My advice about numbers (from 2 posts):
You are in the club. You aproach a girl and start talking to her about regular stuff, and so on. You will probably number close her, but only in 10% of the cases see her again.
Really, we all know you want the whole thing to happen that night.
During months of consecutive clubing, i've came up with interest level tests that cant miss to realize in the minute what level are you going to get with the girl that night.
Step 1) The aproach
You are in the dance floor in the same spot for like 10m, checking out the same girl. She probably saw you checking her out, and when you do make an aproach, unless she gave you some sign, she will be freaked out.
You cant sit in a spot, and make an aproach after a certain time. It has to be casual. You gotta see, think and do it right in the minute. She's next to the bar dancing with her girl friends, and suddenly she goes for a drink, that's the moment!
She went to sit down a bit at stairs, chairs, sofa or some other spot and you pass by her, perfect time to aproach!
I could make a list of moments to aproach but you must be the one to realize the good timing to perform this, the time that it will be so casual, concise and perfect she cant possibly flake. You will even feel this confidence and dont even think you can miss.
Step 2) Interest level test #1
You JUST started to talk to her. After 1m or so:
"Its too loud in here, lets go over there so we can talk!"
This way you will see if she's interested enough in going with you to other place, and if she can leave her friends for a bit. If the does go with you, you're on. She will be isolated and you can talk to her at will.
Would it be better to just keep chit chatting her next to her friends, and after a bit when her friends went to other place of the club she would go along? No.
Now you know she wants to get to know you better, and that her friends can wait for her.
Step 3) The 15m talk
Now you will talk to her for about 15 minutes. Dont talk about normal stuff EVER! Just get to know the basics like name, age. No more talking about normal stuff, from now on its ****y/funny and flirting.
She's in college X? Sure you can say something funny about her college, make fun of it or some other.
She's younger than you a couple of years? You can tease with her about this.
She's wearing something special? Make a flirty coment about it.
She was dancing with her girl friend really close? Flirt about it.
I think you've got the point by now. The stuff you want to talk about isn't stuff you will have tought before, but things that will come up with the moment.
Step 4) Interest level test #2
Now after you've talked to her for a while, she know's if she's feeling you or not. Now you will "move" her again with the final test. If you made your game well by know, this will be easy to pull, much easyer than the 1st test because now there are no friends of her's around that can block you. Tell her something like:
a) Lets go get a drink!
b) Lets go dance!
Take her hand, and go on. You can say you go for a drink and go dancing instead, cause this way you will get to where i want you to.
Step 5) The close
Now you get with her to spot X and start dancing, get really close with her dancing right away, dont wait for latter. Realy close, hands around her a couple seconds latter, and face really close. Start looking her in her eyes, and moving both really slow and close, she is now feeling you, feeling intimacy between the two of you. Kiss her. Done.
I'll leave up for other article the end of night close to take her with you to your place, cause that art deserves a new article.
From other post:
After you do aproach:
a) state your intentions clearly and fast with a girl, start seducing her instead of chit chat. Talk about nothing but a couple of questions, and full flirt.
a1) if she's easy you gona score her with that confidence and game.
a2) if she's hard, she's gona find funny, and have a good time and laughs with you; you can still score her anyway.
b) you start chit-chatting about what you do, where you live, what you like, etc etc, no fun, boring talk...
b1) she will think you have no game, that if she wants action she'll have to get someone else, and you will probably end up in a status of getting a number to send messages and get no response.
b2) she is the boyfriend type of girl.. errrrr wrong answer... not many of these chicks go clubing regularly. You should have stick with plan A.
If you aproach a girl you dont know, and she doesnt live in your area, what are the chances of seeing her again? Come on, you want the whole thing to happen that night, so plz go back to option A and do it instead of B!!