Getting a girl!


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Wuz up guys, I need some help here. I am having trouble getting a girl. Sometimes I see a nice girl, but then I get scared man. I don't what my problem is. I am good looking, I'm Proportionally plump (Chubby), but not damn hes big, but with a little work I can do something about it. I need help???

Carlos Vendetta

New Member
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
well u give a perfect answer yourself allready

"with a little work i can do something about it" .. don't just say it , do it..

works the same with girls ... just do it. If u are scared just start out with a smile or a simple hi , u will be surprised how many girls will response on that.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah you will need help because everyone is about to tell you to read the DJ bible and not post things like this :)

Its hard to know what your problem is...either its conversing, body language, creating the right atmosphere in the womans mind, etc...we have to know more; you can't just tell us you need help.

Advice #1
Just go around and ask a whole ton of women out...say the hell with it and JUMP...that way you will get over your fear. First pick someone you arent crazy about, just an average attractive girl that wont matter much whether she rejects you are not...start there
What do you have to lose? If you dont JUMP you are gonna be in the same place this time next year and the year after. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results.
So what if you get rejected? You will eventually find someone that will say yes...and if she doesn't say yes then she is losing out on YOU...YOU are the man :)

Thats how i got over being scared...i'd go into the freaking mall/Best buys, etc with literally tons of people around and i'd ask the girl out right in front of everyone...sure i got shot down a few times, but i was successful more times than not...and it made me realize how stupid i was being by being "scared". Now i dont give a damn how many people are around, where i am at...if i see something i like i go for it [of course now i have the problem of not seeing much i like :( ]...if she rejects me i just laugh, smile and say ok, peace
Hopefully, you are fired up now


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
He hit it right on the head! ^^

-be confident.

It doesn't take an eight pack to get girls... but it sure as hell helps. :woo:


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
1. Read & do #2 while your at it

2. Hit the gym or unless you are really experienced maybe buy one. You probably want to hit the gym, get a trainer to teach you how to lift free weights and compounding barbell exercises.

If you smoke, drink a lot of alcohol and/or eat a lot of junk food, cut the habit (or reduce and gradually phase out if you can't cold turkey) and use THAT money to fund your gym lifestyle. If not get a part-time job or cut off whatever habit that is a luxury. You are going to have to revamp your entire diet (5-6 meals a day) and sleeping cycles (8 hrs).

Staying fit makes a world of difference about how you feel about yourself, mentally and physically. You have a lot more energy and you are a lot more optimistic in your outlook and its a great outlet for stress. I am not saying you have to be as buff as Schwarzenegger, nor am I saying you should get rid of all the fat till your stick thin. Keep a lean, conservative muscular look. It's nothing out of the ordinary.

You shouldn't do this for girls, sure its a nice byproduct - they might like the physique, but do it for you. Trust me it is worth it both now and in the long term, I went through all this myself.

3. Don't expect to be a DJ overnight or in a week, this is something you have to earn like anything else in life. Work on yourself first. Meaning you have to commit to this. A realistic estimate would be 6 months to a year. If you need more time, commit to it.

If you are more into the PUA scene, I suggest - DJ is more long term and about inner game.