Games to play with girls when interacting


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Need some game ideas so that I can use with girls when interacting. I was going to the movies today and was thinking about doing truth or dare with the girl so i can makeout with them but can u give me an example of it. I want it to first start of unsexual than start increasing so that I can ask for a BJ at the end lol. Just give me some ideas or how you guys play truth or dare with them?

Count Chocola

Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
Your ex-girlfriends house
Play I bet you can't kiss. Learned it from Azudragon, it goes like this.

Before the movies start:

Bring up the topic of kissing somehow.
Tell the girl you think she can't kiss good.

Teaser her about it when she keeps saying she can.

Tell her we are going to "pretend" we are actors at the movies, and that it doesn't count since were acting.

when she kisses you, tell her it was a 4 and to try again, she needs to use her hands more.

when she kisses you again one more time, tell her it was a 7 and to try again, she needs to put more Grrrr into it.

when she kisses you again the third time, tell her it was a 9 and to try again because she needs to be more creative.

Keep kissing here and when its done, and she asks what was the score tell her: i don't kiss and tell sexy