Friends getting in the way


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Hya guys,
Got a situation. Its my GF of 2 months birthday this weekend, and she had organised a trip to a theme park today with a group of her friends. This was a few months before we met. Only thing is, due to just one car available there would not have been room for all 6 of us. So I told my GF and her friends to go, so she would not miss out. of the 'friends' going is a guy my GF has past 'relations' with and Im not entirely comfortable about this. Initially she lied directly about it, then when I found out (through Facebook) she said she lied because she was scared I would leave her, and accused me of being paranoid and insecure.

I told her that the lies were infinately more damaging to us, and that if we have no trust we have nothing. Also after I came home this morning, I get a text from her saying that this other fella cannot go anyways. She may well be telling the truth, but inside I am 70-80% sure she may well be lieing to make me feel better. Whats more our other two 'friends' advised her to lie about this.

I feel pretty p****d for numerous reasons;

1) I feel our relationship is pretty much false because there is no longer any trust. She has no qualms about lieing to my face. I cannot trust her.

2) If she lies to me about this, what else does she lie about?

3) She says she has nothing else to lie about. Dammned if I know

4) I missed out on going to a theme park out of chivalry, and I am instead sat at home on ebay

5) She could be swallowing this guys ***** as I write this wessage. who the hell knows

6) If I have 'let her off' for lieing previously, will she do it again?

Any ideas guys? Any critisism?

Jason, who is bored at home in England. On ebay


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
If the guy cannot go, then u should go.

F the girl one last time, and then dump it.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2012
Reaction score
donking said:
If the guy cannot go, then u should go.

F the girl one last time, and then dump it.
this but tell her you looking for something more serious and for religious reason you want to marry a virgin

bonus points if this technique is used on a girl you took

if shes like "but your not a virgin" claim that guys are suppose to practice with the girls dumb enough to put out before being ringed. She will either think your an ******* or cry uncontrollably feeling the painful feeling of being utterly worthless(this is desired result)

and unless buddy has found a new slampiece, especially if she was the one who broke up with him. He will be gaming her and I seriously hope he didn't find the DJ bible in his quest to find answers on getting her back