Gaming taller chicks


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not very tall (5'8). But I am attracted to a lot of chicks who are a little taller than I am. I'm not after 6 footers or anything like that, but there are a lot of girls that are 5'9-5'10 that I find attractive. I know it's not impossible. I knew a guy who was 5'4 who was bangin' a 5'9 model. I've seen a few dudes dating/married to girls an inch or two taller than them.

Are there any particular tips to keep in mind? Should one joke about the difference in height, or should one totally disregard it? Should a guy be a little more aggressive to compensate for the height differential? Is there a good strategy to present oneself as a prize and not her little brother?


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Feel tall. Don't really have to be tall to feel it. Like how you see some tall people seem really short, it works the same way. Either way, i believe you should disregard your difference in height when it comes to gaming chicks. However, when she arrives at this topic, develop some nonchalance and make it such that you appear as though you do not feel low or weak just because you are shorter, and to keep yourself calm, to prevent yourself from over-reacting. ( insecured )

btw, there was a tip about imperfections. Might help.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
I wouldn't even bring the height difference up. truth is I think a lot of taller girls feels insecure about their height. my gf is 5'9" and I know its a sensitive topic for her. if you approach the situation as if there isn't any height difference between you and her I doubt it will even come up.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
i have to agree with brewbaron, in my experience most taller chicks are definitely insecure about their height...

i too am only 5'8" and at one time i wished i was taller but nowadays my presence makes up for any height that i am lacking

that being said...

i would make the height a non-issue by somehow mentioning to a new tall girl that you're talking to that you only date tall women and that 2 of the last 3 women you've dated were models....

not only does this make you sound selective but this kind of establishes the idea that other attractive tall women find you attractive and that you're used to dealing with them, satisfying them, etc.

i do this sort of thing when i talk to girls outside of my race, i'll tell a spanish girl that i usually only date spanish girls which renders the difference in race a non-issue

hope this helps bro