garden center girl


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
alright fellas, i need some ideas...
i'm 22 and do local deliveries with a transport company. i delivered a few times to this greenhouse company. theres a bunch of ppl working trying to get things set up for the spring opening. there was this one girl there and man was she hot, but not just hot..just seemed to fit my perfect discription of the perfect girl..well as much as i can tell from looking at her anyway :p ... first time i was there i noticed her but i couldn't really grab her attention..but today she kept kinda coming around where i was and flashed me a few quick smiles..might have been nothing but u never do i spark up a convo with this girl..time is limited because of my job and she always looks kinda busy there too.. any ideas? just need a quick convo starter and i'll slip the "well unfortunatly i gotta get back to work, but whats ur num so i can call u someitme" line.... but can't just fire that one out without some sparker first....any help?