friend or more?


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
i met a girl at the start of the school year and we sat on the bus together all the time and then last week we played some pool in school and i want to ask her out but i know she has a lot of guy friends and her best friend is a guy and she is always with that after school the 3 of us were outside and i asked again to play some pool and to have a drink while in school tomorrow she said yes and then my plan was to ask her out but her friend invited himself along. so if a girl has a lot of guy friends how do i know if she likes me more than a friend..cause if i ask her and she says no i see her like everyday and it will be awkward too see her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Grow some balls.

The only true way to find out, is to try.

The way I see it, you have two options.

1) You DON'T ask her. You get to be a "girlfriend" listening to how some guy shagged her, dumped her, blah blah blah, whilst you're "just not her type". You regret not asking her out for years after.

2) You DO ask her. She says yes, you make a move, and bingo! You're ruffling the sheets with her.

2a) You do ask her. Things get awkward, she's "LJBF's" you. Oops. At least now you know, and move on. You can slink away like a mouse, and hope you never see her again. OR, you can brush it off as "one of those things", talk to her as normal, and have her wonder why it doesn't bother you, as you move onto to the next one worthy of your time.

Your call.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
It is true what WesCottII says..

Though, in my opinion you are a friend to her and once you escalate that to more she will get that ewwwwwww feeling inside of her. As if, that guy is my friend, and he is trying to hump me now, ewwwwwwwww.

I recommend you to use her to:

A) Understand that not all girls that hang out with you must be interested in you sexually
B) Keep her and all her buddies as your social unmbrella as you learn this science
C) She's your friend! You have a friend that is girl, and hopefully hot, she'll bring you some more women and they'll think you're cool and all.

In fact, I recommend you that you stop being freaky d1cky with all your current relationships and interactions. Keep them at status quo, don't escalate or change state to anything else. Guy such as yourself with little experience will most likely scare people away. Click that link in my signature, start from scratch. Learn, go out, sarge. Easy.