

New Member
Jun 17, 2007
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i want answers from ANYBODY as many as possible. I met this girl at work who was down rite gorgeous and by far the best looking girl i have ever gone out with. We flirted back and forth ****y and funny all the time. so the circus was in town (LITERALLY!) so we went, tellin me some time aback that she and her bf had broken up. Not too long after we went out, her whole demeanour changed INSTANTLY.Givin me the cold shoulder, hardly responding to email or text or anything; only to realise that she had made back with her bf ( sort of ) which i found out AFTER i asked her if we could be more than frenz. she LJBFed the livin daylights out of me. The thing is i have a little bit of oneitis; and i want her back. she's probably the hottest Ph.D ever; and it's not like she doesn't like me; after a spell of reeling from my LJBF, we're talkin even like b4; and somehow i believe i can get her back pls pls pls pls pls give me something that works. am tryin everything!!!
thanxxxxxx::( :cry: :cuss:


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
She used you

Guys do this all the time. Girlfriend breaks up with guy so the dude hooks up with some random chick and the g/f cant stand the fact he's with another girl so the g/f comes crawling back

You were used for the purpose of pissing of her b/f who she clearly wanted back despite going on a date with you.

People suck


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
I have to agree with Ryan, she used you for emotional support while still being hung up on her boyfriend. She does like you though.

Use the boyfriend destroyer article from the tips section. Learn this and apply it well, and you should have the inside track.

Keep it cool, light and funny.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
*****es come and go and you can't always get what you want. Once a ***** has made up in her mind that she doesn't like you then their isn't much you can do. Just be yourself and if thats not enough then fvck it and move on. You trying to impress her or wow her will just be a big blow to your ego and dignity when she shoots you down again.

The best way to get her back is to start dating other chicks. Once she sees that your not avaialble but you have other women competeing for your attention then she may want a slice of the pie to. You need to be in more control, have her coming after you. Your the prize and if she doesn't see that without you having to spend a wad of cash or GO OUT OF YOUR WAY to try to impress her then she doesn't deserve you.

The more important question is what was it in your behavior that might have made her ljbf you. If you can sincerely say that you didn't **** up at all then maybe she still had un resolved feelings for her ex and she was just using you to make her feel good about herself. You never know with chicks these days but shyt do what you have to do and if she doesn't see that your a great guy then FVCK IT AND MOVE ON. Damn i can't believe how so many men give so many women the power to be hypnotized under the spell when it shoudl really be the other way around. If a bytch is hot thats fine and awesome but it shouldn't be grounds to allow her to use for what she wants when she wants an throw you out when shes done. LEAD LEAD LEAD BE A MAN AND FVCK A ***** IF YOU CAN'T GET HER BACK. Don't demean yourself and try to hard or you'll just come off as another TYPical AFC who is craving for her attention.:nono:


New Member
Jun 17, 2007
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where is the boyfriend destroyer couldn't find it. anywayz i think it was a combination of her friend not likin me 2 much and i think she misinterprets my metro for the other word that ryhmes wit it. but she went out and had fun even when i was metro. i dunno. i sent her a tex today basically sayin ****ily we'll be together eventually. bad idea? i dunno. i c everything i wanted in a woman; and i've waited SO LONG for a girl like this to come along. i find it hard 2 let her or the idea of her & me go.

Myriad By Python

Don Juan
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
You are too far attached to her already to get her. I promise, you will not get this one.

Congratulations, you're making your first step into being an alpha male. By letting her go.