From Theory to Action. How?


New Member
Oct 29, 2019
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First, I just read the Mystery Method. Now I want to start applying the information.
Mystery suggests to memorize routines. Where do I find these routines?

Secondly, fear has paralyzed me. I don't know where to begin to actually practice game. Instead of just reading about it.
I don't have any friends that I can actually go out with to practice. I want to practice game at day time outside in real life not in a club.

Third, My quality of life and my business depends on learning social skills. A lack of these skills has resulted in absolute loneliness.
Learning this is as important to me as survival itself.

I don't have friends or family to look towards for help, it is in this desperate situation that I am turning to the collective
wisdom of the manosphere. Rollo Tomassi has spoken highly of the people of this forum in his book and hence I have hope that I will
get the help I need here, so that, after recovering from my social isolation I can also contribute to you guys and help you out with
your problems.

Please help me and point me in the right direction.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
Check this out for starters.

I'll put it like this. Youcan read all the gym books you want, but when you actually go to the gym for the first time you'll be nervous, unsure of yourself, and not able to lift hundreds of pounds. You have to keep DOING. Action.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
First, I just read the Mystery Method. Now I want to start applying the information.
Mystery suggests to memorize routines. Where do I find these routines?

Secondly, fear has paralyzed me. I don't know where to begin to actually practice game. Instead of just reading about it.
I don't have any friends that I can actually go out with to practice. I want to practice game at day time outside in real life not in a club.

Third, My quality of life and my business depends on learning social skills. A lack of these skills has resulted in absolute loneliness.
Learning this is as important to me as survival itself.

I don't have friends or family to look towards for help, it is in this desperate situation that I am turning to the collective
wisdom of the manosphere. Rollo Tomassi has spoken highly of the people of this forum in his book and hence I have hope that I will
get the help I need here, so that, after recovering from my social isolation I can also contribute to you guys and help you out with
your problems.

Please help me and point me in the right direction.
What is that fear rooted in? Afraid of being judged or rejected by women? Then you need to work on your personal life until you KNOW your worth and are self validated. Or you can simply focus on game and figure it out way down the line that personal growth is much more stable and long lasting than mystery techniques.

If you're lonely I'd suggest working on building a social circle first. Consistently attend group hobbies that you're interested in. When you have some social clout it'll give you a boost in confidence, provide a support network, and show some social status.

Identify your goals with women. What are you seeking? A quick fling? An LTR? You need to dig deep and find out what you really want first. When you know what you want you'll orient yourself towards that goal and have something to work towards. So what's your goal?
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Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
I would suggest starting out with joining some meetup groups. While many of these are 'social groups' on the surface, there's also an opportunity to interact with various women as well. The more comfortable you become with this environment, the better chances you'll have with working an angle with women.

It's been years since I've heard about "Mystery." I'm pretty sure that part of his shtick was "neg hits" ("nice nails, are they real?") Although his advice might work on a "9" or a "10" with a smug attitude, it's (for the most part) counter-productive to apply these tactics on the every day gal.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
First, I just read the Mystery Method. Now I want to start applying the information.
Mystery suggests to memorize routines. Where do I find these routines?
Is this 2006?


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
Been pursuing my hobbies and interest for a while now gentlemen. I see no women in my bed. Got to give better advice than that.

Social life does not equal women. It's just one step. Many men who are social, and have hobbies and goals are failing with women.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
What is that fear rooted in? Afraid of being judged or rejected by women? Then you need to work on your personal life until you KNOW your worth and are self validated. Or you can simply focus on game and figure it out way down the line that personal growth is much more stable and long lasting than mystery techniques.

If you're lonely I'd suggest working on building a social circle first. Consistently attend group hobbies that you're interested in. When you have some social clout it'll give you a boost in confidence, provide a support network, and show some social status.

Identify your goals with women. What are you seeking? A quick fling? An LTR? You need to dig deep and find out what you really want first. When you know what you want you'll orient yourself towards that goal and have something to work towards. So what's your goal?
He wants what every guy wants with women. Unlimited access to unlimited s3x.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Do not apply the methods in The Mystery Method, it's outdated and rather cringy to be honest.

Read the DJ Bible, watch some infield footage by various guys on YouTube (don't copy, just to get inspiration) and go out to apply it. It's probably going to feel awkward talking to women just like that out of the blue, but do it anyways. That awkward feeling is bullsh!t, defy it. Reflect on your experiences in the context of what you've read and the videos you watch, self correct and try again (hopefully with some improvement each time).

Fvck memorization, you can't do it unless you're some sort of savant. It's easier to learn how to improvise believe it or not, and a lot more interesting.


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Without women, no children.
Without you, no women.
You really don't have to try that hard they have to live trough you.
Even tho your guts tells you otherwise believe me and the boys, you are the prize and they can only live trough you.

So go out in a not so fancy bar, sit down, relax, breath in slow motion and let time flow.
Do so until you feel bored or sleepy, you will naturally start to observe stuff and make fun of it.

If any awkward feeling arises, accept it, thats what you have to go trough.

Don't let any easy conversation opportunity slip by, with janitor, bouncer anybody,it will build momentum.
If you feel like it is too hard or too scary don't do it, just focus on relaxing and letting your imagination have some fun.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
1. Close laptop, turn off tablet, put down phone, etc.
2. Open door and walk outside.
3. Go to where people are. Have a goal. (Buying socks, e.g.)
4. Talk to people.
5. Pursue hobbies and join groups relevant to hobbies.
6. See #4.
This is gold. Keep it stupid simple


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Go out in a not so fancy bar, sit down, relax, breath in slow motion and let time flow.
Do so until you feel bored or sleepy, you will naturally start to observe stuff and make fun of it.

Don't let any easy conversation opportunity slip by, with janitor, bouncer anybody,it will build momentum.
Great share.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
I understand your dilemma.

It's tough to go from socially inexperienced to life of any social gathering.

Experience > Theory

1. Find activities - work/hobby/goal/lifestyle which YOU LIKE.

2. Find a place where there are people sharing that goal ie. a social component

3. Keep visiting that place regularly and interact with people there.

A simple opener like:
Do you come here often?
Do you know any more places like this nearby?

Some conversations will drop dead, some people won't respond or leave, etc. Let it flow.

Rinse and repeat. You'll gain experience that can't be taught through books.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
It's been years since I've heard about "Mystery." I'm pretty sure that part of his shtick was "neg hits" ("nice nails, are they real?") Although his advice might work on a "9" or a "10" with a smug attitude, it's (for the most part) counter-productive to apply these tactics on the every day gal.
Yeah... I'd forget about the Mystery method... but there is one thing I like about it. If you run across a woman that tosses an insult at you, Mystery teaches you to ignore what she said like it never came out of her mouth and toss it back at her. Truth is as you get older and hit on older women, they really don't insult you anymore, they are mostly glad to get the attention, so this hasn't happened to me in awhile. But if you are a young guy, I guess some of the mystery method still could work in clubs and large parties.

As far as approach anxiety... man the best way to get over that is to just keep doing it. Practice practice practice.... then more practice. But here is something I told my nephew a few years back that seamed to work for him....

Just remove any expectation... just go out for a few weeks, work on just walking up and talking to women, well... really anyone you don't know. And tell yourself no mater how things go you are NOT going to get her number or pick her up. Just go in and start talking. You fear... because of expectation. If you just don't care if anything happens you'll relax more and that makes for better practice.
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
Reaction score
First, I just read the Mystery Method. Now I want to start applying the information.
Mystery suggests to memorize routines. Where do I find these routines?

Secondly, fear has paralyzed me. I don't know where to begin to actually practice game. Instead of just reading about it.
I don't have any friends that I can actually go out with to practice. I want to practice game at day time outside in real life not in a club.

Third, My quality of life and my business depends on learning social skills. A lack of these skills has resulted in absolute loneliness.
Learning this is as important to me as survival itself.

I don't have friends or family to look towards for help, it is in this desperate situation that I am turning to the collective
wisdom of the manosphere. Rollo Tomassi has spoken highly of the people of this forum in his book and hence I have hope that I will
get the help I need here, so that, after recovering from my social isolation I can also contribute to you guys and help you out with
your problems.

Please help me and point me in the right direction.
Hey man it’s perfectly natural to feel the way that you do because that has become your norm. It’s safe and comfortable. Especially now with the pandemic people are feeling much more isolated and cut off. But the fact that you are posting about this shows your dissatisfaction with your current situation and your mind fighting for its survival. Doing what is not normal will take some time but you have to be willing to push yourself and get out of your comfort zone. You reading a book by Mystery won’t solve your problems neither will you achieve the result that you want overnight. It takes time but you have to put in the effort and be willing to risk rejection, disrespect, humiliation, flaking and many more things in order to achieve success and get what you desire. It’s part of the process.

I have never met a successful person that only worked on attaining knowledge…you have to take ACT-ion and start to practice what you are reading. Memorizing lines and routines won’t get you far because you will be too stuck in your head thinking about what you need to say or do rather than paying attention to what women or people in general are doing or saying to you.

I don’t know how old you are but remember that it’s never too late. No one is getting out of this thing called life alive…so as long as you are breathing and have a heartbeat you can still make something of yourself. Life is not supposed to be easy because if that was the case we would all be rich, tall, beautiful, in shape and famous but alas reality is a cold mistress.

I suggest that you take small steps by just saying hi to people and see how they respond. You can talk to cashiers, attendants, waitresses, bartenders, people that work in retail, and anyone that has to deal and talk to people for a living and there is a high chance that they will be friendly to you. All you are doing is basically saying hi to them that’s it.

You have to take baby steps and get comfortable talking to people in general before you focus only on women. You need to be able to hold a conversation, ask the right questions and learn to think quick on your feet which also takes time and will be even more difficult to do if you are trying to pull routines or are saying things that you have memorized.

Reading a book about how real life works and how real life actually works are two very different things. Now I’m not saying that reading books is the wrong approach and there are a lot of great books out there but don’t confuse knowledge with ACT-ion and just because an author says that something like routines work for him doesn’t mean that it will work for you. It’s going to be a trail and error process for you.

Now if you want to really speed up this process you can get a job doing door to door sales or anything that’s sales related because not only will you learn to influence and persuade people but you will learn and see patterns in human behavior which will allow you better insight and awareness into how people function and think but again that’s not for everyone. Most of all don’t give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hopefully this wasn’t too long for you to read).

Something that I suggest you do.

Go on YouTube and look up The greatest salesman in the world - Scroll 1 - 10. It’s an hour long audio…listen to it and it should help you develop the mindset you need to get you going. Let me know how it goes.
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Willie Naylor

Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
No routines brah.