What i'm wondering, why is whites acting all shook like it's a coming race war from all this. While the media have your brains on strings, you guys don't even know about whats going on in Egypt,iran, and Syria. You guys don't even know about the coming world war that's around the corner because we are getting involved in these countries.
You guys don't know the law Obama just passed about it being mandatory that ALL people with jobs or who want jobs have to have an aids and std test if they want jobs. All these laws are getting passed and yall caught up in this dumb $hit.
They want you to get angry and talk about this dumb a$$ trial so you can get pumped up in the streets, and they send the military in on your ass, martial law.
You guys talk all this gun talk, but if the government want your guns they will take them, sadam hussasin had a freaking armed palace with all type of guards with assault rifles and they still got his a$$, and you think your few pistols will do $hit.
You guys need to freaking wake the hell up.
Obama passed the patriot act just for $hit just like this, all this trayvon martin bull crap, they are getting ready for a police state. EVERYTHING on your stupid tv is propaganda to warp your idiot brains.