Gave my number to her, she texted me, I waited 2 days then replyed, the nothing! WTF?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
I met this girl at a friend of mine, I had lots of game for once, and was the Alpha in the group. She was obviously interested, and she was like "don't leave yet" etc etc.

We also had some kino (hugging as I left)

I gave her my number, and 20 mins after I left she texted me saying "I wish you haden't left so soon! Hugs *****"

Then I waited two days and texted her "how you doing? did you have a good time on saturday even tho I left early? :)"

But i didn't get any replies! its been four days now.

I am going to text her again, but I dunno what to write...

Advice please, master DJ's!


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Should have just actively gamed her instead of the stupid "I'll wait X amount of days" waiting games. Game her for one hour over the phone and you've accomplished more in one hour than you ever would by waiting three days.

She has completely lost that emotional state from that time and disassociated herself from those events. You're gonna have to regame her from scratch, in other words.
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Mississippi - home of boredom

You lost from the beggining when you gave her your number. That gives her control. You want the control, or else you're just chasing her, and girls love the chase a little too much. Next time get her number and call her (talking, conversing 5 minutes, setting up a date) dont text unless you haven't had time to call her and you want her to be thinking about you, and in that case text something that will make a girl think.
stop... think... absorb...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score

Good advice...

Target thinks...

Should I call her and ask for a date now, or is that just lame?
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Mississippi - home of boredom
well you kinda lost the initial seduction/interest you had goin for you, especially when you didn't text her back right after she texted you. It's ok to wait a few days to call a girl but I don't think I'd just blow her off if she "called" text whatever. Your best bet might be to "accidently" on purpose bump into her somewhere if you know where she might be at a given time and ask her on a date, kino is definately in your favor. If you can't do that because you don't know anything about her or whatever reason, I would call and tell her I was going to be going to get coffee at such and such place at such and such time and ask her if she would like to join you. Try to keep it comfortable.
Don't know how accurate or right my advice is but if I were in your situation that's probably how I'd play it. but then again I would have gotten her phone number ;-). Goodluck


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Tnx for the advice here.

I know where I can bump into her. Next time I will definetely get the number.

I have sort of made up my mind on just texting her once more, and if she still doesn't reply then _next_

Advice on what to write vould be nice.

If I was a true alpha, then I would have just called her. Demn it. I'll call her tomorrow and just talk for a few minutes and not ask her out. How bout that?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Originally posted by Target_100

If I was a true alpha, then I would have just called her. Demn it. I'll call her tomorrow and just talk for a few minutes and not ask her out. How bout that?
5 minutes ain't gonna do shit for you.

Game her up on the phone for a while. Try and recreate the state, emotions and attraction that she had. Throw in some high octane, high attract material so she remembers why she fucking liked you in the first place.

By this time, she's totally transferred all emotional investments out of you and moved on. You've got to remind her what a cool, fun guy you are.
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Mississippi - home of boredom
I'm still gonna say bump into her because you can get alot more done with kino, facial expressions, AND talking, in 5 minutes than a half hour on the phone will get you. Plus I don't think it was just your talking that made her like you the other day, maybe some but I'm sticking with one word.
Kino... I'm a hard headed son of a *****, but he's right... 5 minutes isn't going to do anything for you.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
I think you should ask her on a date. If a person has an initial attraction in you, then they would typically for sure go on a date with you. It's been a while so I say just call her and ask her on a date.

The way I see things is that if a woman does give signs of interest and are TRULY into you, then they WILL accept a simple date. Think of it this way. If you were interested and attracted to a woman, aside from DJ theories, would you reject her if she asked you on a date? I doubt it. Whether 5 minutes or 5 hours, if you are truly attracted to someone, then a simple date isn't that big of a sacrafice. You can start small with a coffee date which doesn't take that much time out of her day or go on a full blown walk in the park, it doesn't make that much of a difference, but don't blow too much time or money on the first date. You don't even know if you click.

Now, if you're going in for the quick lay, you'd try to make a connection as soon as possible, you try to maintain it as best you can, and you get to it.

But if you really want a real relationship, I think it's much better to get her to do something new. Pursue you. Miss you. Want you. The typical thing that most AFC chumps do to women. The kind of AFC chumps that are the womanly men that women describe in the "What I look for in a guy" section.

Now, I'm not completely disagreeing with JT's advice or what he believes in. I'm sure it's worked well for him and would work for many other people, but my beliefs towards dating is that in order to maintain a relationship, a woman must have the time of her life with you and be missing you into sadness without you. Talking on the phone with her for hours just says you could be with her, but instead you have nothing else to do and don't mind sitting miles apart and conversing without the kino, eye contact, physical dating. It basically says that you want her and you hope she wants you back. I still don't believe in giving women more power than you yourself have.

It really depends on what you're looking for. If you're willing to invest that much time into a woman over your daily life and seemingly pursue her, then I'm sure you can just snag the lay. But if you're looking for a real long term relationship that some people strive for, then I think setting limits on the things you do is perfectly fine. Don't call her, she has your number if she wants to talk to you, use the phone to set up dates for real contact when YOU are free. Don't spend hours on the phone with her, you're a man, you have better things to do than sit around and chat it up.

I don't think it matters if a woman loses an emotional state when she isn't with you. If she's interested in you, she'll recreate that emotional state when she's with you and even more powerful of an emotional state if she has missed you and finally gained contact with you. When you get finally get something you really want, it's worth a lot more to you. It's the same way with women. The more they miss you, the more they want you. The more fun they have with you, the more fun they will want to have with you. The more you're apart, the more they want to be with you. Catch my drift here?

This woman seemed to have pursued you and wanted you when you met her. You weren't even with her alone or for long. The intial attraction was strong. I do not see ANY reason why she would not still recreate that attraction when you call or sees you. So my advice?

Call her up say, "Hey, I'm free Thursday night, let's go out to dinner, I'll pick you up at 7."

Simple direct. If she rejects then she is plainly not interested. If she counter-offers then she is interested in the date and still wants to go with you, but there is something in the way. Politely tell her you aren't sure if you're free that night and call her again later and ask for another night. It's all about being in control of the situation and yourself. Not letting her affect your life. You are a man, stick to what you do.

Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score

lots of input here. tnx a heap all.

For a starter I will just call her tomorrow and just talk and then say: "hey, I gotta go, I'll call you later" and try to recreate the attraction. Being a former TM consulent, I think I will do OK.

Then I will see if she texts me, and if not, I will call her again and tell her to join me to a party this weekend.

Sound ok?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
She actually asked me if I was a player when we first met, and I was just like "I know a lot of girls of course, but I always tell the truth and I'd never let a girl think I am more into her than I actually am." etc. etc. etc.

She was really amazed by this, and I think maybe she'd like me to be more aggressive in pursuing her to make her aknowledge my interest in her.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Screw the call her, just talk, and say you gotta go. Don't waste your time. You had free time so you called her instead of any other one of your friends or your mom or something. You don't need that kind of waste of time. You won't recreate anything by just saying you need to go. Call her, ask her on a coffee date. It takes very little attraction to get a person to go on a coffee date with you. Even female friends don't mind that. But it's a good way to judge interest and if you have a fun time, it's even better.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Well, she (rightly) assumes that you got her text message before two days had passed and you were just too lazy/uninterested to text her back.

You played the game too hard.