full close


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
San Bernardino, ca
Hey everyone!
I'm pretty new here, but I just wanted to let everyone know about my first full close since I entered the community. It all happened at a local stripclub. I was sitting there, enjoying the show when a dancer came up to me and sat at my table to solicite a lap dance from me. I am determined never to pay for sex of ANY kind, so I declined, but I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to try out all the techniques i've been reading about. she sat down next to me and we started to talk. I began by being a little ****y funny, until she began giving me ioi's, at that point i shifted the conversation to focus more on her feelings. She is a stripper, so I decided first thing not to come on strong sexually with her because i figure that that's what she gets all day... and i wanted to stand out from all the afc's that hit on her all the time so I kept things more on an emotional level in the conversation. also, as i was talking to her, i turned my chair so that my back was to the stage,so that I could not look at the dancers on stage while she was talking to me. The conversation was going pretty well when she got called up to the stage to do a dance. I wanted to watc SOO bad, but I fiured that I would get her attention more if I didn't, so as she danced, I kept my chair faced away ftom the stage, and just sipped on my drink. After her dance was done she came back to sit by me and we talked for a little bit,and i interupted her with "do you want to kiss me?" she said that she did want to, but couldn't because her boss was nearby,so I told her to give me her number, which she did. Anyway...to sum it all up, I called her, we went on two dates, and at the end of the second one i full closed! I've been to her place a couple times since then and it's still going great!!! Thank you everyone for all your advice and help!


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo OH
Important observations

Congrats on closing a stripper!

I think there's some important stuff here. For example, by you NOT watching her dance like everyone does, you displayed some super attractive qualities:

- she wonders: "isnt he intrested in me sexually?" [Your not desperate]
- displaying an aloof quality, you dont desire to watch her strip [display higher value DHV]
- she comes back to talk to you because you intrigued her..she needs to qualify herself to you now [your alpha, she's beta]
- she'll need to do MORE than just show off her physical assets to intrigue you. [you've already set yourself apart from 99.9% of all men that come in the strip club]

Im sure you did more than this throughout your interaction with her but these are a few major points that we need to be aware of. Nice job buddy!


Mr Spitfire

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Way to go. You really have a handle on understanding what a woman is feeling.