Game Over


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
lol, wow. strange after thinking it was going so well.

She was coming over for a movie and already established she was staying over.. few days after, get a call from her... she wants to bring a 'FRIEND' what the frig?! turns out this friend is a guy named scott, i was like errrrm okkaayy, im not renting my ****ing home out to strangers named scott.. she started telling me how sweet he is with her and what a great friendly guy he is and how he like her so much and blah blah blah.. i mean wtf. i was so anti-AFC with this girl it was almost beautiful... it was art! ART!

I started getting agitated but kept my cool, i told her that "i didnt want to get in the way" (mistake, i should have said "bull****" and hung up) she said i have to come because im a great friend to her... jesus fukcing christ no, ive been FRIENDZONED. i just dont bloody understand how. anyway, i told her that "ill probally come but dont get your hopes up" and ended the call as soon as possible, the last thing she said was she'll call me. yeah right. i have enough friends and dont need another.

i have no problem nexting her it just annoys me i put so much effort into bedding this one, for nothing... maybe that was my downfall.



Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I actually read this...

Your asking us for a synopsis of what went wrong?

We can't tell you fvck all without getting into the art of bull****ting.

All I can say in terms of advice. Don't get caught up with a single girl, and if your going to ask questions about her, include more detail. Don't break down the final steps to something you want explained, don't go into detail in things that nobody else cares about.

As for what to do now?

Your already friendzoned... your allowed to make the call of going all AFC on her azz and drilling her with questions, leading her emotionally with emotive language, and begging for a second chance. DOn't worry, you should have no intention of accepting the second chance unless it is purely on a sexual basis. Just find out what went wrong, get her guy "friend" number, and ask him how he played her so well... catch my drift? Find out on your own, why you fvcked up.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
ok guys, thanks.

i'll be honest, i wanna improve myself... its not the 'doing' i find hard and can follow all the rules well and act suitably. Its just that damned rejection that makes me feel like shyt, and no amount of confidence boosting posts has helped me.

i move to vancouver in 3 months, not sure how different the girls will be there... im not expecting to be able to lay back and let the british accent do all the work (sadly) but i have a feeling women act differently here, maybe these tips will be more effective in north america... because they sure as hell arent working in london.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sometimes you just pick a bad apple. Looks great on the outside, but it is rotted from the inside. You think it's all going great, she gives you all the signs, and you even believe that she is innocent and you really are the only person she has said "I've never done this before" to. She might be playing a ruse, or she may be genuine, but somebody else gave her stronger feelings which she could not ignore. It may come down to ONE action of yours that made her think, than he came along at the miraculous moment and made it all better with some smooth words that suited exactly how he felt, and they had that instant connection that only luck can provide.

What I said is true though, from experience... all the girls I've ever fvcked in the past, all the relationships I've had, no matter how short, ended with questions. Rarely were they ever answered, but I got a glimpse of how to act with more confidence, perseverance, and discipline. Big things come in small packages is true, so just keep asking, and you'll get your little gift.

If you don't ask the question than be glad you either had a fit of fear, or pity yourself for still being fearful and not pursuing growth.

As for the tips not being effective in London, that is a lie. I stayed in London for 3 days, not a single night did I not have a new woman in my basement partying it up. Initial phase of attraction is the introduction, if you screw up bad on that, the easiest phase to fake, than there is something wrong with the way you present your routine as well.

These tips, confidence in mind, body, and spirit, are essential to ALL women on the planet. Even confidence in knowing that a woman will love you if you let her walk all over you and that you can keep her coming back to take more is helpful. Saying, "it doesn't work" means your not doing it right.