Hello Friend,

If this is your first visit to SoSuave, I would advise you to START HERE.

It will be the most efficient use of your time.

And you will learn everything you need to know to become a huge success with women.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

"Games women play" - A GREAT READ!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments

We live in an era of liberation in which the differences between men and women are disappearing. Chivalry and other practices which once oppressed women are being relegated to the ash heap of history, along with corsets and other forms of female oppression. And women are boldly stepping forward to take up roles once denied to them. Right?

Initiative. Generally, most women expect men to take the initiative when it comes to dating, courtship and sex, at least initially. That means you, my man, will have to approach a woman, start a conversation, ask her for her phone number, call her up, and make the first date. Some women might strike up a conversation with a man to "give him the idea" she is interested, but then the ball is in your court.

Paying. Many women expect you to pick up the tab. Some women are quite open about it, "I don't think women should have to pay for anything!" is their battle cry. Others are more subtle. They may offer to pay, but really expect the man to refuse to let them. Or they may tell you that since women are paid 60% of what men are, then you owe it to them. Reparations, no doubt.

Chivalry. Open her door. Hold her chair. Light her cigarette. Wait, isn't this sexism (horrors!)? Yeah, but get used to it.

Sex (who does what to whom). According to the rules set down by Antioch College, partners should ask permission at every step of the way. That means from holding her hand to (presumably) having an orgasm. Uh huh. When was the last time a woman took the initiative, explained that she wanted sex with you, showed you proof she was using birth control, then asked for permission at each and every stage (which I am sure you can imagine in pornographic detail)? What, never? OK, so let's deal with the real world. It'll be generally up to you to take the initiative when it comes to sex. There are some complications, as can be seen in other parts of this site (see, especially, No means No means Yes means Maybe means No means.... You might observe that women seem to be under no obligation to ask you for your permission when it comes to them demanding that you pay for dinner, or handing over that 18 years of child support because she chose (chose!) not to get an abortion.

Sex (the deal). "No sex until marriage. No sex until we date for six months. No sex until you move my furniture. No sex." Incredible as it may seem in this age of liberation, many women still believe that sex is a commodity they posses which they can use to gain something in return from men. More on how to deal with this, elsewhere on this site.

Demands. Women will make many demands, many of them silly and ridiculous, which they themselves would never even think of doing for the men in their lives. For example, they may demand that a man romance them with all sorts of gifts and flowers while they themselves would not even send a birthday card in return. Or take those Antioch Rules again: how many feminists do you think ask permission from men for whatever sex they may choose to engage in? By their own rules these women are "date rapists" (horrors!). Think they are turning themselves in to the local constabulary? Frequently, the same women who will make grandiose pronouncements about "long-term relationships" are too dysfunctional to take the initiative, pick up the phone, and ask out a man for a coffee date. Since women have little conception about the difficulties inherent in any sort of dating situation, they naturally assume they are experts. Related to this phenomenon is the woman who talks a good fight about "commitment" and "building relationships" but cancels out of dates at the last moment (or just stands men up).

What you can do..
Insist on treating her as an equal: no opening doors, she pays 50% of all expenses, demand that she ask permission when it comes to sex. Be prepared to spend the rest of your life masturbating. Or you can learn.

"No Means No Means Yes Means Maybe Means Yes Means No Means Yes" aka commitment

Women believe in commitment, right? Men are "commitmentphobes", right? We're told that "no means no" and "yes means yes", right? Well, let's see how it works on this planet.

"Love to but busy". You meet a woman, you have a nice conversation, you ask her if she wants to go to a movie this weekend. She replies, "Gee, I'd love to, but gosh I am busy, maybe next week." Since by the very rules women set, "no" means "no," then "yes" must mean "yes", right? So if you call her up next week she will go out with you, right? Well, wrong, Often, the woman just does not want to go out with you but lacks the integrity to tell the truth, so she date lies and says "maybe" when she means "no." The usual claim is that she "does not want to hurt your feelings." Nonsense. She is concerned about her own feelings, since having to tell the truth might cause her some discomfort. But the dilemma is sometimes she would love to go out with you but she is busy. If you do not try again, then she will complain about men not calling back. Now, if you were dealing with a guy, you'd put the ball in his court and he would call you back. But many women will not call up a guy to ask him out, at least not the first few times they are dating a man. So you are in an impossible situation: if you take her "maybe" to mean "yes" and ask her out again, then you may face a charge of "sexual harassment." If you take her "maybe" to mean "no" and not call her back, she may claim you are another of those insensitive men who never call back.

What to do. You might insist and demand to know if she is really interested in going out with you, i.e., get some sort of definitive "yes" or "no." Or you might give her your phone number and tell her to call back if she is interested. Or you might go to your campus women's center (there are very few men's centers) and point out this is another example of women saying "yes" when they really mean "no." Or you might drop her all together.

Phone phollies. Related to above...she says she'd love to hear from you. You call her, she's not in, you leave a message on her phone machine, she does not call you back. You go through this cycle several times. Usual advice: leave a message once. If she does not call back, forget it. Better not to leave a message at all and get her when she is in. Related to this: do not try to get in contact with her via e-mail. Too easy to get deleted.

Canceling. Just because she said "yes" does not mean she will actually come through and show up for the date. You may receive a panic-stricken phone call at the last moment in which she gives you some lame excuse and cancels. Why does this happen? At first she may be complimented that someone has asked her out, so she agrees. Then she starts to panic--"who is this guy?" "what does he want?" "what if he wants sex!?" "I can't do this!" So she cancels out. Quite often, while people will complain that they can not meet members of the opposite sex, when they do get a date, they suddenly get bogged down by a lot of concerns: like, "will I be judged and rejected?" "this is such a pain to date, better to stay home and feel sorry for myself," "I can do better than this person."

Standing you up. Let's assume she does not cancel out. This does not mean she will actually show up. So you may have blown an entire evening, plus dinner reservations, etc. Another example of female commitment.

Standing you up at a distance. Same as above, but this assumes you, say, flew out to another city, state or country to see her.

Changing her mind about sex. Just because she said "yes" to sex doesn't mean she has to go through with it. She can (and will) change her mind at the last moment. She may change her mind even in bed. Guess what? You can't do a thing about it!

My recommendations:

Give her your phone number and tell her if she is interested she can call you back. And do not call her again until she does.
"One strike and you are out." Don't event bother to call her again. She had her chance. If she can't call you up to apologize, forget about her.
Read her the riot act. Tell her there is something wrong with her for acting this way. She won't go out with you, but it may save the next guy some grief.
For the first date, do not make reservations for dinner, bring flowers, or make dates with women who live more miles than you care to drive. This will save you a lot of time and money. Things like flowers should be a reward for her showing up for more than one date, not a freebie.
Sue her. That's right, if this involves some considerable expense on your part, like airline tickets or hotel reservations, bring a civil suit against her. Who knows, you might get some satisfaction.
When it comes to sex, at the slightest sign of a game on her part, show her the door. You do not want to give her the satisfaction that what she has is worth a jail sentence.
(By the way, "Commitmentphobia" is an interesting term, squashing together English and Greek words to mean "fear of commitment" with the implication that this is some sort of pathology, like arachnophobia. i.e., men who do not want commitment are insane, unlike women who do want commitment are not. The fact that many women can not show up for dates they make does not enter into the picture. Name calling is part of the female repertoire, presumably a form of nurturing which men are not sensitive enough to understand. If we turned the situation around and, say called women who expected men to pick up the check all the time "ho's", or women who refused to have sex "sexophobics," what do you suppose the response would be? By the way, whatever happened to the term "frigid?")


Don Juan
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Interesting read....A lot of these thoughts have been going through my head too. The feminism movement brought about a serious predicament for both males and females, and I agree with you on a lot of the bull**** they pull. I'm just not sure what your intentions were here. I can't imagine actually treating girls with the equality you mention.

If I brought my girlfriend out to dinner, I would likely pay 100%, not 50%. However, thats because I BROUGHT HER OUT, not the other way around. Sometimes she likes to flip it around on me, and she will pay 100% if she's bringing me out. At first I felt like less a of "man"...but once that equality nonsense girls argue for went through my head, I felt fine with it. Maybe I'll take a lotta heat hear on the forums for sayin that...but it is what it is.

As far as permission for sex? I don't know what definition they made up at that college, but I can tell you don't abide by that. I almost never ask, especially at every step...I use my gut. If I'm escalating on this girl, n shes not stopping me, I'm not about to stop and ask....and I damn well hope I never meet a girl who thinks I need to.

Overall I like some of these thoughts but what was the purpose of this post? To gripe?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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As long as you're not spending money on 'em, you're doin' good.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments

OK, so let's say you are out with a woman. She starts asking you questions:
Have you ever been married?
What do you think makes a good relationship?
If you had to choose between saving my life or that of a family member, who would you choose?
Have you ever been to a (a) strip club, (b) prostitute, (c) gay bar, (d) etc?
Why are you acting this way

Incredible as it may seem, 95% of the time she could care less about the answers to these questions. Rather, she is testing you to see how you handle women, and yourself. If you waste your time trying to "communicate", she knows she can lead you around. How might you answer?
Q: Have you ever been married?

A: "Why do you want to know?"
Q: What do you think makes a good relationship?
A: "Not asking silly questions."
Q: If you had to choose between saving my life or that of a family member, who would you choose?
A: What kind of fool question is that?
Q: Have you ever been to a (a) strip club, (b) prostitute, (c) gay bar, (d) etc?
A: "I've done everything. Everything! What about you?"
Q: Why are you acting this way
A: "Get your stuff and go home."
The point is, you can not allow her to get away with this. You also need to realize that you must show her that you can walk away from her at any time. Her one real power is the belief that what she has is sooooo special that you can not live without it. Disabuse her of that delusion, quickly.


Manipulation. You meet a female. She smiles. She calls you "hon'." She touches you on the arm. She wants you!, right? Wrong. She's tying to get something out of you. How do you know? The moment she sees you will not give her what she wants, she turns mean. Typical hypocrisy.
What you can do.
All this stuff would be sexual harassment if a man were to do them. Do not let her get away with it.

Putting on a show. You're at a dance club. You see two hot looking babes/chicks dancing with each other, lifting up their skirts, gyrating their hips towards you, wow! Better hang about them, right? You may get some nookie by the time the evening is over, right? Wrong. Women act in this manner primarily to show off their sexuality. If you are stupid enough to respond, they will find some way to reject you, a demonstration of female power. This proves they are, under it all, really "good girls."
So what should you do if you see women putting on a show?
(1) Turn your back.
(2) Leave the room.
(3) These girls require an audience...don't give them one.

"You and him fight". A woman approaches you at a bar/frat party. She close dances with you. She sits in your lap. She locks her lips to yours. Wow, You must be a hot guy, right? So you respond in the same manner. Abruptly, she leaves then returns with boyfriend/bouncer/sexual harassment councilor. She claims indignantly, "He (i.e., you, my man) was bothering me. Wah!" Now you are the bad guy. Blow her off right from the start.

"All men are sh*t". Hear that? All men are brothers, members of the "Sh*t" family. Some women spend an entire date relating that all men are rapists (the feminist version). Or (the traditional version), that she knows what you really want (Sex! Horrors!) ... they are looking for Mr Rite and since you are not Mr Rite you are Mr Wrong who wants to steal her virtue and therefore make her unworthy of Mr Rite. No reason to put up with this, well, sh*t ... terminate the date.

You too can change diapers. Some women will have a child with one man (let's call this fellow who mastered her heart, "Biff"), break up, and guess what, you my man are so lucky you can now take care of Biff's kid! Don't you just love the aroma of someone else's kids dirty diapers in the morning? There are several variants of this one. Some women will follow a genetic strategy of mating with an "alpha male" (e.g., say a gang member), have his child (in order to boost her own genetic heritage), then look around for a more stable man who can support her and Biff's genetic heritage. And there are enough sensitive, loving, caring (i.e., desperate) men out there who are willing to change the diapers if it means they can get any kind of female attention.
What you can do. The easy answer is to dump her. But it's not that easy. There are a lot of single parents out there (and you may be one of them). Some of them are quite decent. You might be able to strike a deal here. Just be careful she does not get pregnant again with some other guy's kids and now you get to change two sets of dirty diapers.

Between boyfriends. A woman who might normally never give you the time of day suddenly announces "My boyfriend is out of town" or "I'm between boyfriends." Lucky you, you get to date her. Not so fast, though. Do you really want to be treated as a second or third stringer? She is probably not interested in you. She sees you as a way to show her peers that she has a guy to buy her dinner on "date night"; or she may want to make Boyfriend jealous.
What you can do. You are not the duty roster. Tell her "Gee I would love to but gosh I am busy."

Talk, talk, talk. Before you ever go on a date, she engages you in phone conversations lasting hours. Wow! She must be interested in you, right? Wrong (again). Talkers are rarely doers. She may have several reasons for wasting your time in this fashion:

She wants to prove to herself that men are interested in her without having to actually date anyone.
She thinks of you as a good "friend", which means she will not want to date you (and certainly not have sex with you!).
She has no respect for your time and thinks she can waste it.
What you can do. Keep conversations short until after a couple of dates. Then feel free to talk.
Silliness. Some women spend the evening telling you about therapists, astrology, animal companions (what men call "pets"), etc. This is usually harmless enough, although sometimes indicative of a lot of deeper neuroses. Usually, they have little understanding of the deeper concepts behind Zen, tantra and such, and would go running crying to their therapists if they had an actual mind expanding experience. One other thing. If women start talking about "bliss" they usually do not mean anything resulting from an orgasm. Usually, they are referring to the after effects of their last 30 minutes of yoga.


"What's he going to do?" You meet a woman at a party and she invites herself up to your hotel room at 1AM. She takes off her shoes, loosens her blouse, sits cross legged on the bed. She puts a porn video in the VCR. She invites you to sit next to her. You are one lucky man, my man, right? Time to get it on with her, right? Well, if you do, 24 hours later you may be facing a charge of "date rape." Often women play this game in order to "see what he will do."

i.e., will you be a man and seduce them?
Or wimp out and just chat, thereby insulting her womanhood?
Often, women do not quite know what it is they are doing, they are seeing how far they (meaning you) can push the envelope--maybe something exciting will happen, but regardless, women, simply because they are women, will not have to take any blame if sex happens. If you end up having sex, then she can deny responsibility (see, she is still a "good girl", you made her). If you do not have sex, well, she figures, there are always other men...
Another version of this game is a woman who goes to a frat party, gets plastered, does a fake strip tease or other sexually provocative act, rubs up against you, and then screams "date rape" when some guy is stupid enough to respond.

What you can do. The standard academic feminist answer on this one is to "communicate." As much as I hate to agree with feminists, that's not a bad idea. (Don't expect the woman in question to live up to feminist standards and attempt to communicate what she wants with you.) Ask her "Do you want to make love?" In 90+% of the cases she will say "no" and at this point one of you should be out the door. It is insane to hang around and let her play this game with you given the general hysteria over "date rape." If nothing else, splitting at this point will teach her a lesson about playing games and may save the next guy some grief. If she says "yes" you may want to split anyway. Let her see what it is like to be rejected.


The Double Standard. The old Double Standard was that men wanted sex and women wanted love. So women traded sex for love and men traded love for sex. As part of this deal, we were told that women did not like sex, it was just the thing they did to be loved. Now, back in the 1960s there were females calling themselves "Women's Libbers" who stated rather loudly that women could enjoy sex for itself and that by tying sex to marriage, men were enslaving women. Commitment, they proclaimed, was a trap! So now it was the duty and right of liberated women to go out into the world and enjoy sex, like men. Well, that regime did not last very long. Too many women realized they were giving up too much power by "giving men sex" and not getting so much as a diamond ring in return! Now we see women cementing the Double Standard back into place with the same old game of "No Sex Until I Get What I Want!"

It is amazing how many women will tell you that they can not have sex until they first "love" their partner, which means that the men in their lives had better jump through their hoops, or else they can go home and masturbate. Ultimately, these women are too repressed to enjoy sex for itself. Back to the old Double Standard, this time brought to you by women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments

Women, of course, turn themselves into "sex objects." They choose to wear sexually provocative clothing and make-up (last time I checked the criminal code, there was no law on the books ordering women to wear high heels or draw attention to their bare flesh by wearing a navel piercing). More fundamentally, women make themselves into "sex objects" by not taking the initiative when it comes to sex. If they expect men to pursue them, then women can hardly complain about being "objects," right? Well, they complain any way. Similarly, if women are going to withhold sex until they get something in return (the proverbial wedding ring) then they are again turning themselves into objects. If women do not like this evaluation, then they should stop objectifying themselves.

Birth control. You'd think that women would take advantage of the right to use birth control, given the great big struggle to get birth control and abortion legalized back in the 1960s-70s? Right? Wrong. Many women do not use birth control because they think it means that they actually might want to have sex And this would mean they are bad girls. Horrors. You, my man, have to be 100% responsible for birth control: condoms, gels, inserts--check out the entire range of these things. Because if she gets pregnant, you are now responsible for her negligence for the next 18 years. Oh yeah, supposedly abortion allows women to choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, but only she gets to make that choice. If she suddenly decides she wants to change dirty diapers, you will pay for it. So be prepared!


"I am not that sort of a girl". Forget everything you may have heard about women being part of some grand feminist sisterhood. In the female mythos, there are two sorts of women: "good girls" and "bad girls." Women are incredibly status conscious and will rat out their "sisters" if it means getting the man they want. Look at the way women continually support the criminalization of prostitution, gleefully jailing any female who dares step out of line by "giving men sex" without that wedding ring as part of the bargain. It's women who have made the word "*****" a pejorative, not men (compare the number of women you hear referring to "bad girls" (i.e., sexually free women) as "*****s" with the number of men who use the term "ho."). There's a sort of hierarchy here in women's perception:

at the top is the married woman who saved herself for Mr Rite who was a millionaire;
further down the feeding chain is the woman with a boyfriend ("I have a boyfriend, f*** you" is their motto);
then there are the women who (shudder) give men sex (without commitment!);
and at the bottom are assorted sex workers who are a threat to the diamond ring, the mortgage in the suburbs and that free dinner they get from their man.

her motivations

The question is not so much "what do women want?" but rather "why do they want it?"

Why? Now, you would think that since you are lonely and would like to enjoy sex, so would she. But she has an entirely different agenda. Sex = Power is the female formula. Women have traditionally withheld sex as a means to get what they want. You see, once you show an interest in her, she knows she has you. So she can manipulate you. Or even more, she thinks, "Hmmm...an average guy is interested in me; I can do better. So I can attract a doctor or lawyer; and then I can attract a millionaire. Then Mick Jagger will want to marry me!" So she blows you off.

Alpha male complex. Women want to mate with the alpha male, the biggest barbarian in the tribe. This ensures her of status and protection, and the most aggressive children, who can in turn produce even more aggressive grandchildren. So women will suck up to athletes, rock stars, lawyers, gang members, police officers, celebrities, etc. She can also get financial security as well as a boost to her career if the alpha male is a millionaire or movie producer.

Cashing in. Despite what she may tell you about commitment, she may drop you in an instant because she met a doctor-lawyer-movie producer. After all, she deserves that house in suburbia and SUV he promised her. The point is, females are not below trading in their bodies for financial security, as well as the status of being the "soulmate" of a succesful male.

Women's intuition. Women often justify choosing men on the basis of their "intuition" or "emotions" or because "their body knows." Usually this means she will choose the worst possible guy on the spur of the moment and then will rationalize her decision, or try to "change" him, a process which inevitably leads to years of frustration and worse. In the meantime, the same woman will reject an otherwise decent, witty, responsible, intelligent guy whom if she had given him a chance would have provided one of those loving caring relationships women talk about. Now, it is not to be denied that there is something to be said about "love at first sight," and that first impressions can be important. At the same time, it is quite vapid to determine the nature of one's relationships in the first 10 seconds one meets a person. Alas, that is the way it works too often.

"I'm not that kind of a girl". Women, for any number of reasons. may not want to openly admit that they actually like sex. In fact, they may like it a heck of a lot more than your average guy but if they admit to this then: (1) They will be castigated as "bad girls" (and no kidding, social pressures mean a lot). OR (2) They can say, "Gee, I really do not like sex, but if buy me a dinner, or move my furniture, or support a womyn's studies program on campus, or hand over a diamond ring, I will give you sex. OR (3) They may just enjoy proving themselves morally superior to the desperate guys who chase after them. "Sex, I really do not need sex, that's just something men do--unlike us angelic women."

"He's a bad boy!". You know the sort on your college campus or apartment complex or movie of the week. She rejects every decent guy out there. She chooses to hang out with the biggest barbarian she can find, and decides he is her BOYFRIEND. Said Boyfriend then proceeds to neglect her, beat her, borrow money from her and never return it. And then she complains to you (the nice guy) about it...or even expect you to bail her out! These women have choices, and if they act this stupidly you really do not want to know them. Let me note for every female "victim", there must be at least a dozen decent guys who would treat her well if she gave them the chance. Of course, she will not give decent guys a chance, nor surrender the sacred role of victim. And if we lived in a just society, someone would tell these gals to take responsibility for their choices...or to choose nice guys.

Turn it on its head. Whenever you hear popular wisdom, turn it upside down to get the reality.

Romance. It's men who are romantic, not women. Men are the ones bringing flowers.
Commitment. This point is well established. The same women who can not even keep a date then wonder why they are middle aged and still not married.
Relationships. The thing to grasp is that while women may talk much about relationships, and while chick flicks are full of nothing else but relationships, women do little to create relationships in the real world. As noted, it is usually up to the man to take the initiative throughout the process of courtship. Many women seem to think that creating a relationship has something to do with "Sending a Signal" or declaring, "No Sex Until I Get What I Want!" Indeed, women will often do everything in their power to screw up a relationship. See the other sections of this site for details.
There is a corollary here: do not expect much in the way of the "nurturing," "commitment," or "romance" you may have heard women provide.

warning signs

Here are some things which means get your bomb shelter ready:

"Mr Rite". First I must give credit to Don Steele for using the spelling "Mr Rite." Mr Rite is what many women are looking for. Him, The One, The Soulmate. In other words, Mr Rite is to women what Miss April is to men: a fantasy object. But while men usually get over their fantasies by the time they trudge on out of the college dating scene, women often retain theirs well into middle age. They seriously believe that somewhere out there is the perfect man for them. And all other men are not only unworthy but disreputable and trying to destroy their reputation. They know what you, my man, are after: just sex (horrors!), not the true love that Mr Rite will share with them. Consequently, they will treat you like a used tampon.

"My Boyfriend". See how long you can go without hearing some female using the magic words, "My Boyfriend!" Amazing how for all the talk about liberation, women still define themselves by the man on whose sleeve they must hang. Sometimes "My Boyfriend!" is a deliberate slap at all about them, because it says "look at me, I have a partner in my life, you do not, you loser!" Evil words indeed.

"I'm saving myself". There's nothing wrong with not having had sex, whether by choice or because you got rejected by 100% of your potential partners. What is wrong is that too many virgins, simply because they never had sex, think they are experts in it. Consequently, they will make all sorts of proclamations about sex which have not the slightest connection to reality. They also have little idea of the real difficulties involved in real sex (see the Sex Checklist, elsewhere on this site). Many virgins have the oddest ideas what sex is about and do not get the picture that there is a heck of a lot of difference between real sex and their masturbatory delusions.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
what you can do

One Strike And You Are Out. If she plays a game, then it's over, THE END. Why?

Self respect. You can not expect others to respect you if you do not respect yourself. Who wants to put up with this idiocy?
Think of the next guy. Teach her a lesson that these games do not work so she is less likely to victimize the next guy.
Your own peace. If she is going to play games when you are dating, she is just as likely to do so when it comes to sex, which means 18 years child support or a "date rape" charge.
No Sex Until I Get What I Want. If she declares, "No sex until I get (something first)" you have several options:

Agree and be her puppet. 'Nuff said.
The end. Tell her it is over. This way she learns her lesson, that she does not have the power to use her body to get what she wants. You might even enjoy the look of horror on her face when she realizes that her power as a woman is worthless.
Go along, then dump her. If you are sneaky, you might say you agree to her terms at the start. Then when several months later she declares she is "ready", tell her that she had her chance. You have a right to say "no" to sex, also. This is fun if you like crushing her spirit, since women assume they have charge of sex. This puts her in her place. Mean, but no more mean than what she is doing.
She says: "Let's just be friends". The usual response is, "I have more friends than I need!" This usually ends it, though. Oddly enough, there are times when she actually might have some use as a friend, so follow this rule most but not all of the time.

snappy answers to female statements

"I'm not cheap."

You mean you are expensive?
"I'm not easy."

You mean you are difficult?
"Women make only 60% of what men do."

That's because we have to pay for the women who are not cheap and who are not easy.
"What kind of a girl do you think I am?"

Liberated? Repressed?
"Why didn't he call me back?"

Why didn't you pick up the phone and call him?
"Why did he say he loved me only to have sex?"

Why are you so repressed that you can not enjoy sex for itself?
"All men want is sex!" ...or even worse..."All men want is just sex."

What is wrong with (just) sex?
or What else do you have to offer...are you going to romance me and support me in the manner to which I am accustomed?
"Sex with me is worth waiting for/worth marriage."

What is it that you do in bed that makes you so worthy?
"Men start wars so only men should be drafted." 

Men started corporations (and governments), so should only men get high paying corporate (or government) jobs?
Women started prostitution, so should women be conscripted to work in bordellos in wartime?
(OK, that last one is not quite within the games women play, but it's a game that feminists often play.)

the feeding chain

So you want to date? You know the chart of the feeding chain they used to show you in biology class? You know the one, where the algae are eaten by the bottom feeding fish which are in turn eaten by the sharks? That's the way it works on land, too.

Cool Kids [top]
Most People [middle]
The Hopeless Cases [bottom]
The key thing is to figure out where you are. If you are one of the Cool Kids what are you doing reading this website? You don't need it. If you are Hopeless, tough luck, life on this planet it horrid. If you are like Most People, then you gotta get your act together. So read this page.


So what can you do if you want some sort of relationships with women? Here are your options:

Do nothing.
We live in an age of liberation, right? Just sit back and wait for Ms Rite to take the initiative and ask you out, then ask your permission to have sex, etc., etc. The likely result can be found by clicking here.

Be a nice guy.
Women are always complaining that they want to meet a "nice guy." So publicly declare you will not be aggressive towards women, will never want sex from her; be sure to send her flowers before the first date, etc. The likely result can be found by clicking here.

Strip clubs.
OK, they're sleazy but, hey, where else can you go where for $1 a woman will drop her pants and smile at you?

Sex workers.
Incredible as it may seem in the land of the free, sex work is a crime (i.e., charging money for sex)! How can this be? But...consider how the penalties for being arrested for soliciting prostitution are usually way less than the penalties for "date rape," and what you will pay is cheaper than 18 years of paternity checks. And if you are dealing with a higher grade escort agency, the chances of contracting STDs or having her "forget" to use birth control are minimal. With sex workers, the more you pay the better it usually is. Just remember to take no needless chances. And have a lawyer, just in case.

Foreign brides.
You can probably find a bride in third world, East European or other countries. There are even services which will set you up with one. This is fraught with dangers, though.

Buy a mistress.
If you have the money, there are services which will provide you with a model quality mistress.

Understand the situation.
See everything else on this site and you might get somewhere with women.

Well, you can't get STD. Nor can you have a paternity claim or "date rape" charge made against you, unless she lies about these things. But it's grim, my man, grim.

what you should do

OK, you've gotten this far...now how do you start dating?

Pick-up lines. There are none. So don't try to "pick up" girls.

Look in the mirror. If you were a member of the opposite sex, would you want to go out with you? No? Then be prepared to change!


Lose weight, get in shape.
Dress fashionably for the scene in which you want to attract women.
Get a fashionable haircut.
Get your teeth fixed if they need it.
Take care of your skin.
Get a vehicle in which you are proud to be seen driving.
Know some fashionable places to take her, but not too expensive.
Be prepared to spend money on her.
Have female friends so you are not inept around women.
some tips

Be the alpha male. This is what women want (just as you want to go out with the hot babes, right?). So find some scene in which you can excel, be the number one guy, and then let women flutter around you.

Know the scene. Whether it is goth, reggae, country music, classic movies, NASCAR, political activism, modern art, etc., to infinity where you want to meet women, know the terminology, the cool places, the people involved and be able to talk intelligently about them. And just as critically, take her to the cool places.

Dress the role. You're going to a fancy downtown dance club. What do you wear? I know, faded jeans and that shirt you got back in high school with ten years of coffee stains. Yep, that's what women want! My experience is to scope out the place to which you will be going, see how people dress there, then dress one level higher. Women will pick you out by how you dress, just as you pick out women by how their hot bods. The odd thing is, while picking the right clothes is often the easiest thing to do (after all it is merely a matter of spending some money) many guys will fight against changing their look tooth and nail.

Have female friends. Female friends will give you necessary social skills for dealing with women. And female friends will give you all sorts of advice on women about which your men friends will have no clue.

Be seen with women. OK, I will say it again. If you go out to a club, bar, party or other event, make sure you have a woman with you, even if just a friend, even if a business associate. Other women will then think you are desirable (after all, other women will think or feel or intuit, some other female wants you, so you must have something). Just as more importantly, other women will think that you are not some desperate guy who is there to "pick them up." And seeing you with another woman will awaken latent female feelings of cattiness as now they will have to steal you away. Don't believe this? Go to a club with a female friend and dance with her, and notice other women checking you out. When your female friend is not with you (say she is using the powder room) other women may then approach you. Get their numbers, return to the female you came with, then call the interloper back the next day and ask her out.

Playing the field. You are in a venue with numerous available women. You ask one out, she rejects you. You try someone else, right? Wrong. Because if you screw up with even one female in a group then every other female will know about it. And they will not want to go out with you either because they do not want to be second choice. On the other hand, if you get one woman to go out with you, every other female will want to know what it is that you have. Women do not believe in monogamy, they want to mate with the cool guy. Which brings me to...

One strike and you are out. If you get shot down in a public place, leave ASAP. Yes. leave. Every other female in the joint will know about your rejection via jungle telegraph and, as noted, you will be dead with all of them as no woman wants to be second choice.

One strike and you are in. Despite what you may have been told about women wanting to build relationships, share intimacy, create situations of trust, etc., etc., etc., when a woman wants sex, she usually wants it now! If you hesitate to march her into the boudoir, she will dump you and find some other guy, ASAP! So be always be prepared for sex.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Wrap it up. Do not drag out the courting. If you do not take the initiative and do what you want to do right away, whether it is dating or getting married, your erstwhile partner may (and will) meet someone else and you will be history.

The Zen of Dating. If you desire a thing you will never have the thing. Desire is the source of suffering. Clear your mind of desire and you will be on the road to getting what you want. If women know you want them, they will play every game in the book. So be cool.

things to avoid

Desperation. The biggest "turn-off" for any female is a desperate guy. How do you know if you are desperate?

You think that because a girl smiled at you in the checkout line she is interested in you.
You think that because a girl hugged you she is interested in you. (Women give out huggies all the time because it makes them think they are warm and fuzzie, and to remind men that women are the dispensers of sex--if a guy tries to hug them they will, of course, scream "sexual harassment!")
The Fat Chick Syndrome. OK, this may seem cruel, but, too many guys in their desperation glom on to an overweight female. They figure this is better than nothing. This is fraught with problems. First, she knows you are just using her until something better comes along, and so might treat you horridly (and deservedly) in return. Second, it makes you look like a desperate guy who can not do any better.

What you can do. It's easy enough to say "Don't be desperate." I just did it. How do you avoid desperation? See "The Zen of Dating" elsewhere on this site.

Sucking up. Covering her with compliments just after you met her. If you feed her ego, she will assume that she deserves a millionaire. Or that you are desperate.

Trying to pick up strippers in strip clubs. Some guys can pull this off, but if you try she will just rip you off for another lap dance.

Beauty queens. Too much competition, too much ego; often awful in bed.

Talkers. When it comes to sex, the talkers never do it and the doers do not talk about it. Often women talk about sex to get a vicarious thrill. Or to make you talk dirty; then they can react by saying, "I'm not that sort of girl!"

Dirty Talkers. Same as above, but worse. These are women who go to parties and talk about "their sexuality." Or claim they want to go to amateur night at a strip club. Avoid them as they are looking for an audience and they rarely follow up. Talk is cheap and dirty talk is cheaper.

if you have problems

OK, things are not working out. You are getting rejected all the time by females. Here's what you can do:

STOP. Repeating failed behavior endlessly will not make it work.
Ask people. Your friends may tell you what you are doing wrong.
Be brutal with yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror. Would you want to go out with that person?
Listen and read. Read this website and take heed.
Change. If you will not change, women will not go out with you.
who is the real "10"?
Rating women on a scale of "1" to "10"? Here's the criteria you should be using. Rate her 1 to 10 on each of these, add the total, then divide by 10.

Physical fitness (not so much looks but a firm body)
Practices birth control: she is on the Pill, has condoms ready, believes in family planning?
Personal hygiene: 'nuff said?
Functionality: does she return your calls, show up for dates?
Standard of dress: she dresses for the date, for ex: if you go to a fancy party she wears a nice dress or suit?
Sanity: she does not babble on about nonsense, she's not In Recovery, etc?
Intelligence of conversation: she evinces some IQ?
Maintenance: the more she demands from you financially, the less she is worth!
Sexual skills: she can do something in bed other than count ceiling tiles?
Open to new ideas: if you, say, bring up tantra she will not run crying to her therapist?
And oh yes, you might want to rate yourself on the same scale:

Physical fitness: are you working out?
Practices birth control: do you have condoms and other items ready?
Personal hygiene: 'nuff said?
Functionality: do you keep your dates?
Standard of dress: you have thrown away the clothing you got back in high school, right?
Sanity: you are not babbling on about your own problems?
Intelligence of conversation: can you make her laugh?
Maintenance: well, most guys don't expect much from women financially, now do we?
Sexual skills: can you give her an orgasm?
Open to new ideas: assume she has some, then what do you do?
An issue here is that too many guys want to date above their level. They make no effort to maintain themselves (according to these standards) but think that somehow that hot babe at the bar will want them. Ain't gonna happen, my man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
Since women have little conception about the difficulties inherent in any sort of dating situation, they naturally assume they are experts.
Soooooo true!
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
This sounds a lot like my "one and done" rule from Outfoxing The Foxes, my first book. That method (Foxhunting) was designed to exploit a lot of the new rules, as it put the burden on women to show interest. Many men underestimate their competition, feel entitled, and even if you point out what they do wrong, it doesn't register because they cannot fathom that another man wants the women more than they do, or may have developed himself way past the point of being a generic, slightly interesting, male with slight value. I developed my "inner beta" to extremes that made me an "alpha geek" of sorts, and I'm sure many betas who lost women to me believed they went for some "jerk" when all they did was choose a superior version of themselves.

Ray Gordon
Bettor Off Single: Why Commitment Is A Bad Gamble For Men


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races

I have a 100% hit rate here in Asia (meaning never been denied by a woman) NOT EVER.

Only Idiots and convicts date women from the 1st world countries.

I can't believe you guys put up with so much BS for women... I can't believe I was ever sucked into all this. The simple solution is to leave the country. Take a quick trip down to Mexico for 6 months and you'll see what I mean.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
BC Vancouver
LiveFreeX said:

I have a 100% hit rate here in Asia (meaning never been denied by a woman) NOT EVER.

Only Idiots and convicts date women from the 1st world countries.

I can't believe you guys put up with so much BS for women... I can't believe I was ever sucked into all this. The simple solution is to leave the country. Take a quick trip down to Mexico for 6 months and you'll see what I mean.
I fail to see what the difference is. Care to explain?

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2011
Reaction score
yep. This post very much resonated wtih me. It's ****in sad. I think I'm going to really kill myself one of these days.