From AFC* to 'So pimp its scary'

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
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In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!

**Disclaimer ** This article is original only in the sense that I wrote it in my own words and relating only to myself. The ideas represented are in no way new, esp. to anyone that has read the bible.

AFC - Absolutely fvcking clueless
As a youth, before my teen years, I remember that I would always have girlfriends (even though I was too young to really know what to do with them.... ). Then, at one point, when I was 15, everything changed for me.
I had sex for the first time.
This woman quite literally whipped me into shape, and after we broke up, no more then 2 weeks later, I was left the utter AFC that untill no less then 8 months ago (when I found this site)... a mere 3 and a half years after breaking up with this women.

The truth is that I wanted everything in life to be as easy as possible. And so, I also lacked the drive and the motivation to actually go out and change my situation. That was untill one night at the bar. I was sitting on my own, when a girl came up to me and asked me to start dansing... this girl was NOT hot... far from it, this woman was probably at about a 3.5-4 on the hott scale.

We went out for a couple of weeks, and then I hit the low point in my game. SHE DUMPED ME!!! That was the greatest blow to my self-esteem ever. The ugliest girl I've ever even considered going out with DUMPED ME. That's when I knew things had to change, but I didn't know how.

RAC - The Recovering Average Chump
My search for what to do went to Buddhism, and other eastern philosophies... I studied, looking for ways to change myself, books on how to become less shy (that were so fvcking dumb, I just couldn't do the excercises).

I really thought for a while that I was a lost cause... I started browsing the internet for things how to pickup women... this search took me nearly 6 months before I found a site that offered the complete information without needing a credit card.

That is when I typed in the magical combination of letters and words that brought up I started reading article after article about confidence to the point where just hearing the word confidence got me to cringe.... problem : I HAD NONE.

I was reading all of these articles pointing out all the flaws in my game.... It was the first time I had ever been exposed to such ideas but, it rang so much truth that I started laughing at the possibilities.

ADJ - Apprentice Don Juan
For a little while I started practising on the c&f in IM conversations in chat rooms, and whenever I would actually talk to women.... it was a fairly slow learning curve. Untill I found the boot camp. So simple were it's ideas, yet so very powerful.

It only needed to start with eye contact. It only took me 2 weeks of camp before I ditched... realizing that it wasn't what I needed to continue.

I started following the 3 second rule, and got denial after denial, meanwhile coming home and trying to fifure out where I went wrong, and what I could have improved. This stage of my game lasted a full 3 months. Untill one day, I knew that I was ready.

IDJ - Intermediate Don Juan
New Years Eve : I was ready for a night of macking... realizing that many of the girls would be with their bfs. I was turning heads that night, and I could feel it.

That night, I got rejected 4 times.... andended up with 2 girls numbers, Afterwards. This was the turning point, the point where I knew that my game was getting stronger by the day.

Since then, I have been shot down by about 60 women, and have got about 15-20 numbers. Even though, as my progress has continued the rejections actually started happening fewer and farther between.

I still get snubbed out sometimes, meaning that I would have to work on the art of timing, but, I continue to read very powerful books (not like that crap as$ don't be shy books), like Feel the fear... and Do it anyway.

I've learned many things on my journey, but it seems that the greatest words of truth seem to be those of simplicity (ie. Be A MAN, 'Just show her that you are interested, and she will take care of the rest', etc). I have yet to progress to the next stage in my DJ evolution, but I do expect that day to come... it's just that as with any art. The basics are learnt with ease, but the farther the progress the slower the progress becomes... ( like in a martial art, the yellow belt is attained with ease in app. 2 months, but the transition from the brown to the black belt could take about a year of training).
To all you newbies.... I am not anybody special, and either are you. You can do this thing... just be dedicated to improvement, and you can't go wrong.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
Great post for inspiration. I'm at the stage of reevaluating my whole game, and finally realized what it takes. I've frequented this site before (about a year and a half ago), but didn't take it seriously. The sooner we learn that it's not an overnight process to becoming a DJ the better. Good luck!

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Fight club - Book or movie

Any books on Zen buddhism, I would recomend, not for the religious aspects, but more for the mental control that Zen promotes through meditation, et al.

While we are in the topic of eastern philosophies, tantra. Get a good book.... a good book will have excercises for you to do. DO THEM!!!

As has been suggested many times before How to win friends and Influence people.

I have only read the covers and very briefly skimmed through, but both of Robert Greene's books (48 laws of power, and the art of seduction)...

Any book titled Art of war, but preferably Sun-Tzu's...

The Dj Bible.

Anything else that you can think of.... read it. Read the Iliad, Dante's Inferno, nineteen eighty-four, animal farm, books on tantra, tao of Pooh.


Really though, I also worked out ALOT... but since I did that the whole time, I did not mention that I worked outa lot in that time... So, if you have a bit of a belly, ask yourself "How can I lose my belly, RIGHT NOW, and make it fun?" AND keep askling yourself that question untill you get an answer... and follow that answer. I don't knwo whatelse to say... Good Luck!