Gaining confidence in a month


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
I was originally gonna type out a long drawn out paragraph explaining why I lack confidence. Then I realized its the same reasons for everyone. Its not rational and can't really be explained. What I ask of Sosuave is this: How do I get rid of my lack of confidence within a month? I go back to college soon, and I'll be miserable and won't be able to enjoy my life unless I kick this like a bad habit. Keep in mind this goes beyond getting women, this is with everything from holding a conversation to going through with plans for my future. Unless I change my frame of mind, I'll never be happy. Help me guys.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
theres no magic pill dude, you gotta force yourself out your comfort zone, force yourself to do things you previously would have shy'd away from...

do you lack confidence due to low self esteem?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
you're not confident in your ability to swim until you learn how and practice.

You're not confident in your ability to ride a bike until you learn how and practice.

You're not confident in your ability to fight in the octagon until you learn how and practice.

You're not confident in your ability to skydive until you learn how and practice.

You're not confident in your ability to fight a bull to the death until you learn how and practice.

Do you see the theme here?

Action breeds confidence and high self esteem. You don't get high self esteem and confidence and then take action. That's backwards thinking. So go find a bootcamp...or make plan to start small and work your way up to banging chicks. You learn what to do, then you practice it.

Day 1. Saying hi to everyone male and female.
Day 2. Holding conversations with strangers.
Day3. Saying hi to girls you find attractive.
Day 4. Holding conversations with girls you find attractive.
Day 5. Try to get a number from one girl.
Day 6. Try to get a number from two girls.

etc... you just practice every day until you feel confident. You will have setbacks and fail. Nothing is easy. And thats why most guys don't succeed. They don't want to do any work. they just want a magic source of confidence. Action and failure and success breeds confidence.

This applies to everything in life, not just women. Right now I am building my confidence on running my own website and online business. I've failed in my first business, but I learned alot and this time its going a whole lot better. Every failure I learn something and come back better and stronger with more confidence in myself.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
You won't Belive how much confadence I've gained in this past month hitting the gym. I've lost 20 lbs so far, and people HAVE noticed. A girl who had low IL in me all of a sudden spiked.

Warrior answer was the best though, this was just my 2 cents, I actually walk taller now, and have a lot more ability to talk with people (I suffer from retarded amounts of AA and anxiety attacks, I would classify myself as a AFC, when last month i was a WBAFC)


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Do what Warrior said. Practice. Go out there and take some lumps. It'll build the thick skin that will separate you from the guys who latch on to the first girl that shows them interest.

Mainly, don't put a 1-month limitation on yourself. I've been taking guitar lessons for 5-6 years straight. Can I play? Yes. But there are still 1000 things I need to learn. Imagine if I put a 1-month limit on myself.

Even once you reach this imaginary goal, there will still be hundreds of new things for you to learn. There is no destination here. Your only goal should be to turn yourself into the man you want to be. And even when you're on your death bed, that won't be accomplished. It's the fact that you're trying that separates you from the pack.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
lorekeeper said:
You won't Belive how much confadence I've gained in this past month hitting the gym. I've lost 20 lbs so far, and people HAVE noticed. A girl who had low IL in me all of a sudden spiked.

Warrior answer was the best though, this was just my 2 cents, I actually walk taller now, and have a lot more ability to talk with people (I suffer from retarded amounts of AA and anxiety attacks, I would classify myself as a AFC, when last month i was a WBAFC)
Yeah, this is what I'm aiming to do too. As long as you are even getting IL's out there and know you are getting attraction out there, then you feel confident. When you get zero IL's, or low IL's, then you do not feel confident.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
kingsam said:
do you lack confidence due to low self esteem?
They're highly correlated. I know I'm not worthless, but I don't feel adequate compared to others around. Mainly cause I'm not overly smart(but not a dummy) can't hold conversations well, and don't have confidence. It's kind of circle, I lack confidence because of these which gives me low self esteem. It sucks. It's like I know I'm not worthless but I don't "feel" it because I have so many flaws that I can't seem to change. It's like I have all the tools to make my future, but I just can't pull the trigger.

I guess thats the hardest part. But also the most confusing. The last few weeks of college, I was on fire with the breaking out part. It got to the point the courage to randomly approach this one girl who I didn't know and I asked to hang out. Now I'm too nervous to talk to girls in my gym class lol. It's not so much the attempt, it's the result when I do. Usually what screws me up is my nerves, they make it hard to hold a convo and I end up repeating the same "mistakes." Since I know this, I'm hesitant to approach. Hence the main issue with approaching. But I'm not arguing. That won't get me anywhere. So repeated back-to-back bombs=eventual success?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
HardLeftHook said:
They're highly correlated. I know I'm not worthless, but I don't feel adequate compared to others around. Mainly cause I'm not overly smart(but not a dummy) can't hold conversations well, and don't have confidence. It's kind of circle, I lack confidence because of these which gives me low self esteem. It sucks. It's like I know I'm not worthless but I don't "feel" it because I have so many flaws that I can't seem to change. It's like I have all the tools to make my future, but I just can't pull the trigger.

I guess thats the hardest part. But also the most confusing. The last few weeks of college, I was on fire with the breaking out part. It got to the point the courage to randomly approach this one girl who I didn't know and I asked to hang out. Now I'm too nervous to talk to girls in my gym class lol. It's not so much the attempt, it's the result when I do. Usually what screws me up is my nerves, they make it hard to hold a convo and I end up repeating the same "mistakes." Since I know this, I'm hesitant to approach. Hence the main issue with approaching. But I'm not arguing. That won't get me anywhere. So repeated back-to-back bombs=eventual success?
Its the knowing that you have the balls to do it and fail and do it again. Knowing that your not the sort of man who is scared of something so simple as a woman. Knowing that you aren't a quitter. Every time you try, you prove that your that guy. And every time you succeed you reaffirm that you are totally that guy. There is no losing unless there is no trying. It's what you take away from the experience = nothing to learn from.

If your nervous, start small man. Hi is the easiest and shortest conversation you can have with a cute girl. You won't die, your life won't end...the world goes on no matter what you do, so you might as well do it.

Start out talking to chics you aren't attracted to, not to game or date or sleep with, but to just to get used to talking to women. Do you have any women friends at all? Call one up as a warm up convo, or tell her to meet you at the gym and chat with her and then segway into chatting with other chic. Whatever it takes to get you started man. You just have to take some sort of action. The more action you take the more you will figure out what works for you. That nervousness is you being stuck in your head thinking too much. Stop being selfish and thinking so much about you, and think about the person you are talking to, LISTEN to what they are saying and think about it and comment back! That's called having a conversation. You aren't listening to her, your listening to your doubts and fears. That's called being a bad conversationalist!

My first website was crap, my navigation was crap, my clients couldn't even find my order button. I lost a fair bit of traffic and money. And I still made a couple of hundred extra a month. But I've learned that I need to make things easier for my clients by getting out there and trying. Now I'm making a couple of hundred a week. As I learn more and fail more, I'll figure out what I'm doing wrong and eventually be making a thousand or so a week. But if I don't do anything and worry about "what if my clients don't like my site, or if they don't like my work, what if they think im over priced, what if someone else gets them first" and I don't do anything...well I'll have to go back to eating ramen noodles everyday, and I do not want that. So what do I do? I stay hustling and scrambling and reading and learning and trying things until I figure out what the hell works! That's how living is done. Waiting and sitting on the sideline ain't living!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Remember when hypnotica (I think it was him) suggested you go run outside in a dress with a dildo on my head? I did something along those lines, and I did it a lot, and in public xD Nothing too awkward or gross but it kicked the lack of confidence right out of me. After that, I just stopped giving a **** what others thought of me, deep inside, and that made a ton of difference.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
HardLeftHook said:
I was originally gonna type out a long drawn out paragraph explaining why I lack confidence. Then I realized its the same reasons for everyone. Its not rational and can't really be explained.
Yes it can, its explained by fear, and your lack of motivation to overcome it.

What I ask of Sosuave is this: How do I get rid of my lack of confidence within a month? I go back to college soon, and I'll be miserable and won't be able to enjoy my life unless I kick this like a bad habit. Keep in mind this goes beyond getting women, this is with everything from holding a conversation to going through with plans for my future. Unless I change my frame of mind, I'll never be happy. Help me guys.
First off, you will not gain confidence in a month, that is unrealistic.
My advice is this. Confidence is the oposite of fear. Having low confidence in yourself is the same as having a fear of life. Generally speaking, this fear comes from of the fact that you have not been able to control what happens outside of you and you never will.
You have to come to the realization that you will never be able control how the world treats you, but that you CAN learn to control how you react to social rejection. How? by facing your fears. Go out there and put yourself on the line. See what confident people do and do it. Try to be the life of the party, be loud, walk with your chest and chin up high, be the leader in your interactions with people, be fearless in social situations and everyday life. You will be mocked, embarrassed, and made fun of, but eventually you will be able to control how you respond to this rejection and will just brush it off.
Now you understand why it wont go away in a month?


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
I like what warrior said but you have to expect failure as part of learning.
Fear is the biggest killer of confidence and self esteem. We are worthy..we are born as men for women.
The best way to overcome fear is acknowledge the fear and realise that its just a thought that holds you back from going forward into action. Its not even real. You need the courage to step out with action even if you are afraid to overcome obstacles and become successful.
Also realise that every woman wants a man and they are not above us..this is the mistake we make. We dont have to be afraid ..we dont have to run when the going gets tough. We fall and get back up until we get it right..
Good luck!! We are lions...we are lions we are lions...Learn how to hunt as I am as well!!


New Member
Jul 8, 2010
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United Kingdom
First post lol. Yea so ive been coming on here to read alot of intresting stuff but i just felt like i should add my 2 cents because I've been where you are before.

Ok ill give you tricks and ideas that helped me alot. First of all THERE IS NO FAILURE. Failure is a limitation made by us Humans. I have some super articles on it but i cant post links cuz im on ma phone rightnow. Anyways failure is a limitation same as "im a shy person" and all that think about it your a healthy human you CAN DO ANYTHING please dont limit youself by saying the words mentioned above. Will you be able to go out and approach if I tell you that you will be the guy, pua, mpua, super confident and smart man that you always wanted to be? Yes ofcourse Rejection will be there and trust me I was rejected more than you only to be where i am now. It takes courage I know. Courage is not having no fear, courage is acting EVEN THOUGH the fear is there. Its acting in te eyes of fear.

I recommend googling inner game articles google is your friend. Back to my tricks.

Join clubs get INTO ENVIROMENTS WHERE YOU ARE CHALLANGED TO DO IT ( Talkin to strangers holding convos etc.) Maybe a job as a bartender? The colleges baskettball team? Even the fckin YOGA CLASSESwhatever do omething have an exciting life. That will make you more confident and intresting to girka trust me.

Second make friends wih NATURALS yes watch closely how they act around women ask them to help u. Not literally though I think you know what i mean jus make friends with them. Dont be around boring people. YOU ARE THE PRODUCT OF YOUR ENVIROMENT. Be around around Mentors inspiring people and you will hopefully take something from interctions with them. Go around dumb people with ni goaks and life .. You know whefe im goin right?

Third have a Defult thing to say (From David De Angelo check him out to me one of the greatest.- I would provide links but im on the phone so.) OK I said have a default thing to say in every situation this will make you more confident too. Funny how people training speaking on voicemail and al that but dont want to practice interactions with women. Make one right now take some ideas from here and there the forum is yours lol.

4th another great thing i learned from David De angelo is that ITS YOUR REALITY. He did research and came to the conclusion that the person who can express his or her reality verbally the best sucks others into it. Think about it whos reality do you live in? In your age it can be the church you go to, bibles, parents etc. Thats why dont believe anybody BUT GO OUT AND TRY IT DONT BE TOO FAST TO JUDGE.

The other Reality is that the world you live in is YOUR REALITY make this your theme. ITS YOUR REALITY EVERYBODY ELSE ESPECIALLY THESE GIRLS ARE GUESTS IN YOUR REALITY. You talk slow you breath slow. You are ambitious young man. Anybody who is rude or doesnt want to talk to you is missing out on the chance to talk to a great person.

With practice you get better.
Find your limiting beliefs and lose them.

5th damn Its hard typing all this with a phone. I think ill add some more when im on my laptop but these are the only ones I can think off atm.

Well maybe you could also cop yourself David de angelos "double your dating " torrent it if u want to lol. I'll give you some advices later


New Member
Jul 8, 2010
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United Kingdom
Also your Imagination is a big weapon in this.
Think about where you will be in 10-20 years if you keep going with that mentality of yours. Who you will wake up next to lol. Ugly woman? Well thats what i had lol. It gve me some kind of boost i wnted to wake up next to a beautiful supermodel. Now think about where you will be and who youll wake up next to you if you FOLLOW THE SUGGESTIONS AND ADVICES GIVEN TO YOU BY YOUR FELLOW DJS. Damn I should do a seperte thread on this.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, guys. Thanks for the advice. I just have to keep putting myself out there. Well, I tried holding a convo with these 2 girls in my summer school class. They just kinda semi ignored me. I found out my general demeanor is timid, so I guess that feeling kinda flows out of me automatically. My boxing trainer filled me in on this. I mean I kinda knew already, but its good that its being brought to my attention. How do I go about removing this aura?

P.S I must gain at least a decent level on confidence within this time frame, becuase I don't have any more time to waste and have goals to accomplish. I believe I can do this.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
You can't really be happy until you are happy with yourself. Work on yourself and come to terms with yourself and the other stuff will somewhat work their way out. You'll still need to kill that little man inside you known as fear. You'll still need that overwhelming thing called desire that is probably what makes you feel so damn worthless anyways if you're not having any success. Without desire nothing can be achieved. . What's that guy saying about expecting failure? Never expect failure how would expecting a failure motivate you. Just learn how to brush your shoulders off and get back on the horse.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, lots of time has gone by, and I've kinda lost sight of even how to improve myself. I think the fact that theres not much going on in my life right now to do much of anything. I have one summer school class that ends in 3 weeks and I'm training for a boxing match but thats about it. When I'm not doing either, or working out I'm at home on the PC. I;ve done some reading of the Dj bible, but I'm not really sure what to do or how to apply it to my current boring circumstances.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Dude, don't ever do what I did. Keep adding stuff to your life to make it interesting. Take on hobbies, jobs, sports, anything. I ended up in suicide watch after determining I was on very high risk.That's where no confidence, no self-esteem and no positive outlook in life will ever get you, steer your ship in the right direction while you still can, don't reach the point of no return. Right action man, as soon as possible.