ganji or not?


New Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Hi everybody from italy:)In italy I could say that can be found the sexiest chicks on earth...only 7s 10s.Guys too,in fact here we dress very well trendy hair all fashioned,and that attracts girls alot.Yeah here is all about fashion
I ve known this girl for 1 year now,she's 18 super hot goes to the gym dresses well and likes guys,she knows that I like her(she's so buxom,I so wanted to use this word,thick legs girl just like you americans like them).Since the first times though she had made it clear to me that she likes tall blonde green eyed,I didn't care and I still made advances to her,till I got her number and started to send sms like crazy and call her all the time and I guess that freaked her out,cuz she wouldn't answer and sometime avoid me.
The thing is that I ve confused this girl I think with my behaviour because sometimes I act like a complete wusss,needy,sometimes I m all confident,specially when I m looking good,tease her act all dominant.And she tests me all the time..with her provoking behaviour.This kinds of gives me hope cuz she flirts with me.Though she tells me she likes this pretty dude or that super biceps guy.Oh and here's a tip I told her why dont you bang that guy if you like him so much...she was like umm I would love to but he's been hitting on my 2 girlfriends and they have turned him down,so would make me look bad.THOUGH SHE LIKES HIM ALOT SHE WONT GO FOR HIM CUZ HER FRIENDS HAVE TURNED HIS ASS DOWN.Then she turned on me she said wthf you work your ass off in the gym and you have so small arms!!!.And this guy is like super muscled guy,18 years old 47 bicep,which she confessed that what she liked about him-since then I ve started training biceps:cool:
Well I decided after reading here to start playing ganji games,so no more sms calling or other stuff.When I see her at the gym I m on my own and I avoid her,but when she comes to me I make sure I smile(though now I smile a little less since she has told me dude you're always smiling that's because I like her very much and I m a positive person)and I tease her a little then go elsewhere.Since then I ve seen she plays with her hair bites her lip when I look at her,which happens very rarely.I guess she is intrigued,however this hasn't moved her to call me yet.The thing is that I ve read that girls read on this behaviour they know that I m playing with her her same game,so finally my question is should I ganji her or...what???:crazy:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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I do not know were to start, with your inability to write in paragraphs, your use of the word 'ganji' which i am sure most people have no idea what it means or with your complete lack of skill and style in dealing with this woman.

You are a mess and you have already screwed it up with this woman.

Find another girl, subito.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
speakeasy said:
Yeah, what the heck does "ganji" mean?
Do a search, there's a thread in tips.

By all means, cut the AW off. Then, worry about other things beside this one chick you've known for a year and haven't fuxed. You're her girlfriend, she's your oneit¡s. Tip: let her see you with other women.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
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NickBe said:
I do not know were to start, with your inability to write in paragraphs, your use of the word 'ganji' which i am sure most people have no idea what it means or with your complete lack of skill and style in dealing with this woman.

You are a mess and you have already screwed it up with this woman.

Find another girl, subito.

Well if he's from Italy I think his English is great! Give the guy a break!

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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I make sure I smile(though now I smile a little less since she has told me dude you're always smiling
Why would you change your attitude because a girl doesnt like it. **** that girl she's just a stupid ***** go for someone else she's used to your company already. Its to late unless you stop letting her tell you what to do like how to smile and just stop talking to her go for other girls man vulpine is right maybe other girls will like your smile.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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Nickbe, if you are treating women the way that you are treating other guys here, then it's no wonder you are here.
Haya, your english is very understandable and we will all wait for Nickbe's Italian post and await your comments.
Until then, Ganji sounds the way to go with her. You should also try to openly flirt with other girls (even if you are not trying to pick them up) and let her see she is not the only women you are interested in.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Well Italian is actually my second language and I never criticized his English and I am not here to learn how to get laid.