Gaining Confidence to go out there and perform!


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
I am like many people here. I've had my up's and down's, and as a teenager, I am terribly self conscious. I don't like that. This is my limiting belief and it stops me from approaching women.

Now, like many of you, I also dont want to waste my time for 8 weeks and go through the Boot Camp. Of course, many will say, "you have to do the boot camp, no wonder you're confident."

No, but that's the problem. Following the boot camp. It's long, its quite tedious, and you miss out on many many opportunities in 8 weeks time that you would get otherwise if you'd just "freestyle" it all. This is all assuming that in the beginning, all you're looking for is sex, and then relationship.

So, you need confidence to approach women in the beginning. Ok, no biggie. And hey, reading all those motivational posts are also great. But you know what? When you go up there, that confidence decreases. It's easier to be puffed full of confidence on the computer. So, how to maintain this confidence?

The dilema is basically thing:
To go up to girls and just DO IT and talk with them. But, to not spend like 8 weeks going through a boot camp and somehow feel limited by it.

So, how to get this? How to get "instant mega confidence." Are there any NLP things happening there that would help me change my beliefs and stuff? Or is there anything else? Results need to come fast, and I think not only me, but many others will appreciate this.

My game is inner. I strongly believe in inner game, but its the confidence that gets me down. Once I am comfortable with a girl, its all very easy, but before that..I'm lost for confidence.
Jan 4, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
Uhh, people don't just gain "instant mega confidence" overnight. That's the whole point of the DJ bootcamp. Repetition & experience build confidence.

Lets put it this way. Say you are doing job interviews. The first time you go, you are nervous and you probably don't do as well as you can. Afterwards, you feel good about yourself .. but that confidence fades quickly. The more jobs you apply for, the more self-assured you become, because you are better prepared for the questions they ask you or whatever.

Honestly, you have to build it up through repetition and putting ur ass on the line. Maybe someone else has another opinion, but in my experience you've just gotta get out there and work your magic. Sorry, but cutting corners usually gets ya nowhere man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
yeah i dont really have the courage to go up to a girl and like flirt with her ....
its basicly because ive got this thoughts preset in my mind that because i am of a foreign culture she will either ignore me or insult me .... because many of the white people of the city have a certain way of thoughts about tennagers with parents from a develepment country...
and because they hear so many bad things about a certain group of people with the same background they generalise every one they see... and that means that u have to get to know them before u can make ur move and whenever i try that i end up getting my self in the friend zone...
kinda sucks being judged just cuz of my name and apperance.....

so ive kinda given up on finding a girl in this country and am waiting to move my ass out of here ....

gonna go to greece soon so hopefully ill meet some cool chicks there =)


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by sandmandr
excuser mode, that is! Teenagers are the most open minded people. which country are you in right now that people are treating you like this?


What YOU think others think about you, is not really how it is. It's your own interpretation!
im in Sweden... people here are really cold and most young teenage girls think that every brown skinned man is either a rapist or a thief etc... cuz they hear so many stories in the newspaper about these new refugees that come into the country and kill and sometimes rape people and these fuc kos ruin it for the rest of us.... while there are only a few teenage boys who think that way...


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
even if your excuse may be 'right',
dont forget, it's still an EXCUSE!
Get out of it!