FR: Xmas party pickup - family was there too!


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Ok playas, your constructive input is welcome. Lets work as a team and get this girl into bed.

I picked her up at a party on christmas night. There she was with a friend, dancing away on the empty dancefloor like only a HB9 can. She was definitely getting the attention she wanted - EVERY guy in the place was staring at her winding and grinding... Phew, takes me back....

A little later, as I'm walking around looking for something to do she's there in the corridor chatting with 2 guys + 2 gals. I walked right up, and gave her a direct compliment. She liked this, and engaged me right away. Although I could have, I didn't address anyone else in the group. I prefer being direct sometimes. We got into attraction str8 away, building rapport a minute or two into this. Cant remember what we talked about although I remember running an esp routine on her. Some of my family were present and I used them to casualise the situation. I did this very early on, setting much more casual scene for the conversation. Its as if I couldnt have been trying to pick her up, espesh since she had met my family, and we were just having a chat. I dont recommend having your family out with you to wing at all times - this will work just as well with someone you introduce who you can introduce as more than just 'My friend Dave'. E.g. this is my gym instructor/local butcher/Arch Nemesis.

All was going well till a friend of hers came by and dragged her away. She asked that I wait - that she'd be back in a minute. I didn't wait - when a girl says that to me, regardless of whether they're telling the truth or not it doesnt matter. I dont wait. I walked off and rejoined some friends - I had put her on the shelf for now.

A couple of minutes passed.... then she came looking for me. She sat down next to me, and carried on where we left off. Nice. She then suggested we go somewhere quieter. Very nice.

We carried on chatting for a bit, then I number closed her. I told her I had to go find my family and friends (which I really did), and that I'd call her. You remember that scene near the start of Intolerable Cruelty, where Jude Law has the chick give him her number, and say "Call me!". Thats the response I got, even though the number close had already been dealt with. So far so good, but its not all over yet. Later, as we were all gettting ready to leave, she found me and asked for my number - sounds like she wanted to make sure she got a call - so I give it to her.

Wait, theres more yet...

Later that night, I get a text message thanking me for such a great night. Its her. I didn't reply, and got a second one an hour later asking for my email so she could send me pics of the night in action... I ignore this too, and reply in the morning.

Remember this was on christmas day. Since then I haven't had the chance to meet this girl yet - schedules keep clashing, but I will be doing so this wednesday. Between the pickup and now though, I've managed to get her so relaxed with me that I've been getting her sending me messages and photos via email quite frequently (x-rated ones included!).... Bear in mind I've not even kiss closed her yet!

Here's what I would like to know from you guys - from here, where to take it? AFter I've f-closed her, how do I create a situation that may convert to a MLTR? I want the mindset and atmosphere to be right for that - sometimes theres discomfort or awkwardness in the air and I want to avoid this. I will keep you posted.

Peach out.

Note: This is a double post I know - I need a response though ;) ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
how about u make sure she doesn't flake on you first. You never know if she'll get second thoughts about seeing u on a date. After you have your first meet, then we'll talk.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Later that night, I get a text message thanking me for such a great night. Its her. I didn't reply, and got a second one an hour later asking for my email so she could send me pics of the night in action... I ignore this too, and reply in the morning.

Unless she's an AW, you probably have this in the bag but you need to kiss close asap...and make sure you don't get too attached before you know how she feels. Spending too long thinking about what the relationship could be/how you want it to be a LTR, won't help you at this stage - just take each day as it comes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Originally posted by The Juan and only

Unless she's an AW,
I'll have to interrupt you there man.

Originally posted by Advantage

dancing away on the empty dancefloor like only a HB9 can. She was definitely getting the attention she wanted - EVERY guy in the place was staring at her winding and grinding...