Gender Equality


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2014
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My question is if a guy has slept with 30 women and a girl has slept with 30 men, which is more worst and why? We all claim we want gender equality so why must one gender fall under criticism and be bashed when it comes to sexual experiences, what are your thoughts?

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Equality doesn't mean identically. There's no point explaining why a female who's had sex with 30 guys would be bashed. It's pretty self evident.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Its not equal in my book, sorry ladies. For a man to sleep with 30 women, he must have above average skill (game), status, looks or money (or some combo of all those). An average woman only have to be available to sleep with 30 guys.

Not equal.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
despite the BS that folks tell you its actually bout 10 men to 1 female out looking and willing to mate... so that means there is male over population in most case and as we all know options = power and women have many more options than men and they also have the power now soooooooo there is no gender equality these days women have most of the power and only see about 5% of males as superior to then they see the mother 96% of male as disposable and interchangeable


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Because. For a woman to get laid, all she needs is a pulse (and maybe in some cases not even that)

For a man it takes work. Game, looks, money, popularity.

So one has to make effort, one simply has to exist.

Women are slvts, men are studs. It's not a double standard at all.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Danger said:
Lastly, for those who promote the "double-standard" thought process on this. Realize that women have ALL of the power to demolish the double-standard.....and all they have to do is stop fvking men who are players, alphas and studs (the men with high partner counts). Ask yourself, why don't women boycott the men whit lots of partners? And why is it YOU who must change YOUR standards (and marry sluts) to solve this for them?
So true.

What makes a woman a slvt fundamentally is being extra-hypergamous and not settling for men she knows she can get for a relationship, but instead dating men out of her league. So why would a man want to settle down with a woman who has demonstrated that settling down is not even her primary objective or of primary importance to her, but being hypergamous is?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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paradox/paradine said:
My question is if a guy has slept with 30 women and a girl has slept with 30 men, which is more worst and why? We all claim we want gender equality so why must one gender fall under criticism and be bashed when it comes to sexual experiences, what are your thoughts?
Can o' worms OP.

Anyways, it depends on who you ask. Some men literally dont care about banging slutty women. Same way some women dont mind sleeping with guys that have been around the block a lot. Some men like sluts, some women enjoy players/man-sluts.

However, there are men and women will be turned off by promiscuity. It really depends on the person. More conservative minded folk tend to be drawn to similarly minded people, especially when it comes to settling down.

Now, with regards to how society views promiscuity in men and women...both will look down on men and women who have very low selectivity and standards, but much more so on the woman. This is because most men will have sex with any women thrown at for a woman to have sex with multiple members of a gender that isnt looks bad. Sex drive ties into typical male and female selectivity, as well as the pregnancy risk (which men dont have to deal with)

Because its easy for most women to get sex, a woman is looked at as easy if she sleeps around. Now, if men were as selective as women about sexual partners, then women would be judged equally to men when sleeping around. But because of biology (sex drive and pregnancy risk affecting women's sexual selection) this equality in selectivity and sexual judgement will never exist.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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First, I agree with those saying men and women are equal, but equal DOESN'T mean the same.

That always seems to be a brain teaser for some people.

It is scientifically PROVEN that women have LOWER sex drives.

So slvts are either having sex because it gives them "attention" or because they are actually "inferior" females.

The female sexual response is about human evolution. When we developed our upright posture, their pelvis shifted and that made it so that they have to give birth to horrifically under developed fetuses because otherwise, the skull of the child couldn't pass through the pelvis.

This means that the male must be convinced to stick around until the baby reaches the toddler phase and can toddle next to mommy as she goes back to digging roots and picking berries.

This led to human females not showing when she is able to be impregnated and to use sex as a means of keeping the male around... Nature made it so that women get sexual pleasure out of the act to keep letting the man hump her but the low sex drive and hard time getting aroused is nature's method of keeping women from not humping all the time, getting infections like Urinary Tract Infections, STD's, and to stop her from getting pregnant one after another after another since it's only been in the last 100 years that medicine has made it so that STD's/UTI's can be treated and not kill a woman and that most women survive childbirth.

If women wanted sex as much as men, our species would have gone extinct long ago.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
3agle 3yes said:
First, I agree with those saying men and women are equal, but equal DOESN'T mean the same.

That always seems to be a brain teaser for some people.

It is scientifically PROVEN that women have LOWER sex drives.

So slvts are either having sex because it gives them "attention" or because they are actually "inferior" females.

The female sexual response is about human evolution. When we developed our upright posture, their pelvis shifted and that made it so that they have to give birth to horrifically under developed fetuses because otherwise, the skull of the child couldn't pass through the pelvis.

This means that the male must be convinced to stick around until the baby reaches the toddler phase and can toddle next to mommy as she goes back to digging roots and picking berries.

This led to human females not showing when she is able to be impregnated and to use sex as a means of keeping the male around... Nature made it so that women get sexual pleasure out of the act to keep letting the man hump her but the low sex drive and hard time getting aroused is nature's method of keeping women from not humping all the time, getting infections like Urinary Tract Infections, STD's, and to stop her from getting pregnant one after another after another since it's only been in the last 100 years that medicine has made it so that STD's/UTI's can be treated and not kill a woman and that most women survive childbirth.

If women wanted sex as much as men, our species would have gone extinct long ago.

women have lower sex drives for 1 man but higher sex drives for multiple

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Which would you value more, a master key that could open any key hole or a key hole that could be opened by any regular key. Think long and hard...