Gaming for guys with no Wit

Captain Obvious

Don Juan
Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
I have a problem. This problem is conversation with women.

However, this is NOT your typical AFC issue. Most stumble and fumble over their words, are very nervous, and carry themselves in a generally wussy and unattractive way.

I, however, am different. I rarely get nervous talking to girls. I'm a good conversationalist, as far as finding interesting things to talk about. I could probably improve my body language, but it's not bad. I always smile. I'm a very confident person in most situations. I'm also probably an 8 out of 10 in looks, and I dress reasonably well. Sounds like a winner, right? WRONG.

Somehow, I STILL can't get a date. I have many friends who are girls, but no girlfriends. The attraction is not there for some reason. And I've determined it to be my lack of wit.

This is not a problem that stems from nervousness, as I said. I am just naturally NOT WITTY. Even around my best guy friends I'm the one that comes up with the least punch lines. I always lose insult battles, blah blah blah. My brain just does not think quickly.

I bought David DeAngelo's DVD series and used it with mediocre success. I learned a lot about confidence and how to carry myself. This helps me a lot (especially with drunk girls, hehe). And I've met some very attractive girls who I normally wouldn't have talked to because of his system. HOWEVER, these girls are still not interested in dating me. The attraction is just not there.

The C&F he talks about only really works if you are good with words. I, as I said, am not.

I am further hindered because of my looks. In most situations, this should help me, but with C&F, too much ****y and I look like a pretentious douchebag. I've had more than a couple girls think this way who would've normally wanted to date me.

With DD, ****y + Funny = Charm

Charm = getting dates

I have no funny, so I have no charm, so I don't get dates.

So, I've concluded that this gaming style doesn't work for me.

And I'm NOT a stuck-up guy at all. But I come off that way because I can't use comic relief to translate that confidence into CHARM.

Anyone have any suggestions of alternate gaming styles that I should employ? Or just how to use my confidence and looks and somehow translate that into "charisma" even though I'm not witty?

And I've tried just being a "nice guy" and that doesn't really work either. It's boring to them.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2006
Reaction score
Don't worry about being C+F, it has nothing to do with charm. Charm is the ability to make other people feel good about themselves when they're in your company, through entusiasm and being genuinely interested in what other people have to say. When coupled with confidence and self belief, you can do really well! FWIW when I went through my C+F stage, I became a really arrogant and nasty person and saw my success levels go below what they were before even though i'm naturally more funny than ****y.

Captain Obvious

Don Juan
Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, it's really geared toward the guys that have problems being confident and maintaining good conversations. But, it's sort of a stepping stone into being a true playa, not a method that you should stick with the rest of your life.

I dunno, I guess it's served its purpose, though. I'm not made of mush anymore like I was a few years ago. It truly helped me gain confidence.

I guess now I need to make the next step and become true to myself and my personality rather than being a C&F clone of DD.

Cause a little arrogance now and then is attractive to a girl. And the uglier and poorer you are, the more you need it to be successful. But once you've gotten the confidence to talk to girls, I see now that you must move on from that stage and find out your real personality.