get old enemies into bed with you


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
im in highschool. me and this girl used to dislike eachother for about 3 years. and now we've just started talking again. there is no awkwardness or anything. but i quite like her now. she is the most popular girl in my year . Now that we've started having nice converstions etc, I DONT want to be in the friend zone.

We did not properly full out hate eachother, we'd just hav little disagreements and call eachother *****es/prics behind eachothers bacs.

Ummm, i bin usin my kino and gd conversation skills on her and gettin smiles and ****. she offered me her number online when i said i dint no wer a party was. Im not sure whether i shud go full out with the ****y/funny stuff. i still havn't mastered that yet. evn still im not that confident wiv her 2 do it. if i mess up den i wil probs get her 2 dislike me agen!

She is quite used to being complimented and havin guys likin her ass all da tym. She has many boys chasin her. She's the quite the ***** to hav as a gf as she cheats on practically all fo them. Her bf being the most popular boys.

Me, im quite popular. But no1 wud ever see me gettin wiv her after all the time we spent dislikin eachother.

Im thinkin maybe i shud just treat her like any other girl? I've known her for a long time so it'll be strange me jus suddenly pulling out my DJ moves on her huh?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking but I think it's along the lines of I use to not get along with this girl, Now she's hot and I want her, so would it be weird if I tried to DJ her?

I wouldn't worry too much about your past with this girl too much. People change their minds about people all the time and revisit ideas from other perspectives even though they thought at one time they were the complete opposite. I'm also fairly certian that being in HS leaves you both fairly juvenile about how you express your feelings for other people.

As far as DJing her I'd treat it like anyother case. Infact your past might actually help you because she won't expect it from you and when you turn it on she might be taken back by it. I'd watch her though, any girl who has a proven history of cheating will probably do the same to you if you're not carful. So I'd make it very clear to her that such things won't be tolorated by you.

On a side note you should really concider revising your lingo. When you post like that it makes it hard for people to understand what you're saying and they'll be less inclined to help you. Organizing your thoughts in a coherent manner is good for everybody.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Hey mate, theres a HS forum and we'd be happy to help with ur "under 19" questions. Im on my way out, but before this thread gets moved around:

-Anger/Hate is a strong emotion. So you already know you have an affect on her, even if its not a pleasant one.

-All of a sudden she is nice... when anger is mixed with attraction it results in lust. Ever seen the movies where the guy n girl are yelling, then they **** before they finish the argument?

-If shes the most popular girl in school... DJ stuff is MORE than appropriate. Projected confidence, charisma, charm. Tease and kino her, youll be fine.

-As a next step, give her a call and meet her cassualyl some where, just a "get together" not a date for a half an hour or hour some time on a school night. If THAT goes well, give her a call and set up a date. Enjoy.

BTW - PRMoon knows his ****, I didnt read his post, but Ill bet its great.