Freedom At Last


da beast

Here is a little story I have to get off my chest. Growing up as a teenager I was always shy and always acted like a nice guy. Now that I am in college, I decided to change my ways. My first big obstacle I had to overcome was this crush I had with this girl at work. At first she gave me signs that she was interested in me, but me, being my normal shy self would never try to flirt with her. As time went by I could tell she was started to lose interest, but I was to damn scared to make a move. Until finally after a couple weeks I walked up to her while she was at work sitting down with a friend. She just ignored my ass like hell. I just stood there and she didn't even respond to me. So I continued standing there saying not a single word just saying to myself this is what it finally feels like to be rejected for the first time. I stood there for about what I can say the longest two minutes. After that I just turned my back and walked away feeling a sense of freedom. I can npt say that I am no longer infactuated with this girl. This incident taught me a valuable lesson, who cares if you get rejected. Everytime you get rejected you only become more confident with other women in the future. I am glad I had a chance feel this humiliating rejection. I finally feel free at last. I no longer have to see her anymore since she will be leaving her job to go to school. FREE At Last!!! I finally was able to get past a big obstacle. And I feel ****ing great.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
LOL! Great way to face your fears! Excellent!

Onward, fellow DJ!


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Think about it though... getting turned down doesn't make you more confident... If every girl out there turned you down... where would the confidence come from other then females never being better then men?

Silquee Smoove

Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Jax Bch, FL - 3rd Street Crew
Originally posted by sunnyside
where would the confidence come from other then females never being better then men?
I figure men are naturally better than females anyway, so I'm confident and I don't really care what they think no matter what.
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