Get-laid girl problem?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Last friday night, I went clubbing and get laid with one girl.

That night I try to initiate sex many times but all I got was only kissing.

She said she can have a sex only with the person who she got some feeling with.

She said she didn't like me that much to have sex (just only a bit)

However, I finally had sex with her in the next morning since she can't

control herself after we had a kiss.

When she was at me, she always try to make kinos with me, hold my hands,

sleep on my chest, look in my eyes. I frequently command her to do sth for me like I'm thirsty, get me the water (normal tone voice) and she complain that I always command her.

The thing is after she sent me to the cab(taxi), she didn't call me at all.

From my past experience, every girls who I got laid with will call a moment after I got on the taxi to check my status. But, this chick is different.

So, What do you guys think about her? What might she think about me?
(I am quite sure that she is partially into me)


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Thats a one night. Go ahead and delete her number.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
idk, the one I fvcked for the 2nd time last night and this morning said to text her, I did early in the morning. She probably was sleeping cause no answer. I still haven't received a text, so I'm getting with a woman 2 yrs older than me tonight. It's been a while since I've had one my age, and I don't believe I've ever fvcked a 37 yr old. We'll see..I've gotta get going right now. Later

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
idk, the one I fvcked for the 2nd time last night and this morning said to text her, I did early in the morning. She probably was sleeping cause no answer. I still haven't received a text, so I'm getting with a woman 2 yrs older than me tonight. It's been a while since I've had one my age, and I don't believe I've ever fvcked a 37 yr old. We'll see..I've gotta get going right now. Later
Well, I texted her last night. I was in her area with the 37 year old dog (from POF), totally misrepresented herself in her pics - either they were not her OR it was her 3 or 4 years ago. I had to end the date after less than 20 mins. Her nose was like a chicken's beak, and she was practically cross-eyed. Hair was completely different than her photos from several years ago I guess.

So (while I was still at the table with the 37 yr old ug - VERY fvcked up personality just idk accusatory or judgmental or "mental" or just flat out neurotic kooky with cats every old-woman caution flag you could name was exemplified in her attitude - I read her reactions to me as "You think you're better than me (I am I'm Way too good looking for her)" and this just melted her mind she couldn't take my obvious turn off to her based on her looks) I texted the best lay I've ever had from Friday and last Saturday, the single 24 yr old mom of 2, and she wanted me to come over again, but I said, "Fvck it" and just drove home. I know that I shouldn't have, because right now she is ALL into me wanting to fvck at all times. I know I know, I should have fvcked her for the 2nd night in a row. She was like, "Why?" can't I come. I just said that I really wanted to but that I had to take care of some other things, that "good night" and "Ill see you some other time." We are kinda growing too attached for my comfort. I mean, it's like we were perfectly made for each other sexually, and that's a rare find. She's so beautiful in that she can fvck for hours, MY kind of girl. I'm amazed at these addictive personality rare ones that Love to fvck more than I do. That's rare. Not only that but I remember her moans more than any other woman I've fvck. I can hear them now as I type. It's a yearning oh yeah, or ohhhh, like a whimpering dog. I can't get her affectionate moans out of my mind.

Being nude with her is just so easy compared to other women that have got so many hangups about sex, and I've been with some loose ones, but her attitude is naturally the best towards me especially when we make our way back to the bedroom. There haven't been any (whatsoever) hangups with this one for 3 weeks now. I rarely stay with one past a month of consecutive weeks, but all long as she's acting the same way towards me as she's done up until this point, there's no reason for me to not fvck her. Many other women give me reasons within a week or two for not wanting to fvck them anymore. It is so rare to find one that knows who you are (that you are being honest, recognizing your integrity) and reinforces her love for you each and every week. So many women just think us men have ulterior motives Always, and will disregard our shinning integrity very visible before their eyes right in front of them. This one has every right to hate men having been raped at 13 by her 16 yr old cousin yet she certainly doesn't harbor ill feelings towards me. She believes in me, and our deeply connected sex reinforces her belief even more powerfully. I'm not gonna say that I love her, just that I like her right now, but she's giving me every reason to love her.