Friend invite me out so I can hook up with her friend, should I go?


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Ok so this is a little more complicated than the title suggests. Last wknd one of my girl friends invited me out to party. Went with her, met her 18 y/o model friend. Hit it off with the friend the first night. Went out again with them the next night, this time I physically dominated the model girl, which she submitted to. My friend wasn't cool with me taking her friend home so it didn't happen.

Tried to get the model girl to meet up during the week and she just blew me off. Am talking with my friend last night and she's trying to get me to hang out with her friend. I explained how she blew me off a couple of days ago. She ends up calling her to try and get her to hang with me last night (like that's gonna work).

My friend calls me back later saying she tried to suggest that her friend come chill with me but she was just going home early. And then my friend invites me out for Sat night (tonight) because model girl is sleeping over at her place. I said I may come.

What it comes down to is I don't know if I should go. This girl obviously isn't interested when she blew me off like that. But my friend is really pushing for us to date or something (the model girl is apparently dating some insecure guy her age and my friend want her to get rid of him. I actually met the guy last wknd and an hour later her tongue was in my mouth, lol).


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
What if the blowing you off was some kind of game/test whatever,and the two girls are playing in the same team?
Your friend trying to push you to the other one and the other one even if interested play games to raise your interest and her value.

Even the created other guy could be just a tool.

It sounds as a conspiracy and probably is,however even the most stupid girl in this world has some ability in creating plots.


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
How likely can u get laid tonite? If the probability is less than 50% then cancel tonight and go somewhere .


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
Theres only one question that applies here, forget the politics.

Do YOU want to go?

If yes, be fun, push out positive energy, stand out, socialise with everyone you see and make everyone feel important. This will gain you rapport with the woman you want.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Strelok - I don't think they are scheming together. I'm pretty sure the model girl genuinely blew me off. At the same time though I don't think she can turn me down in person when I'm dominate.

Cherokee - yes I want to go. I like this model girl and wouldn't mind another crack at her.