friendzoned = no way out ?


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
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backstory :
Chinese Girl moved in with me in the beginning of march , she has a white boyfriend she "loves" from september , but he left her behind to go travelling around the world for 6 months since end of january . theyr still together and shes afraid of losing him by telling him to come back, but shes lonely all the time. Hes like this 30 year old wanna save the world pot smoking new zealander diver.

She keeps telling me im a great guy and that i should find a great girlfriend and that shel find one for me etc etc. that im strong im nice im cool etc etc etc.

butt she also says she doesnt want to change boyfriend because she is 25 and getting close to married age that all ehr friends are gettign married.and im 22 years old.

i havent really told her i like her , but ive shown it by being physicial , liek giving her massages holding her hand arm aroudn the shoulder , tickeling her picking her up etc etc.

i told her her bestfriend was cute , so shes always like so im not cute at all ? you have to tell me im cute etc , and i tease her about shes old and her friend is prettier then her , but then i tell her no your cute aswell.

end of backstory.

yesterday we went out to have a drink with my friends , and on the way back we decided to chill on this bench on this bridge , my arms around her keeping her warm. we talked about her boyfriend she said shes mad that i always talk bad abotu her boyfriend, and i said do you think its alright for him to go around and have fun for 6 motnhs without you , while your sitting her feelign sad and lonely.thats why i dont like him i said. She then told me I dont like her boyfriend and he doesnt like me. but were both great guys and wel like each other if we meet,
i asked her how she was feeling , we were talking fine , and i told her you know i just want you to be happy. then she just started crying hard for 30 mins , talkign about being lonely , telling me bad stuff that had happened to her when she was in china that she has never told anyone else. how her old boyfriend cheated on her and how people where mean to her.
now i know i shouldnt be an emotinal tampon for her , but she is liek the nicest girl ive ever known in my life , and i cant bring myself to be mean to her you know. so i comfort her , tell her its gonna be alright. etc etc. That she is beutiful and i liked her smile because it makes her glow etc etc , "i know emotional tampon move 101"
we walk back to our appartment her holding my arm tight for the whole walk.
she makes us a 1am small dinner. and i go to sleep because i was tired as ****.

guess i am in the friendzone hard. Its just i cant bring myself to be like i dont want to hear about that. or act like i dont want to hang out with her , because we live together.

arrg what to do.... what to do....


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Have you given her a reason to be attracted to you?So far doesnt look too much that you have...

You gotta up the ante here and make some daring moves or you will never find out...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
If she's your roommate forget about it. Seriously. You are too close to achieve the climb out of the friendzone. The only way I have ever done it was to stop being their friend, go away for a while (6 months in my case) and when I came back I had a whole new attitude and I was very forward about my intentions.

I have a female roommate and she's a great person. I can talk to her about everything, she's cute. She's getting over a breakup. I would never even entertain hitting on her. She sees me as a friend, it would make our living situation akward and weird, and honestly I'd rather have half the rent and buy new clothes and have money in my pocket than ruin our friendship.

Go out and meet new women. Don't use her as a crutch to prevent you from going out and meeting new women. See if she has any good friends.

Seriously! Don't do it!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
It's technically not impossible, but in your case it is.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
i took her out on a 12 hour long date , we went to lunch, saw a movie , had icecream , talked about her lfie in china , when she mentioned her boyfriend i ignored or switched subjects. We got back home and we watched a few tv shows , i pulled her into the same loungechair i was sitting in , and held her close whiel watching tv for like an hour or two , gave her 3 -4 massages , one full body massage really good touching , went all the way from her neck to just above her ass , she kept saying she felt pain here or there after i finished massaging her so that i would massage her again , then she tells me its ok , then after 20 mins she does it again.

the next few days she felt really wierd around me , wanted to keep a distance between us , guess she was afraid of feeling something for me.because she wants to stay faithful to her boyfriend. but i broke that barrier again last night when i told her im just a guy that likes to be physical with my female friends. so i started tellign her to hold my arm with both her arms , she did and after a whiel i didnt have to tell her anymroe , she started holding my hand etc etc.

then we got to the bridge and she was in my arms , holding my left hand really tight while my right arm was around her pushing her against me. but then she started crying and telling me bad stuff , and put her head on the side of my head.

i told her i was jelous of her boyfriend. bad move maby , because she was sad i wanted to cheer her up , so i told her she had a beutiful smile and i was jelous of her boyfriend because she is such a great girl. and i whispered really slow " its gonna be alright , trust me"
then we went home shes holding my hand etc etc. today morning shes a little wierd again...

man i think im falling for this girl , i keep telling myself no your not , but then she does somethign and i feel some kind of knot in my stomache.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
FZ means you came across as non sexual and un masculine.

When guys move in seeking apprioval, buying gifts, and trying to be overly accomodating, and too complimentary and too much kissing up..
('youre so beatiful. OMG I would love to have a chance to take you out to a nice restaurant!!!" OMG please give me a chance and go out with me!!!") ..they will get FZed.

The most important thing right now is not about getting this one 'special girl'.

But to make an honest assessment of yourself.
And find out why you approach women like this.
Why do you get FZed?

Get inside your head.
And get brutally honest with yourself.

You are a man.
Be proud of being a man.
Be in alignment with your sexuality. and your sexual desires.

You have nothing to be ashamed about.

If you are a good, kind, decent, man, with plenty of emotional strength and are GOOD ENOUGH for any woman.

Cars, social status, a house on the beach, or whatever are meaningless.

The only things that matters are..

the level and depth of your maturity
of your masculinity
of your emotional strength and resources
abillity to listen
ability to communicate effectively with a woman, how you relate
in alignment with your sexuality and HERS as well
ability to assert your personal boundary
place value on being a good lover, and physcially affectionate with women, all the time
always Choose HIGH CHARACTER
have Ambition and GOALS

What do you really remember really about a relationship?

Not what kind of car you drive, UNLESS youre the type of person that places MORE value on the material things, than the emotions, intimacy, and experiences you share between you.

Material things are clues to a woman that you can provide, and are success oriented.
But they only truly MATTER to a gold digger, not a real woman..the kind you want to really be with.

These women will not settle for low character and low class behavior....

you better believe it.

Be un tune with your masculinity.
Its a gift. Not something to be ashamed of, or want to hide.

If more guys knew that women cannot understand the pervasiveness of the 'nice guy' and the timidity and feeligs of insecurity and inadequacy they see men exhibit..they would stop and think what they are doing to themselves and the women who are dying to meet and be with a man like you........
They will often comment on how they cant move forward with a guy, as much as they are attracted to them and like them, because the guy is just 'nice',not masculine enough and in touch with his sexuality.

Dont buy women gifts.

BE her 'gift'.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
When I seen the initial thread title, my first thought was "there is always a way out - but in your case its not worth it". However when I seen that its a roommate, then its even worse. There is a guy on here this past month, tryin to get it on with a roommate that he's already nailed a year ago and look at all the threads he started:

This is probably a very bad idea

Roommate Dilemna pt 2

Roommate Dillemna pt 3

How do I escalate (part 4)

Moral of his story, he still hasn't gotten anywhere with her.

On top of all those threads that never lead to anything are 4 more threads that I created about a roommate that didn't leave me satisfied

The dreaded roommate

Part Deux

Damm Roomate

Roommate / ASD

Now I know your new to the site but I'm the resident "I need a challenge and will bury myself alive to prove I can handle a shovel" guy. Now I can say I penetrated my roommate but I never really banged her.

I'm tellin you, you are completely wasting your time. 1984 is a perfect example of another member who is going through the exact same thing I did. My question to you is, do you really want to waste the next 3 months chasing a pipe dream that will never become reality.

ps I never read your thread but I can almost guarantee with more certainty than anything else in life, I know that your just like everyone else that joins this forum, except your even deeper than most guys that join this site.

Sorry to be a kill joy. If you want, be like 1984 and follow your dream, I know I did.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Don't even try it. She's your roommate for crying out loud!! This one can only end badly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Dezidarko said:
i took her out on a 12 hour long date , we went to lunch, saw a movie , had icecream , talked about her lfie in china
a 12 hour date? No. That's what's called 'hanging out with your roomate", its not a date!

Read the wisdom posted here. Don't do it. (but of course your gonna do it, so just amuse us by posting all the goings on, you'll laugh later when you look back on this thread)


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
When I seen the initial thread title, my first thought was "there is always a way out - but in your case its not worth it". However when I seen that its a roommate, then its even worse. There is a guy on here this past month, tryin to get it on with a roommate that he's already nailed a year ago and look at all the threads he started:

This is probably a very bad idea

Roommate Dilemna pt 2

Roommate Dillemna pt 3

How do I escalate (part 4)

Moral of his story, he still hasn't gotten anywhere with her.

On top of all those threads that never lead to anything are 4 more threads that I created about a roommate that didn't leave me satisfied

The dreaded roommate

Part Deux

Damm Roomate

Roommate / ASD

Now I know your new to the site but I'm the resident "I need a challenge and will bury myself alive to prove I can handle a shovel" guy. Now I can say I penetrated my roommate but I never really banged her.

I'm tellin you, you are completely wasting your time. 1984 is a perfect example of another member who is going through the exact same thing I did. My question to you is, do you really want to waste the next 3 months chasing a pipe dream that will never become reality.

ps I never read your thread but I can almost guarantee with more certainty than anything else in life, I know that your just like everyone else that joins this forum, except your even deeper than most guys that join this site.

Sorry to be a kill joy. If you want, be like 1984 and follow your dream, I know I did.
I don't know if it's fair to use my case as an example, since my roommate and myself do have a complicated history together.

All I can tell the OP is to not take things too seriously with this girl. If you think about it too much, you're only ****ing yourself.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
1984 said:
I don't know if it's fair to use my case as an example, since my roommate and myself do have a complicated history together.

All I can tell the OP is to not take things too seriously with this girl. If you think about it too much, you're only ****ing yourself.
Your case is the prime example. You've already banged her but the only reason why she agreed to move in with you is because you she put you in the FZ. You've made 4 threads about her and haven't gotten anywhere.

Then in the next paragraph, you basically back up what I'm saying.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
i took her out on a 12 hour long date , we went to lunch, saw a movie , had icecream , talked about her lfie in china ,
Do you see a problem with this?

Does this look like a date, or does this look like something FRIENDS do?

Listen, if you act like a friend, you BECOME a friend. This is where you went wrong. Always make it clear what you want.