Game Over Chump...


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hi guys... You join me embarking on a journey, away from chumpdom and into the light of a the Don Juan. If you can spare thirty seconds, read about the events that unrolled last night, the success, the failure, and most importantly why I have had enough of being a idiot.

Okay, im a good looking guy, im funny, im witty... I can see myself doing things mentioned on this sight naturally. What I am in a graphic sense, is an absolute idiot. Are you prepared for a laugh?

Okay, so im standing there, vodka redbull in one hand, in a club full of probably the best looking 18-23 y/o girls in Manchester. Three groups of girls, one either side, one behind, and at least three girls standing at the bar, all obviously interested... so what do I do? Well, you see, I stand there looking cool, with my vodka redbull, whilst systematically averting my gaze from every interested party... in a sense im ignoring some of the prettiest girls I have ever seen... why? well **** knows to be honest with you.

You see, I have a problem. Im an absolute ***** when it comes to women in clubs, actually I lie, im not a absolute *****, I can quite easily go up to girls when they are standing on their own, often without hesitation, although it just takes me a at least an hour of ignoring perfectly lovely ladies. However, as you can tell at 1:00 in the morning, two girls standing on their own??? - erm, yeah there is probably something wrong with them, like b/f's or perhaps something more interesting ;).

Anyway, the short and dry is, I ****ed up at least 10 golden opportunities... mainly because my mate has less bollocks then I do, but I can't go up to a small group of pretty, soft, gentle girls on my own... for reasons mentioned above, namely the part about me being an idiot, so I have to wait for the man who still uses lines about ladders and tights to approach girls with me, only for us to be told to get lost because 'we have b/f's'... yeah okay, w/e. Oh, and this gorgeous blonde fuking waved at me, so what did I do... i waved back with a cheeky smile and a wink and walked straight over... okay, I wish, what I did do was do the classic, look behind you, are you waving at me thing... then walked over and stood next to the girl with... my mate... trying to find my bollocks, which had proceded to fall out of my trouser legs and bounce their way down the stairs. She promptley walked off.

I did get shot down three times... yes, because, you guessed it the three girls I went up to, either had b/f's *cough* or had to rescue their mate (who my mate was supposed to be keeping occupied) from a crazed, drunk person, who had to rub his crotch up against anything even remotely feminen.

Sorry, I hope your not too bored...

Okay, so at least at the end - of - the - day, I sucked it up, and went for it, three times. I know what im doing wrong, I know what I should be doing... so this is where you come in.

I will endevour to approach five women a day, on my own... from this day forth... I will then post the results for your scrutiny. All I ask of you is to read my post, (wont be as long as this mutha i promise) and tell me what Im doing right and wrong... and give me a bollocking when necessary.

Thank you for reading my rant... and wish me luck.



Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Good luck and keep us updated.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
a man makes his own luck!

conjure up yours bro!


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hey Guys... Progress report.

Well Firstly, this week went better then expected. To start with I approached on average about 3 women a day, not the five I was aiming for, mainly because if I haven't got a lecture, im not getting out of bed until absolutely necessary, like a fire or something haha.

All of the women I talked to were either in a queue or in a bus or around the university. What I was surprised about is the almost immediate warmth I got from them. I'll give a example.


Me: Hi, can you help me out, I've have this essay to hand in, but I can't find the office do you know where it is?

Her: Yer, its just down there.

Me: haha, yer you know what, I just walked past it!

Her: Haha

Me: Its the first essay Ive had to hand in, and I can't find anything.

Her: are you a Fresher then?

Me: unfortunetly yes, I took a year out, but I decided I had to grow up and get myself doing something useful!

Her: haha... yer enjoy your first year it while you can!

me: oh I will... whats your name.

her: sarah

me: im james

her: well, its nice to meet you james.

Me: thanx, nice to meet you too, but ive got to shoot, and get this essay sorted before i go off the idea!

her: haha, okay goodluck.

me: cheers... maybe i'll see you around


I didn't number close, firstly because she wasn't that hot... and secondly i just wanted to use this week to concerntrate on talking ****, and approaching.

Tonight, I was in the same club as last week, completely different atmosphere this week, I was much more relaxed, one of my mates female flatmates was with us this time.

So I was str8 on the dance floor, It finally clicked on wednesday last week, and I can finally dance to the extent, I actually get attention from girls because I can dance well, as opposed to what my friend calls those people who shake with their arms stuck to their side, 'a prick in a blender' as he so lovingly put it.

I was having such a good time having a laugh I actually completely forgot about the whole DJ thing... this female friend, bollocked me all the way home about wasted opportunities "from a girls point of view, you could pull like, 5 women everynite, but you just waste opportunity after opportunity" - sound familiar? lol.

Anyway, before the end of the night, sitting down, my mate pointed out a bunch of fit girls, shaking their ass on the dance floor. Out of no-where i just got up walked over, introduced and started a convo with this gorgeous girl HB9/8.5. My mates were still sitting down so I intro'd my mate to one of her friends, and carried on... my mate then did the worse thing in the world, and yes... ****blocked. I thought what the hell, he needs it more then I do (he just broke up with his girl - was having issues with confidence) sat back... I descretely told him he had 5 minutes to dance with her... or im hitting it... he stood around for 5 minutes, she ****ed off (don't blame her to be honest).

So what have I learnt, from last week.

Either go out to pull... or go out to dance.

Girls aren't scary at all. Most girls want me, they just dont know it yet.

My mates on his own next time.

I have to work on my general conversation... my closing is great, my intros work everytime... its just the fluff I have to worry about, my accent (broad east london ****ney) dosn't help... niether does the fact its very loud in clubs, i can't hear what she says, we both get tired of saying 'what!!??'

Maybe dance approaches work best in clubs?... seems more logical, i'll try it next time.

as opposed to last week, I approached less girls on the night, but I could have at the very least got a kiss out of the girl, had my mate not been such a arse, and had I not let him... I enjoyed myself so much more, its all about bollocks guys, im finally finding mine... bring it on!!!


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
So....... is this another "DJ Bootcamp UK" episode? Like GodsGiftToFatBird's thread?

BGMan ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Try to go sarging without your AFC friends. I've found that they'll do nothing but disappoint you and bring you down. Bring along a female friend for social proof instead. Even better, make friends with the regular females at the bar.

Other than that, I can't see anything you're doing incredibly wrong. Keep working at it and it'll start to come naturally. You'll also discover what works best for you.