You just gotta do it. Learn self-control. Getting burned and having trust issues actually helps in this regard. You care less, don't push as hard, act more indifferent, have more independence, etc... and now that you DON'T care (as much) - people are starting to show interest in YOU. Of course, you gain this after doing what you THOUGHT would work - only to get blind-sided by reality. Ironic how that works, eh?
People want what they can't have; that which presents strong value, and what they have to "earn". You already know how it works - now you just gotta put it in play. Just make sure you balance it out. Liking someone is good, because you don't not care at all. People like to be liked. Just don't care TOO much, and make sure they're pursuing, wanting to see, and living up to YOUR standards... even if it's all just hot air. That air brings with it a sense of challenge and uncertainty. You like, but don't need them. You're in control, and fine without them.
So, you can (and should) flirt, show some sexual interest, and get the ball rolling - to get them interested in YOU. Just don't go overboard, or act like a needy, over-eager dumbass - even when THEY show interest back... that's their job. Desperation is bad.
You'll find that the girls you ARE interested in are this way, as well. They probably got burned, understood how they acted and what they responded to, learned how the game works, and switched the frame. Now they're the ones with options, being pursued, making the decisions, etc. Nice girls finish last, too - and they're not oblivious to this fact.
It's all a game, but one you gotta play.