Game is trump.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Obviously, if all else is equal.

All else is never equal. ;)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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Idk man having tight game can be great if either you have psychological issues and you play ego games without being aware that you are playing those games. And there are a lot of games that people play all the time on a subconscious level and unaware of them.

Read "Games People Play" by "Eric berne" to know and recognize some famous games people play all the time.

Game can be good with girls with issues and attention addicts and I know that almost everyone is an attention hòe and a narcissist these days thanks to technology.

BUT and this a big BUT: I don't know about you guys but when you get to the point of recognizing when a game or games are played either with girls or friends or family or acquaintances and choose the either play the game and enjoy the drama or avoid the game and be detached to the outcome and don't invest any ego in the process then that's some next level shít right there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Meanwhile, on, a woman makes the following post:

Inner beauty trumps all. Stop worrying about your looks, your weight, your clothes, your job, your height, your race, etc. If you are beautiful inside, it's all that matters.

We can all laugh at that silly notion. And women would likewise laugh at your "game trumps all" argument. Game does not trump all. If it did, the world would be full of ugly, unemployed bums dating supermodels. But it's not. And it never will be. Game is important but only to a certain extent.

Genuine self-improvement trumps learning "game" any day of the week. Genuine self-improvement leads to higher confidence, which, in turn, leads to natural game (not the silly PUA stuff). In my line of work, I deal with a lot of wealthy people. For what it's worth, I've never met a self-made millionaire who didn't have game.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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I think genuine game is a bipoduct of being centered, confident and in abundance mindset.

Of you have that it's all good, a lot of "game" that gets taught is not genuine hence playing "games"

If you are in the right mentality there's no need to do that, it's a fools errand anyway Imo. How many times do we see guys on this site whining because they played these games and ended up getting rejected. And they call the girl an AW or whatever when the truth is the dude had NO frame and got seen through.

Game doesn't > all
The frame > all

But it HAS to be genuine

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Bokanovsky said:
Meanwhile, on, a woman makes the following post:

Inner beauty trumps all. Stop worrying about your looks, your weight, your clothes, your job, your height, your race, etc. If you are beautiful inside, it's all that matters.

We can all laugh at that silly notion. And women would likewise laugh at your "game trumps all" argument. Game does not trump all. If it did, the world would be full of ugly, unemployed bums dating supermodels. But it's not. And it never will be. Game is important but only to a certain extent.

Genuine self-improvement trumps learning "game" any day of the week. Genuine self-improvement leads to higher confidence, which, in turn, leads to natural game (not the silly PUA stuff). In my line of work, I deal with a lot of wealthy people. For what it's worth, I've never met a self-made millionaire who didn't have game.
I'm just going to guess that the woman who wrote this is fat and probably unattractive, which is probably why the "inner beauty" BS is being touted off.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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A lot of people seem to regard "game" as some dishonest trickery used by PUA's to get women in bed with them, or playing games as in pretending to not be interested or playing girls off of each other.

This is not the case. I think CH defines it nicely as applied charisma. It is in fact the truest representation of what you are to a woman. If you're a boring miserable douche, you can hide behind all the money and looks in the world but it isnt going to change what you are at the end of the day.

Women are extremely socially savvy creatures, they are excellent at reading men and what they are about. Game is not hiding what you are but learning to let yourself go and become confident with who you are and put that right out there for the world to see, particularly women. With practice, you become skilled at recognizing personality types and communicating effectively and seductively.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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ZTIME said:
I'm just going to guess that the woman who wrote this is fat and probably unattractive, which is probably why the "inner beauty" BS is being touted off.
I made up the part about a woman writing that in order to make an analogy. But women do make such claims all the time and, yes, they are usually fat and unattractive. I'm guessing that guys who argue that game trumps all also lack in the categories they claim are not important.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
Bokanovsky said:
I made up the part about a woman writing that in order to make an analogy. But women do make such claims all the time and, yes, they are usually fat and unattractive. I'm guessing that guys who argue that game trumps all also lack in the categories they claim are not important.
Most women don't even know what they are attracted to tbh. They all say they want a nice guy but we know that ain't true. I don't think they are lying though I just think they don't understand what they emotionally respond to.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Bokanovsky said:
I made up the part about a woman writing that in order to make an analogy. But women do make such claims all the time and, yes, they are usually fat and unattractive. I'm guessing that guys who argue that game trumps all also lack in the categories they claim are not important.
Agreed! Good point! Most guys want to feel that they can learn to manipulate a chick into bed with a pre determined set of selling skills. Throw in a little confidence and you've got her.

That would be easy, but it truly doesn't work like that. Working on yourself (body, mind, income, and education) is always the best way to go.

But that's just my opinion.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
jurry said:
A lot of people seem to regard "game" as some dishonest trickery used by PUA's to get women in bed with them.

This is not the case. I think CH defines it nicely as applied charisma. It is in fact the truest representation of what you are to a woman. If you're a boring miserable douche, you can hide behind all the money and looks in the world but it isnt going to change what you are at the end of the day.

Women are extremely socially savvy creatures, they are excellent at reading men and what they are about. Game is not hiding what you are but learning to let yourself go and become confident with who you are and put that right out there for the world to see, particularly women.
Thanks for sharing your female perspective.

Charisma is a Greek word for charm. And charm is a product of many things, including your natural attractiveness (how many physically ugly people do you know who would be considered "charming"?), social status, refined manners, true confidence (borne out of success in important endeavours), etc. Charm is not something that you can pick up by reading Chateau Heartiste. It is not something that you can obtain by "letting yourself go" (whatever that means). You cannot fake charisma.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Did I say you could pick it up by reading an article? Did I say you could fake it?

Game is acquired through experience, it IS true confidence. Experience is gained by letting yourself (your fears, apprehensions) go and working to get better at approaching and communicating with women. This isnt complicated, bud.

Ugly guys get hot girls all the time.

Please take your tampon out and stop desperately searching for a way to argue just for the sake of arguing.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
jurry said:
Ugly guys get hot girls all the time.
I have to disagree.

I've seen this claim a lot and it's never stood against my personal experiences/observations.

We men also tend to underrate other men because we subconsciously view them as competition, that and most of us are heterosexual and don't pick up on the sexual nuance in men that women do.

Ugly men that get truly hot chicks need to have something else substantial going for them in order to do so, and it isn't "game." Not only that, but your evaluation of these hot chicks could be flawed as well. Just seeing a couple walking down the street doesn't provide enough information about what's truly happening between them.

All things being equal, the confident, game "aware" man is going to win out. However, how often are things equal in life? Almost never...

I'm not saying this to beat anyone down but lets be men about this and not paint these fantastical pictures of a world where ugly men are banging hot chicks because their game is so tight.

I've been around numerous men who actually made me feel self-conscious because they were so much better at socializing with women than I. When I saw these women pass these guys up it seemed they were impossible to please. That is, until I started seeing the real dynamic underneath it all.

Game is still very important, I don't deny that at all, but lets not border on delusion to make us feel better.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with G_Govan 100%. Some people have an almost religious conception of game. Have faith (game) and thou shall conquer all! It's good for pumping yourself up if you lack motivation but you are lying to yourself if you actually believe in that.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Ugly men get hot women for what they can give them. It is not just only their game. Ugly actors, celebrities, music people only got hot women because of their money and fame. If they were normal men they would not get no hot women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
LMS is what makes you attractive and gets her to like you. "Game" and how you behave gets her to love you and keeps her in love with you.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
jurry said:
Excellent advice just posted over at chateau for any of you who dont know about that website:

Stop worrying about your looks, your clothes, your job, your height, your race, etc.

Game trumps all.

No it doesnt.To 'game' you need go through first gate of acceptance if you are short,or unwanted race, you look like beggar NO AMOUNT OF GAME is going to let you through the first gate.

Maybe ... if she doesnt reject you ... she will give you number because you were good clown ... maybe if she is bored you go for date ... but it will lead you anywhere with this chick because you are not desireable.

You are delusional if you believe smooth bullshyt talk and fake display of confidence can lead you far away.Soon your 'game' bullshyt talk will get her bored and she will see you what you are.You can game only women who find you enough physically attractive to get being gamed by you or you have sth they need (money,status)

For example if guy is badass and displayed some alpha game she may take chick for a date but soon she will dump him as it is not socially acceptable for a woman to date
shorter man.Some guy may get number with his smooth talk but when she discovers he lives with mom in basement 'goodbye my dear'.That's common sense, you can not replace 'game' byllshyt talk with real qualities like height,muscles,money,status.

Until you talented psycho like Manson it is extremly hard for a guy with disadvantage to display unshaken confidence because you are shyttested all the time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Thats great then you go ahead and work and lift your life away in an attempt to impress women with your looks and money complaining about how nothing can overcome a "disadvantage", ill swoop in and take her away once she realizes how miserable and boring you are. Deal?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I'm with JohnnytheArrow on this one.

If you don't meet or exceed her minimum look/type standard, one of two things will happen when you approach:

1. She will ignore or flat out reject you. You won't even get to talk to her and run any game.

2. She will be polite and enjoy from free company/entertainment. But you are basically in friendzone. She's not going home with you or going to make out with you. You might get a number, but she will likely flake.

But if you do ok in the looks department (from her perspective), then yes, game is very helpful to try to move things forward.

I've been in all three categories at various times. I've been ignored and/or told to F off lol. My favorite is getting eyerolls. I've been the friendzone dancing monkey running lots of game as free entertainment. I've also been accepted on looks AND game (when I had more hair) and moved forward with the lady.

Women are big on looks. While I support game, the thing is, many times, it's all over before you can even open your mouth.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
