Frequently on AIM

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Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Like the title says, I seem to be on instant messanger a lot. The reason for this is I talk to my friends who I dont go to school with. Naturally the conflict arises when I notice that a girl I could possibly game is online. Taking the general attitudes I see on this board, I know I am better off waiting till I can meet her in person, or calling her on the phone.

I ofen find that online conversations can either go very good or excessively boring. Is it better to completely ignore the fact that shes online or risk her losing interest or throwing you in the friend zone after some conversing?
The same also goes for when a girl IM's me

It almost seems like once a girl has my SN im stuck in this no win situation where im forced into trying to work some game when im really just in a mood to chill and talk with my bros

does anyone have any suggestions?

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
With my parents
Lol, I kind of have this dilemma too sometimes. I guess you could make yourself invisible to her...Or you could talk to her and when you get tired of the conversation just say you have to leave, and go "away" but continue to talk to your friends.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
The way I see it is this. If she's on, and she initiates a conversation then talk. Try to get in a DHV story, but make sure you got more stuff for when you meet. Once the conversation level reaches it's peak suddenly make yourself invisible to her/go away with no reasons as to why as Shocker rightly said. That way you leave yourself on her mind as she'll be wondering why you had to go, and why you didn't say bye.