Friendzone question


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2004
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One of the thigns we guys don't want happen with our attractive female friends is to get friendzoned. Someone posted on another thread that some signs include them telling you things like that's sweet and cute which means your in the friendzone. Every guy hates to be in the friendzone and can't get out of it most of the time.

My question now is do you mind being in the friendzone if you have absolutely no attraction to your female friend? Like they don't attractive much and you still talk to them and you have no thoughts about them at all. Is it fine to just to them about stuff b/c you don't even have any feeelings for them? I know its bad to have a girl friendzone you but what you are friendzoning them as well.

Is it normal that I don't mind getting friendzoned by someone I have absolutely no interest for? When i mean no interest, i mean not even a single percent of interest. Thanks.

Another poster said that this is a duel friendship and has nothing to do with friendzone b/c one has to have feelings for the other while another doesnt. The poster said this is good for me. Comments?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
More male friends, less female friends. AFCs have a million female friends. But AFCs are like girls. Women like to commiserate with women about stuff, men do the same, with men.

Only be sexual and flirtatious with females you know (in a classy way). Detach the emotional hose you have with them and start to develop your male friendships.

After this, you'll probably still have some female friends, but you'll "get it" and you won't want them around as much. The question will become irrelevant.

If you have an AFC girl who likes you and you're not into her, that will boost your ego. You'll enjoy all the attention, and it will make you feel like "the man", and you may even give her a few crumbs of hope just to keep her around and feed your ego. This is exactly what girls do to AFC guys and it's phony bull-****. It's difficult to not use people in this way, but there you have it.

There's a difference between being an AFC who spends (wastes) his free time with women he will never sleep with, and having a few aquaintances that are girls that you sort of keep in touch with.

Anyway that's my take on this. If you have to post a thread on this, you need more male friends. I went through the same thing, this is why I'm sort of rambling here. Less girls for you, more guy stuff.



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
warrior1 said:
Is it normal that I don't mind getting friendzoned by someone I have absolutely no interest for? When i mean no interest, i mean not even a single percent of interest.
It's "normal" if your self-esteem isn't based on if a girl is attracted to you or not.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 14, 2004
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reset said:
More male friends, less female friends. AFCs have a million female friends. But AFCs are like girls. Women like to commiserate with women about stuff, men do the same, with men.

Only be sexual and flirtatious with females you know (in a classy way). Detach the emotional hose you have with them and start to develop your male friendships.

After this, you'll probably still have some female friends, but you'll "get it" and you won't want them around as much. The question will become irrelevant.

If you have an AFC girl who likes you and you're not into her, that will boost your ego. You'll enjoy all the attention, and it will make you feel like "the man", and you may even give her a few crumbs of hope just to keep her around and feed your ego. This is exactly what girls do to AFC guys and it's phony bull-****. It's difficult to not use people in this way, but there you have it.

There's a difference between being an AFC who spends (wastes) his free time with women he will never sleep with, and having a few aquaintances that are girls that you sort of keep in touch with.

Anyway that's my take on this. If you have to post a thread on this, you need more male friends. I went through the same thing, this is why I'm sort of rambling here. Less girls for you, more guy stuff.

I have way much more male friends than female friends. It's not even close. What does that mean then ?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
That's good. The main thing is to talk about the "big stuff" (like the things that matter in your life) with guys, and just tease and have fun with the girls.
If you're already doing that, you're in good shape.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
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reset said:
If you have an AFC girl who likes you and you're not into her, that will boost your ego. You'll enjoy all the attention, and it will make you feel like "the man", and you may even give her a few crumbs of hope just to keep her around and feed your ego. This is exactly what girls do to AFC guys and it's phony bull-****. It's difficult to not use people in this way, but there you have it.

I don't understand how it can boost your ego if a girl you don't like likes you. It does nothing for me. If a hot girl likes me, THEN that does something for me. I don't understand how a guy/or girl can get anything out of a person they don't like chasing them. I think these are the people who really have issues.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
It depends on the context, like if there are other girls that are involved and can see it/social proof. You can use one girl to make another girl jealous, and talk to her instead of the girl you're really interested in. Basically, games. Phony BS, like I said.

Everyone likes to know someone else likes them, doesn't matter who you are. As an aside, you mention if a hot girl likes you, then that would make you happy. What the girl looks like should be irrelevant, you should just assume all girls, hot and not so hot, would be into you because you're the prize.

As far as chicks getting something from guys chasing them around (guys they don't like), just look at every thread here about friendzone, and how they keep guys on the leash just for the attention/gifts/validation/emotional tampon/whatever.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
Warrior, sounds like you're still going through transformation to DJ. (we all do and it never ends)

Basically, the idea is you. Hoes are just that, women that not worth your time. Some people, women and men, deserve to be your friend. Some can be your aquitances. Some are more than friends.

When you question, what if she's a friend. That means you value her too much, you need her. It's ok to need people, but not in away that gets you insecure.

When you need people, you push on them, and when you push on them, they push back. Pushing leads to opposite of attraction.

This all is a state of mind, some things you learn as you experience. So it will come naturally sooner or later.


New Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Cambridge, MA
Female friends are awesome and make the best wing"women" bar none--they will actually go right into the endzone with you--which is sort of a mixed blessing. Where it gets tricky is when you know your not into her and she's witnesses all your stunning DJ moves in action on your other 'deer in the headlights' victims, and your both drinking and the next thing you know,your waking up in your Aunt's basement, staring across the futon at your stark naked cheerleading cousin wishing you never bought that last round of Wu-Wus...