

Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2007
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What is the point of this society?

What do they actually do/did?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Gaucho said:
What is the point of this society?

What do they actually do/did?

Freemason is just a cover for the banking elite, who really pull the strings.
Rockefeller, e.t.c!

Money is your master, social structure is being conditioned to tie you into the materialistic lifestyle of consumerism.

This is reality.

LMS has valid points, there are pro's and cons to the debate, equal and negative, but one only has to view current legislation and the 'big brother' mentality bred from 'war on terror' to see the 'true agenda'.

Western sphere has been conditioned to follow consumerism ideals and this is how structure is defined.

one only has to see the core concept of the average western chump to see there indoctrinate idea of pulling the opposite sex is derived from more and more consumerism and earning money, granted it will work, but this is a false reality constructed to keep you in the system, keeping the people at the top in there fast car's, yaught's e,t,c, dog eat dog and there is alpha dogs pulling the strings.

Has for the references to mason being devil incarnate or worshiping the devil, this is usually white washed bull cra*, it’s all about control and the point of it is always and will be for ever, money!

Control the masses, control the money, control the thinking.

There are plenty of works available for the discerning eye to come to your own conclusion.


Media manipulation
State control.
Test experiments with LSD
How to control people

if you search hard enough you will see governments actively partake in research on how to get you to do what they want.

Your or 'you' has a general rule are simply existing has sheep being penned in around to some design to keep you conformist, materialistic, indoctrinate and feeding the consumer culture.

It is not hard to see, your value and worth in the western sphere is not about your intellect in terms of spiritual worth, it is firmly and rooted to how much you can earn, sub class structure, separating man from each other due to 'money'!

This i view and this i see constantly, a fabrication of consumerism with more and more ways to keep you jacked in.

yes there is an agenda and your part of it.

Say hello to your ID cards, ID chips, e.t.c, car tracking software, your moves will be monitored and some people think thats a good thing, because some man in a cave managed to down the towers, which has more holes in it then a fishing net.

Anyway this is political which was the point of 'what are the mason's'.

There nothing but a smoke-screen as are the illuminati, e.t.c

Its all bolloc~* its just an other example of a fascist state being pulled over the eyes of the ignorant.

This is the layman’s term of free masonry.

The other truth, is there are just simply one big boys club, with a view of spiritualism, egotism, or exploring some inner meaning of life.

Some of these factions are nothing more then men getting to gather to meditate on the true reality of the universe, others are simply a boys club where they get to help each other on the social ladder.

the mass marketed led, ideal is there some evil cult out to take over the world, what a load of tos*.

The opposite is most probably true.

If any say's aliens i will laugh, why would a superior intellect waste there time on us? Silly notion, if there are advanced life forms in the universe they would not waste there time on our specie's where nothing but animals drunk in our own superiority and ego.

Politics is now a nice variation of current core ideals goals, with seperation of 'arguments' to confuse the masses, secret tapes out i have seen, readily search-able can show you instances of media manipulation, setting candidiates against candidates with the winner already planned out, even by some odd change they dont win, the system is set up so the other is part of the 'agenda' you being controlled and you dont even know it, lol.

One i saw the candidates not part of the agenda, dont get the air time has to others, the finacial backing the 'money' to get into office, has for UK that is no better, the same controlled the masses through media exposure and painting them in a good light, control the media control the people, this is known and is prominent in our basic sociaty.

More and more are waking up to this fact, more and more existing and thinking why?

whats the point, get up, go to work get a mortgage, tie into the state, go out buy some things feel happy i bought something, then BAM something happens and they start to 'think' instead of being 'controlled'.
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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As a practicing Freemanson, I can attest that you guys have no clue of what you're talking about.

It's a social fraternity, period.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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They're religious too. Belief in God is required, not optional.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Suicide said:
As a practicing Freemanson, I can attest that you guys have no clue of what you're talking about.

It's a social fraternity, period.
Yours maybe, there are many!

no there not the evi* empire soul destroying aliens people make out, but that is not to deny there is nothing going on.

Its not the masons.


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2007
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Excellent info, thanks guys.

This is a question I sometimes wondered, as I used to see Documentaries on the Freemasons from time to time, but even the documentaries did not clearly explain what they did.

Always seemed to me more of a boys club. Somewhere people go to feel important and they belong. Would also be good to establish social networks.

So Freemason societies are not interlinked? Each is its own seperate entity?

I read that within the society, there is an inner circle (where all the big decisions are made) and an outer circle (those in this circle beleive there is no inner circle as they never hear about it). That made me think, what "big decisions" do they make? If Freemason "clubs" are one big society, I can see how an "inner circle" could dictate financial markets etc.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
freemasons are talked about in nearly every episode of cities of the underground.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Gaucho said:
Excellent info, thanks guys.

This is a question I sometimes wondered, as I used to see Documentaries on the Freemasons from time to time, but even the documentaries did not clearly explain what they did.

Always seemed to me more of a boys club. Somewhere people go to feel important and they belong. Would also be good to establish social networks.

So Freemason societies are not interlinked? Each is its own seperate entity?

I read that within the society, there is an inner circle (where all the big decisions are made) and an outer circle (those in this circle beleive there is no inner circle as they never hear about it). That made me think, what "big decisions" do they make? If Freemason "clubs" are one big society, I can see how an "inner circle" could dictate financial markets etc.
There are many different forms, not masons people think they are, order templi type instances.

some are interlinked, some wont have anything to do with others, all are part of a set of values.

Mason’s are not hard to research the true masons where a bunch of elite people helping each other in a social construct, a boys club where only the influential could partake.

People assume one is the same this is false.

There are many.

There are cults that people thing are masons that follow Alister Crowley, teaching’s which I have spend some time looking up, has I believe the guy was not evil but was simply trying find the spiritual truth, the media back then in the grips of the catholic faith where easy to brand him, yeh he did some very sic* ****, but no worst then the catholic faith had done.

There are cults who look for the tree of life and get people to join for that.

There are cults trying to explore the many religions and trying to piece them together, the path of ala, jesus, buddah, e.t.c where did they have 'power' to change the world, type stuff where there trying to figure out that truth.

There are cults that are responsible for the many weird things you see in the world, 'or some 'want' you to think':

The shape of the pentagon.
The point of the arc d triumph (spelling) in paris.
The Egyptian markings, obelisks and points of so called psychic power
The postion of the white house.
The JFK road and the assination.
e.t.c e.t.c
The markings on the one doller bill, the marking on all bills when turned and shaped point to the towers falling, supposedly leading to a new spiritual awakening.
The age of the fish.
The death of old religions and the birth of a new one.

All very fascinating.

Enjoy your search.

some are supposed to hold the true secerts to the universe with an egyption tier effect, where by the initiate has to prove themself worthy, this usally means doing things for the cult and re-thinking there beliefs, Alister Crowley joined one, inevitably he left shortly after has he felt no one was taking is seriously enough, read in that what you want.

Look up other cult type ideals, the satanic bible, on sale, talks about magic and the power of 'thought' much like the new age stuff coming out today, do i think its evil? no evil then what we currently have if you research your history, the satanic bible is not about the devil (he does not exist) its about rejecting catholic faith for the procession of 'basic human drives and desires'.

Me i dont care either way.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
they say the masons were in charge of hiding the holy grail.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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penkitten said:
they say the masons were in charge of hiding the holy grail.
They also Jack the Ripper was a mason, helping to keep the princes reputation, who went a little bit too killer happy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
its neat that when something was built before its time, they say the masons built it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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penkitten said:
its neat that when something was built before its time, they say the masons built it.

then that means god was a mason!

Riddle has been solved.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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Read "Holy Blood, Holy Grail".

Even though some of the stuff in there has been proved otherwise, it is still a good read - it makes you think.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Suicide said:
As a practicing Freemanson, I can attest that you guys have no clue of what you're talking about.

It's a social fraternity, period.
Yeah as a practicing Freemanson I'm sure you're the representative of those above the 30 degree level.

You're an idiot and have nothing to do with Freemasonry. Possibly the Shriners or Knights of Columbus on bingo night but nothing more.

I can ask one question via PM to test whether or not you know of the craft.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
fuzzx said:
You guys are talking about the Bilderburg group, masons are something different altogether.

Freemasons are just a bunch of business people.. thats it... once in awhile they have singles dances and get togethers... they take care of their own.
If one would like access to freemasonary, they would just have to ask a freemason to join. Its not hard to get in. Freemasons help each other the world over as long as you can recognize the signs.
The Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commision, Council on foreign relations, Illuminati, Freemasons, Knights Templar, and other such fronts are merely smokescreens for the true hidden agenda. Aliens are real and have been coming here for a long, long time.

Imagine how society would crumble if the governments of the world admitted we are not alone. Religion as a whole would fall. Marshall law would rule , then lead to complete totalitarianism and anarchy.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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There was recently a great documentary on the History Channel. The negative press on the organization is largely unsubstantiated, including the myth about Jack the Ripper, and the Freemasons are no longer a "secret society", they have opened their membership to everyone and they now even include women. Of course, the previous sentence will not satisfy conspiracy theorists but they aren't to be taken seriously. Heck, I'd join the club if I ever get a chance.

[EDIT: Oh wait, I wouldn't, I'm an atheist.]
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Mar 18, 2006
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Some legitimate groups are infiltrated and "taken over" at the highest level for other than the original group's stated purpose/mission. Freemasons are a "secret" "initiated" society - thus, it is an excellent avenue for member recruitment and initiation for other purposes under the guise of a different objective!

I don't think freemasons/organizations rule the world - a relatively small group of "people" rule the world!! And they need others to do some of their work, thus they use existing groups or create new ones! The CFR, The Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve, Foundations, Think Tanks, World Bank, IMF, Congress, President, all Mass Media, etc...are all avenues of control at the political, economic, social/cultural arenas!! Who controls all these?? Some call them the Illuminati or the Bilderbergs
- they are not groups or organizations - they are people!!! European, AKA - white people to be more exact - some "call" themselves "jews", or "christians". or "pagan/satanists"!

The objective is to "control" the minds of the masses - "The Matrix", through lies and deception. The goal? World Domination!! Yes, the movie "The Matrix" was a message to us, in code (no pun intended)!!
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