Maxtro said:
A guy can fall for a girl (without even really knowing her) and be stuck on her for months possibly years.
If a guy "falls" for a girl who he doesn't even know,then it's not really the girl he's falling for,it's his
perception of her. It's his fantasy of who he thinks the girl is.
It's easy to fall foe fantasies because they're perfect.
A fantasy girl doesn't cheat,she doesn't flake,she sleeps with you whenever you want,doing whatever you want.
But real life women,actually live,breathing human women aren't so cooperative. They cheat,say one thing,then do another,etc.
I really wouldn't put too much focus on trying to make girls "fall" for you,especially in high school. And that talk about how your (girl) friends will never get over their boyfriends and ex-boyfriends...I wouldn't put too much stock in that.
A woman can be "in love" and all over you one day,and then be as cold to you as ice then next.
Just chill out and have fun in high school.