a good self-image. If you help out some guys with connecting them with some of the hot friends of the girls you fvck you will have a good reputation by the the guys. The girls will also like you when they see you being together with the hottest girls (they will be jealous of the girls you fvck but that´s not your problem).

So dude, go and fvck the hot chicks!

As a side note: You don´t need to be the kind of guy you probably have in mind only to fvck hot chicks.



Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Re: Re: Getting more friends and a better reputation.

Originally posted by milkman
It´s easy: Fvck the hottest chicks around. You will will feel confident and most likely you will have a good self-image. If you help out some guys with connecting them with some of the hot friends of the girls you fvck you will have a good reputation by the the guys. The girls will also like you when they see you being together with the hottest girls (they will be jealous of the girls you fvck but that´s not your problem).

So dude, go and fvck the hot chicks!

As a side note: You don´t need to be the kind of guy you probably have in mind only to fvck hot chicks.

Well, it's not only for chicks, I just want an overall better reputation, because the reputation I have now, well, it's kind of non-existant.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Getting more friends and a better reputation.

Originally posted by Viper
Well, it's not only for chicks, I just want an overall better reputation, because the reputation I have now, well, it's kind of non-existant.
Why do you want to have this "reputation". Who do you want to impress?

I could think about ways to get what you are asking for. But before go into yourself and ensure that this whole "reputation thing" is not only an excuse. Again, don´t think you would need such a "reputation" only to get hot chicks.

By the way, one trait many people have who others would call well-reputated is that they don´t think that much what other people think of them.

Slade BR

Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
You have low confidence, I think.

There is an advice that I give to all that ask me "how to improve his social life":

Go to a gym.
Pump iron.
Get big and hot.

You´ll be much confident, and the HB´s will look you differently.

The convos will flow better.

Your social life will get better.

PS: Sorry for poor English.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Getting more friends and a better reputation.

Originally posted by milkman
As a side note: You don´t need to be the kind of guy you probably have in mind only to fvck hot chicks.
If you don't need social proof (or money, looks, or any of that stuff) to fvck hot chicks then why does everyone here say you do?

What do you know that we don't know?


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Slade BR
You have low confidence, I think.

There is an advice that I give to all that ask me "how to improve his social life":

Go to a gym.
Pump iron.
Get big and hot.

You´ll be much confident, and the HB´s will look you differently.

The convos will flow better.

Your social life will get better.

PS: Sorry for poor English.
Yes, going to the Gym is great. But don´t think you have to go the gym before being ready to approach hot chicks. You don´t need the Gym for getting girls, you can go for the girls RIGHT NOW. But beyound, going to the gym is great.

Slade BR

Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by milkman
Yes, going to the Gym is great. But don´t think you have to go the gym before being ready to approach hot chicks. You don´t need the Gym for getting girls, you can go for the girls RIGHT NOW. But beyound, going to the gym is great.
Yeah, I know that.

But if you are not confident, it is very difficult to get this feeling.

It is MUCH more difficult to change from inside for outside, then I recommend that he changes outside for inside.

Of course you don't need Gym to get women, but a nice body gives a confidence boost.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Slade BR
Yeah, I know that.

But if you are not confident, it is very difficult to get this feeling.

It is MUCH more difficult to change from inside for outside, then I recommend that he changes outside for inside.

Of course you don't need Gym to get women, but a nice body gives a confidence boost.
Yes it gives a confident boost, but it also needs some time to get a great body if he should be out of shape.

So he can also get a faster confident boost by getting some hot chick.

Slade, I know where you are coming from and your advise with visiting a gym is great. So I would suggest, visiting a gym and starting to get some hot chicks is the best way.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Why do you want to have this "reputation". Who do you want to impress?

I could think about ways to get what you are asking for. But before go into yourself and ensure that this whole "reputation thing" is not only an excuse. Again, don´t think you would need such a "reputation" only to get hot chicks.

By the way, one trait many people have who others would call well-reputated is that they don´t think that much what other people think of them.
I feel that if I have a reputation, more girls will pay attention to me and I'll be more confident, its stupid I know, but yeah.
You have low confidence, I think.

There is an advice that I give to all that ask me "how to improve his social life":

Go to a gym.
Pump iron.
Get big and hot.

You´ll be much confident, and the HB´s will look you differently.

The convos will flow better.

Your social life will get better.

PS: Sorry for poor English.
Definitely have low confidence. Since there aren't many gyms around here for people my age(Most gyms only let you in if your at least 16) I won't be able to go to the gym neccessarily, however, we do have a few lifting machines downstairs in the basement and I even have a few weights in my room, so I'll definitely lift more.
The reason I'm afraid to approach girls, even more girls I know, is because firstly, thinking I'm a quiet guy, who doesn't really talk, they wouldn't expect it if I came in one day, confidently busting C+F and establishing social proof with them; secondly, I'm afraid that if I try to pull C+F or sound cool, it will come off wrong.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
I feel that if I have a reputation, more girls will pay attention to me and I'll be more confident, its stupid I know, but yeah.

Definitely have low confidence. Since there aren't many gyms around here for people my age(Most gyms only let you in if your at least 16) I won't be able to go to the gym neccessarily, however, we do have a few lifting machines downstairs in the basement and I even have a few weights in my room, so I'll definitely lift more.
The reason I'm afraid to approach girls, even more girls I know, is because firstly, thinking I'm a quiet guy, who doesn't really talk, they wouldn't expect it; secondly, I'm afraid that if I try to pull C+F or sound cool, it will come off wrong.
Haven´t look at your age, you are still very young. You don´t need this C+F. Just go and practicing a bit. Then come back and report about your experiences. And there are no mistakes, there are only experiences. :)


New Member
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, Shy guy!
I'm a girl, So here's some advice from a woman's perspective.

Just be yourself. Try to be a little more out going maybe, and be good at something or have an interest that you strongly enjoy and be involved in it, and make sure people know what you're up to. Also, don't pick some really nerdy activity, like stamp collecting. Play a sport, join a club, or play an instrument. Chics love men with guitars (stay away from flutes, or you'll look like Yanni, which is BAD). Chances, are, you'll meet some girl that also likes those interests or is impressed by them. That will give you something to at least start talking about with a girl. See where it goes from there :)

Good luck. And, your only 15, you have tons of time to figure stuff out.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
At school, most girls see me as the quiet guy, who doesn't talk much, which isn't far from the truth. I want to be the guy that people enjoy having conversations with, who's also confident with himself, has a good reputation, who's also has a good self-image and is good at getting girls.
Right now, I'm very opposite of that, people(especially girls) don't like having conversations with me and think that I'm boring, I don't have a good self-image, I'm very shy and insecure. Part of the reason that I'm shy is that I'm afraid, that if I talk, either no one well really listen/hear me, people will misunderstand me because of my voice or I won't be able to to carry on a conversation that is interesting, this is one of the reasons I'm afraid of approaching girls, as well as making friends.
So, I want to know from you guys, how can I become a more social person, how can I become the "confident, good reputation, good self-image" guy that I described earlier in the post?
I dont talk much, unless i find the need to, why should you. like blabbing with everyone, thats great, ya everyones gonna love me cause i can talk about how its sunny outside with anyone........ whatever floats your boat, if you naturally dont like talking bull****, why try to change that?


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Re: Re: Getting more friends and a better reputation.

Originally posted by RaWBLooD
I dont talk much, unless i find the need to, why should you. like blabbing with everyone, thats great, ya everyones gonna love me cause i can talk about how its sunny outside with anyone........ whatever floats your boat, if you naturally dont like talking bull****, why try to change that?
Social Proof.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Getting more friends and a better reputation.

Originally posted by Viper
Social Proof.
ill just talk just to hear me talk. and the thangs i talk are random thoughts, wut kind of jeans im wearing, why the weather is hot or cold, my past, or just talk about anythang. u got friends u chill wit right? well next time when u guys are just standing around doin nuthin at school. just talk about wutever is in ur mind. i do this all the time. I TALK LOUD too. so the people around me and my friends hear me too. they turn to listen to my bullsh!t, but its really not bull, cuz it got meaning behind. if u can talk to ur friends, then maybe thatll help u talk to others. wit ur friends be the loud one so u can expand.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Getting more friends and a better reputation.

Originally posted by milkman

So dude, go and fvck the hot chicks!
This guy is saying he's too afraid to talk to people, and you're telling him to go out and fvck hot chicks. Brilliant advice.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Getting more friends and a better reputation.

Originally posted by ikkenai
This guy is saying he's too afraid to talk to people, and you're telling him to go out and fvck hot chicks. Brilliant advice.
Just wondering if u think that fvcking hot chicks is more difficult than being a good conversationalist. BTW there is no need to talk a lot to get hot girls.

Slade BR

Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by milkman
Haven´t look at your age, you are still very young. You don´t need this C+F. Just go and practicing a bit. Then come back and report about your experiences. And there are no mistakes, there are only experiences. :)

Perfect. :yes:


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Re: Re: Re: Re: Getting more friends and a better reputation.

Originally posted by milkman
Just wondering if u think that fvcking hot chicks is more difficult than being a good conversationalist. BTW there is no need to talk a lot to get hot girls.
I am going to start calling you turd blossom because obviously you are the foremost expert on fvcking hot chicks on this board. "Just fvck em dude it's so easy you won't even believe it. " That's really insightful. :rolleyes:

I won't say milkman is stupid but he shaves his coinpurse with a machete.

Now back to reality. You have to break the cycle of your reserved, reactive nature. To believe that you're are just a shy person and you really can't do much about it is to relinquish all freedom of choice you have. You not an automaton. The key is to sit down and meditate over what you want out of life and then Work backwards to firgure out how you go about getting it. Make incremental changes and ALWAYS begin with the end--your end--in mind. As for rapport and social proof go to your local bookstore and get Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and Influence people." It is by far the best informational tool available on the subject.