Firstly, why can't this site do away with all this geeky terminology. It's not only that it's geeky, but it also makes it difficult for this site's newcomers (and even some site stalewarts) to understand what the **** is being written. "Sarging" and "oneitis" are examples of geeky terminology that are also hard to understand (at least for newcomers). Far more articulate, ordinary and non-geeky would be "looking to meet girls" and "obsessed", respectively. As for acronyms, they too should be replaced, not just for the sake of non-geekiness, but also for the sake of clarity (again, at least for the newcomers [although even some "veterans" find this site's acronyms too obscure. I mean, what the f**k does "AMOG" and "LMR" even stand for?]). Again, too geeky, too confusing, so let's also f**k off these acronyms.
Another problem with some guys' posts are that they do not bother with grammar or punctuation. (I'm not just being pedantic, either; these things do have a purpose.) At the very least, one should use paragraphing. Nobody wants to, or will, read a 100-line post without one paragraph in it. It's too hard. As for punctuation, it seems to be a lost skill with many on this site. Punctuation isn't just some esoteric writing principle; it's very use is intended to aid clarity. It s**ts me when some guy's trying to get help for a problem, yet his prose is written entirely in lower case, without paragraphing and punctuation... and it's f**kin' longer than the Book of Genesis. Who the f**K is going to read it?
Also, some guys on here are lazy as sin. Some guys on here can't be f**cked writing words in full. It doesn't take much longer to write "because" over "bcz". Therefore, do it! Again, it's not pedantry; it's simply for the sake of clarity.
If you want people to help you, to get more responses to your posts, and to be taken seriously, then do the above-mentioned!
It's not like you need to write a grammatically flawless post, watching out for split infinitives and run-on sentences, but you should at least make SOME EFFORT when writing your posts.
Sorry for the rant, but these shoddy posts are annoying.
Another problem with some guys' posts are that they do not bother with grammar or punctuation. (I'm not just being pedantic, either; these things do have a purpose.) At the very least, one should use paragraphing. Nobody wants to, or will, read a 100-line post without one paragraph in it. It's too hard. As for punctuation, it seems to be a lost skill with many on this site. Punctuation isn't just some esoteric writing principle; it's very use is intended to aid clarity. It s**ts me when some guy's trying to get help for a problem, yet his prose is written entirely in lower case, without paragraphing and punctuation... and it's f**kin' longer than the Book of Genesis. Who the f**K is going to read it?
Also, some guys on here are lazy as sin. Some guys on here can't be f**cked writing words in full. It doesn't take much longer to write "because" over "bcz". Therefore, do it! Again, it's not pedantry; it's simply for the sake of clarity.
If you want people to help you, to get more responses to your posts, and to be taken seriously, then do the above-mentioned!
It's not like you need to write a grammatically flawless post, watching out for split infinitives and run-on sentences, but you should at least make SOME EFFORT when writing your posts.
Sorry for the rant, but these shoddy posts are annoying.