getting bookstore babe`s number second time I`ll go there...?

Mad Banana

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
so I was looking for a book, and this hot blonde was checking if they have it in their computer - and it was suppose to be there, but she couldnt find it on the shelfs... we chatted a litle like it was supposed to be there, but she said sometimes its wrong data in a computer... so I asked to check for another book, a she said this one will be for sure, but wasnt, we smiled, and I say thanx bye...

so we had a little eye contact, some smiles, not much

however, she was smoking hot, black jeans and shoirt, big cleavelage, suntanned, round hot breasts...

so I`m thinking going there again, and getting her number

hovever, having not much experience in getting numbers, and in how much small talk/attraction should I best get before asking her...

what would you guys said to her, after next visit to this bookstore?

any ideas from experience how to make this little chat leading to her number?

any sugestions, that would be nice,

I had one idea but too late unfortunatly: I asked her how long will I wait if she orders this book and she said a week, so I could tell her to give me her number - I mean - this shpo number (smiling or grinning to her to let her know I want her nuymber) so ?if I decide to get this book..... blah blah blah, not the best idea + I already found this book elsewhere

Also I could perheps return there, and say that I dont belive in chances/coincidences so I must have gone there for something, and if it wasnt for this book it must have been for her phone number! (but perhaps not just as a starter, but after a while chatting, and I have no idea how to chat her up again... yes I`m new ok)

so, please, ideas, suggestions for me - anything to get me moving IU need a motivation or ideas, thanx!


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
You make it sound difficult, it's not.

After some fluff talk, you tell her:

"Hey, let's go out some time, write down your number here (you give her your cell, or paper and pen... assuming the sale you continue with..) but only with the condition of you not throwing yourself at me, I'm not just a piece of meat you know?!"

"Oh but I have a boyfriend!" ... "That's cool, so do I, we've got a lot in common!"

After/before, you must get 10 other #s, minimum. Re-read the bible.

Good luck, keep us posted.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Another good place to sarge is the grocery store. I couldn't believe how many smoking HBs were present when I was picking up some more protein bars. Probably all picking up ingredients to make their bfs/husbands dinner, but it's worth sarging anyway. As far as what to say, you can make use C+F on what's in their basket or what their selecting. Just careful not to shot down their self-esteem with what their selecting to consume.

ex: "NO, THAT'S NOT HEALTHY FOR YOU!" ......... "I'd try THIS!" anyway get creative with your approach and field test em'.

As far as book store approaches: Juggler has a pickup chapter on it in his e-book. If you're looking for more field tested approaches.

Mad Banana

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks guys, I think I need toclear things a bit, guess the close itself is pretty clear for me, its the way up for the close that makes me worry a bit

like, I have just spoken few words with her, and nothing personal anly about this books I needed

so next time I`ll visit shell be there, and I have difficulties in starting fluff with people

some time ago I was shy, and quiet ( :) ) but now Im better, its just that now I reckonize I am naturally introverted person, I like contemplate about things, and live a lot of time in my insides, and talk if I feel like it... some people are natural talkers, open etc, but thats just not me

still,if I want talk at all and wont fluff, I wont get the number, etc

so damn, what to do? any ideas for fluff starters in such shop? ar perhaps sugestions how to improve in my openess inspite my natural introvertion, is it possible and wouldn`t it be against who I am - I`m not sure!

care to try, anyway :)

thanks again, and one last thing, this juggler e-book, where can I get it?