Gals with BF


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
i know to gals with bfs

How do i get them??

Little backround info

1st gal - we will call k - i met through a friend a while back, and now we are definatly in the just friends zone (she unloads her problems on me etc, im working on this) she comes upto me yesterday hand in hand with new bf who i used to work with and says "hey you know j dont ya" "were bored and dont know what to do" i was a bit annoyed about her coming to me to find something to do but anyway!

2nd gal - we will call H - i met through k, she has a bf i have no contact to her, no email no number, i just have a laugh around her at college! she finds me and were always having a laugh, teasing and being sarcastic etc

so basically how do you get a gal with a bf? especially these two gals?

any help will be great!



Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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But not in a Dump him and go out with me way

just how do i act around gals with BF's (especially those two)


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
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Buy them expensive gifts and talk about their problems with them. Preferably at a place where they will feel most comfortable, such as a male strip club. Pay for all their drinks, as well.

Then, after she has left to make love with her boyfriend, stay and get cornholed by the two leather-clad bull queers that have been staring at you all night. Then, for good measure, shoot yourself in the face. Women like men with rugged features.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
If you want to get either of these girls, dump the emotional tampon attitude.

The amount of girls i fvcked it up with because of the attitude.

Girls say the want a man who can discuss problems and be emotional with them, but this is bull sh!t. They want a Man.

You need to be that MAN.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
This is how you handle them...

Treat them like your home boys. Don't show them too much attention or desire. Whenever you get around them, make it seem like you're at your most confident. Adopt a "stuck-up" persona around them. Talk to them/ spend time with them to the point where they trust you and then become scarce. Pull other girls in front of them. Always tell them good news, nothing bad. Always tell them what they wanna hear (but don't say nothing stupid). Never bring up their boyfriends in a conversation, let them do it and everytime they do, try to change the subject without making it obvious. KINO is real useful. (It really helps A LOT if you're an attractive guy to these girls, cause if you're ugly, you can't get them, because you gotta have the looks to take). Whatever it is you know about their boyfriend, try to make it seem you got it BETTER than their boyfriend (don't tell them, but show them- but if their boyfriend is better off than you, you probably can't get them.) If their boyfriend pisses them off, it could be an advantage for you to move in, but don't try to be their boyfriend! These is an open invitational to fucc. The key is to let them tell on themselves by talking to you, they just want someone to listen, and you can be that person.. but no one ever said that you had to pay attention... hahaha. Just pretend to pay attention when they get to talking about the losers because you don't wanna hear that shyt.. but pay attention to some things because they may say something bizarre, like ("I have thought about cheating on him because....") and this is when you get your chance. This is kinda like looking for a turn to make into traffic.... timing is everything


tell them how you feel (no "I Like You"). Don't catch feelings. Don't trust them (because if you manage to steal them, they can be stolen from you). Don't try to set up anything special for them. Don't buy them anything. Don't be nice to them. Don't think about them. As you think, you become... Be smart, be 3 steps ahead of them.

And you can do this, because we ALL know that girls are h03Z. Girls do this to their boyfriends all the time. So this can definitely happen with you, and TO YOU (never forget that). I have fucced countless girls with boyfriends, but only because I thought nothing of it. Girls are gonna say dumb things like "..but I feel bad ", yeah, whatever.. girls are confused with how they feel. They're only gonna say that to see if you're man enough to move in anyway because they truly don't feel bad. How can they when they ARE BAD? Just something to think about. But I guarantee you that every DJ on this board, including myself... their girl has thought about fuccing with a "male friend", and this is you. Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
we're just about to make a 7m bid for you crouch, if thats you.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by the_great_gaia
Don't trust them (because if you manage to steal them, they can be stolen from you).
Very important note.